Saturday 22 September 2012

Today is the Autumn Equinox

The Autumn Equinox marks the first day of autumn, of course, which has always been my favourite season. When I was a kid, autumn meant the beginning of a new school year -- and I loved school and then later, university. Today I love the changing leaves, the cooler weather, the lengthening nights and the upcoming special October holidays of Canadian Thanksgiving and Samhain/Halloween.

May all the blessings of this beautiful autumnal season be yours in abundance!

[Arrr, and forget ye not to enter my Piratical Swag Giveaway if ye have not done so already -- click here, me hearties!]


  1. I love Autumn as well. For me it's a time for comfort food. Big pots of soups and stews, roast fowl, potato's and gravy, fresh baked bread.

    Speaking of pirates-I have a female Pirate Cat that is in my story and I was wondering if you'd like to be that character. It's a Dark Sword miniature and this is what she looks like

    Half the story is in Ireland and the other half in Canada. The Pirate Cat character is a Canadian. Let me know if you're interested!

  2. Happy First Day of Autumn to my dear Canadian piratical friend. And Mabon blessings also to you and those you love.
    Love the flying squirrel graphic.

  3. blessed mabon! finally it is hear and we are no longer in the 90's!!! i feel like i am coming back to life. i loved having thanksgiving in october. it makes so much more sense!

  4. Happy equal day! Don't forget to set back your clocks.

  5. Where oh where did summer go????? I love fall too, the colors and the smells and I love good fall cooking, but once the leaves are all fallen, and the grass goes brown, I want spring again!

  6. Hands down this is my most favorite time of year! Blessings to you and yours!

  7. @Anne
    oooh, Debs would do a great Pirate Cat :)

    I love me Autumn as well, love the Autumn outfits, love the colours, the smells and odours, love the foggy mornings and first frost and the smell of roasted chestnuts in the streets .....

  8. Happy autumn, Debra! This is one of the most beautiful seasons of the year. I've already got my pumpkin pie ingredients lined up. Mmmm...mmmm...

    I loved school, too, when I was young!

  9. Yay ..beautiful post..Love that image..stunning! Hugs and Happy Autumn Equinox Deb! Wishing you much magic and beauty of this season! My fave time of year too!
    Happy wkd kindred!

  10. I love autumn too. I'm a baker, so my house always smells good in autumn--unlike the rest of the year when it just smells like dog and litter box!
    Happy belated blogoversary. Despite having both kids in school, I'm still having trouble keeping up!
    Have a great weekend!

  11. Autumn Blessings to you and yours! :0) Love that squirrel!

    p.s. don't forget to check out my giveaway winners!

  12. Happy Autumn to you too!
    It means a lot when the weather gets cooler in Georgia!

  13. Hello Anne -- Arrr, 'tis honoured I would be to portray a swashbucklin' Canadian piratical pussy!

  14. Blessings to you. You've been a special friend for awhile now, and I do appreciate you. Heading out to the fruit stand to see what goodies are available.

  15. Debra, help me out here....'lengthening days'? I know Alberta is god's country, but what the heck!

  16. Jim, you read this post more closely than I did, LOL! Of course you're right so I've made a correction. Not even in Alberta do the long days of summer last forever!

  17. It'll be another month before autumn officially begins in my neck of the woods. But it feels like it's here already, probably since July!

  18. To all of you, wishing you a Mabon full of warmth, comfort and freedom for kitties who are imprisoned!

  19. Autumn is beautiful! I love the image of the squirrel! Oh for cute!

  20. Autumn is my favorite, too. Mabon Blessings.

  21. Yay! I love, lurve, heart Fall!!!

  22. a blessed mabon to you and yours, m'dear :)

    agree with your observations...

    without the equinox, one cannot have rocktoberfest [germany, yesterday, already kicked off their 179th big partay! a tad early, no? never mind, the beer's flowing... enjoy!]

    rocktoberfest also includes da wuffster's birthday... the MOST special time of year :P lol

  23. Boo Hiss, I don't like to see the Summer leaving =(

    But, I enjoy the holiday season, including Halloween! I love your picture on the side of the bee with witch hat - adorable!

    You will make a perfect pirate kitty =)

  24. And Autumn blessings to you too, Debra!

  25. I'm a fan of the leaves too, in all their stages.

  26. I love the fall too... colourful leaves, cool breezes, great clothes and boots... and then the damn winter ruins it all!

    Happy Equinox!

  27. I'm all too glad to bid the hot summer months goodbye for now- Welcome Autumn, Welcome!

    Happy Equinox :)

  28. Happy, happy Fall! May you, your Rare One and HRH be all snuggled in warmth and love this season.

    Bring on October! I do love that we get Thanksgiving out of the way early.

  29. Happy (belated) Autumnal Equinox greetings! So happy that summer is winding down (although still very warm here most of the day) - and jealous this time of year of all those who get brilliant Autumn colors. Someday we need to make an Autumn weekend trip up north.

  30. I love autumn as well. Even though the leaves are yellowing, to me it marks a new beginning.

  31. Blessed Mabon & Autumn Blessings!

  32. Love the cartoon! Fall is my favorite season.

  33. spring and autumn are my favorites in Texas..and except for the colors there is no difference..

  34. Oh and it has been such a wonderful day too! Perfect weather. I spent most of the day walking around town.

    Happy Equinox!

  35. Oh yes, Autumn in the desert...we can now venture outside before the sun rises! **kisskiss** Deb

  36. I used to love the same thing about autumn, bringing my new things to school, seeing my old friends and meeting a few new ones--lovely. Now, I bright leaves, skirts and knee-high boots ;-)

    I hope you a glorious Autumn Equinox, Debra!

  37. Yay fall! Its my favorite time of year!

  38. Love the flying squirrel! Canadian Thanksgiving is early this year! Autumn Equinox Blessings to you my friend ;o)

  39. I love Autumn for all the same reasons. Except for the Canadian Thanksgiving because unfortunately I do not live in Canada.


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