Friday 12 April 2013

Edmonton Tarot: The Moon (XVIII)

Interpretation: A person who draws the Moon card is operating under some kind of illusion. Some important fact is unknown to that person -- such as a hidden agenda, buried emotions, undiagnosed health problem, secrets, lies or deceptions. This card is a warning to delay decisions or actions until the true situation is known. The person must figure out what is real and what is not.

Image: This beautiful Chinese moon gate and bridge is found at West Edmonton Mall right in front of T&T Supermarket, the big oriental grocery chain. I like to wander around the store and look at the unique grocery items. It's always busy in there!

[Photo by My Rare One]


  1. I would be a little nervous if I pulled the moon card!
    I love the sound of this Mall, I have never been, someday soon I hope!I have a great fascination with all things Japanese, I admire so much about Japan,

  2. I don't know much about Tarot but I just look at the pictures and see what kind of reaction it gives me during a reading. The moon has given me a "something lurking in the shadow" reaction and also "feminine energies are being repressed" reaction. It depends on what cards are around it.

  3. Not at all what I thought that card would represent.

  4. sounds like those people who pick this card should hire my spying services!

  5. Nice. I enjoy strolling the aisles of grocery stores of other cultures. I have found some interesting things.

  6. It's been a while since I've had my 'cards' read and your series Debra is getting me curious again....I am sure I would have drawn this card in my earlier years.
    Sounds like an interesting store (T&T) with all sorts of goodies.

  7. A rather creepy card to get! But not as scary as the Tower. We only have one Asian supermarket in Hamilton that I know of, and it is small. Some cool stuff in there, like duck eggs and scary fish! No moon.

  8. Love going to any grocery store...hahaha! cheap entertainment! Have really enjoyed your visuals with these posts.

  9. I always operate under illusions and buried emotions. Sound like my card. Being delusional isn't always a bad it???

  10. Lovely moon gate...and in a grocery store. who would have thought?!
    My full moon gate goes into my backyard... have showed it on my blog in the past. But the moon shaped hole is only in the top half of the gate and about 2 ft. in diameter, with bells hanging in the opening.

  11. I love this one. You've got quite an eye, my friend.

  12. I love your Tarot posts. A very good teaching tool for newbees who want to learn.
    I wish we had an T&T Supermarket here. I'd be there almost every day looking for something new to make. Too bad there aren't enough people who love stuff like that to keep one here. I have to go all the way up to Austin to get the makings for my oriental dishes.

  13. Beautiful image..lovely!! and yay..the moon card..I love that one... my "spiritual goggles" think of it more in a positive light..goddess-feminine-power..and mostly as a powerful card of intuitive trust your visions and connecting with our moon-goddess-intuitive-nature and natural cycles.

    That is what is so fun and incredibly cool about tarot..there are countless interpretations and ways to see them!
    Always love your tarot posts!
    happy wkd

  14. It would be nice if people who had hidden agendas would just carry those cards and be forced to display them ;)

  15. One of my favourite places too:)

  16. That's quite an intimidating card! I don't think I'd be happy about getting that one. The T&T Supermarket sounds great. I love to stroll through markets with unique groceries. When I was living in Montreal, there was a huge Asian market near my home that I'd visit now and again looking for something new to try. I really enjoyed doing that!

  17. This card for me today can be very positive, if I go with the frame of mind that I am screwed :P hehehehehehe

  18. That's something! I didn't really know the interpretation of this card. Love the photo!

  19. I've had my cards read before..lots of times..but never felt like they knew what they were talking gave a reading that would have worked perfect for me 40 years ago..

  20. To me this card sounds like "proceed with caution", which is what I usually do anyway!

  21. I didn't know what the moon card meant! Very interesting!

  22. I've been reading Tarot again so it's nice to see this post!

  23. Love this pic! I've been to the mall twice, but only for an afternoon, so I've never seen the entirety of it. I would have like to have seen this place!

  24. Interesting image. And I am sorry that when I was in Edmonton the Mall did not exist. Next time I'm there I'll check it out!

  25. ...and a nice pic of the omega sign ;)

  26. Our kids used to tell us it was against the law to go to Edmonton and not go the mall. We, of course, obliged them.

  27. Love this series on the tarot and the local photos. And T&T is pretty great too!

  28. Cool moon card! You have a discerning eye!


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