Wednesday 22 January 2014

Me Me Me Meme!

This meme struck me as fun so I stole it from Riot Kitty who stole it from Joey. If you'd like to answer the meme questions too, feel free to steal it from me!

1. If there is one candy left in the box, do you have to eat it or can you leave it sitting there all alone for the next few weeks?

I would not only eat the candy immediately, I would eat the box as well.

2. What do you want to remember most of all, if you survive to be very old?

Not to go out in public without any clothes on.

3. Would you enjoy being a very rich and famous celebrity?

Do you mean this blog hasn't made me one already? WTF!

4. What piece of music do you personally find most emotionally moving?

"Always Look on the Bright Side of Life" from Monty Python's Life of Brian.

5. How do you deal with anxiety, depression and bad times?

Funny movies and TV shows. Also LOLcats.

6. What do you love doing that bores everyone else stiff?

So long as it's not this blog, I'm fine.

7. Did you ever encounter an inanimate object that seemed to have a will of its own?

You mean apart from my ex, Big Bad Butch?

8. What is your very favourite hotel or restaurant?

One where someone else picks up the tab.

9. What do you wish you had known when you were 18?

If I'd known then what I know now, I'd never have done or achieved anything in my life because I'd have been defeated before I started, simply by knowing how difficult it would be. Everything I am today I owe to the fact that ignorance is bliss.


  1. Oh no bad and butch should never be in the same sentence. :D

    I often get asked to play "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life" at the end of a gig when everyone is drunk and I'm tired and want to go home. That and New York, New York.

  2. Sounds like a fun questionnaire to participate in. It is times like this that I really miss having a computer.

  3. Ha Ha Ha!!! So fun! You and I both like the same restaurant! Amazing! LOL ;0)

  4. LOLCats are a cure for everything :)

  5. LOL,LOL,LOL! "I would not only eat the candy immediately, I would eat the box as well." Nothing wrong with some fiber I say, Big Bad Butch?!?!?! You are cracking me up with your answers! Btw, I love that picture of the lady holding the huge bee in your sidebar. What is it about? It's cool.

  6. You are funny. Thanks for the morning chuckles.

  7. This is a fun meme. I learned a bunch about you. You have great taste in movies.

  8. I hope I remember my clothes too! Lol!
    You have such a positive attitude! It's why I love ya!

  9. You have a blog? Really??? What's the address? LOL

  10. Always Look on the Bright Side of Life ... makes me laugh, makes me cry. Best song ever. Excellent choice, Debra! :D

  11. Yes it is all about me .. I mean you ... I mean it should be about me, but this blog is about you. WTF?

  12. AHAHAHAHAhahaaaa!! I love this! I needed to re-read this because I was laughing so hard the first time. Ohh! that was good.

  13. LMAO! LOVE! You had me laughing so much. Thanks :)

  14. Hahaha...this was great! I may have to do this at some point. Loved the last answer!

  15. Getting to know Debra better! I'm with you on #1!!

  16. oooh so cute and fun! I am horrible with them, always give up halfway

  17. Great answers!!! I Love "Always Look On the Bright Side Of Life"! Now, I'm singing! Have fantastic day ;o)

  18. Sensible answer to 9, but I wouldn't take it, I'd have to tell dumb young me to stop being so damn dumb. Then again, dumb young me probably wouldn't listen because dumb young me is really really dumb.
    I do call shenanigans on number 2. Every once in a while, go out there nude, then no failure will seem embarrassing. That's why nudists are all captains of industry.

  19. OMG, I am laughing about Big Bad Butch and eating the box! Oh wait! I did not mean that as an innuendo. Oops.

  20. Haha! I listen to a unique independent radio station that actually plays Always Look on the Bright Side of Life from time to time. It always bring a smile to my face!

  21. LOL, great meme! I feel the same way about #3 and #6. Thanks for making me smile.

  22. I love, love, love memes! They are one of my fave games to play. I certainly will play this one. Your answers are funny as all get out. What a perfect idea for a post. Cheers!!

  23. First I was laughing at Big Bad Butch and now I am laughing at RK's comment.

    You have to tell us about BBB.

  24. You bet, I'm going to steal it and answer the questions.
    and I don't go out in public naked- though I did streak in Jacksonville, Fla; but that's another story.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  25. last piece of such thing.


  27. Love it! You are awesome. P.S. I'd eat the box too...


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