Monday 20 January 2014

World Hockey Dominance will be OURS!

Canadians love hockey, no doubt about it. And beer, don't forget beer. And even though hockey players might not be the brightest bunch around, we love them too, the big lugs.

In the upcoming Sochi Winter Olympics, Canada intends to win gold in both men's and women's hockey. So watch out, world! We've been working on some new secret techniques.

Be forewarned: there will be NO lovey-dovey nonsense at the Olympics. We're gonna be tough. TOUGH!


  1. They are having Olympics somewhere? Hockey is a sport?

  2. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...NO lovey-dovey. Now we know the REAL reason for the testicular guards.

  3. LOL! I have to tell you, that first photo would most probably work well in the U.S. too. Beer, hockey. Can't go wrong there.

  4. "...the big lugs" Hahaha! Love these, especially that last photo.

  5. i don't want to rub it in but we have crosby in this town! nedved is skating for the czech repulic at 42 years of age...amazing! my boys...petr and jaromir are almost as old as i am!

  6. That's a nice dance those hockey players are doing. LOL

  7. HA Ha! Love the last clip! Good Luck Team Canada!

  8. That damned Sidney Crosby has me want to jump the boards with him. And Tim Hortons. And that sounds way more sexual than I intended.


  9. You can catch Serbs with free beer too :)

  10. Oh you mean ice hockey?? My partner and eldest daughter play proper hockey, you know on grass. :D It's a brutal game!

  11. makes me wonder how well Russia will do at hockey since they're hosting the games. Seems every country that hosts the Olympics will be very determined to get as many medals possible.

  12. I know that it will be hard for anyone to imagine but we, here in the barren SW portion of the US actually had an ice hockey team called the Scorpions. Gosh I loved going to the games or as my daughter called it, blood on the ice. Great sport. I never added beer but noticed a lot of others did, so you'd probably catch many NM hockey fans with the same apparatus.

  13. I'm the only Canadian who hates hockey. I only hate it because I married a hockey superfan. It has ruined me. I'm a fan if beer though. :)

  14. That certainly does look like it could be a rough game, I'm glad I'm not in it.

  15. Where do you find all this? Hilarious.

  16. The visuals you found are hilarious. All I hope is that they don't allow a tie. Go Canada!

  17. LOL! Wolverining! I love to watch hockey. Ten times more fun than football, (the dumb American kind.. soccer is fun,) or basketball. Thanks for making me laugh hard this Monday am!

  18. WTF is happening in the last one?

  19. all the luck in the world during Olympics..I root for USA first and Canada second, but if we're not in it it's Go Canada..I absolutely love that video.

  20. LOL!!! I don't like hockey or beer, does that mean I'm not a real Canadian?

  21. Your post had me laughing the way through! (I also quite liked the helmet bit, heh.)


  22. Not that hockey isn't already exciting, but if they allowed the use of four sticks at once and skates for hands I would watch every single game without fail.

  23. Ha! I will make it my personal goal to use the term "Wolverine-ing" as many time as possible this week!
    Great post!

  24. I'm not much of a hockey fan, but these are quite funny.

  25. That's a priceless bit of info regarding the cup vs helmet. Very telling. And we all know not to mess with a Canadian ice-hokey player.


  26. My boyfriend is the biggest hockey fan and beer drinker...EVER!!!
    I am sure we will be watching ALL the games!
    Go Canada!

    Linda :o)

  27. Fantastic! Go Canada Go!!! ;o) Yepeee ;o)

  28. That's fine, as long as we get to keep football.
    (American football , not futbol )

  29. Just read about the loss of your kitty. I am sorry. We lost our Minnie last year, it's been strange without her around.
    Funny hockey post.
    You know we all love Canada because of you, eh?

  30. Hockey is the only team sport that I find remotely entertaining. There is quite a fun element with the expected fights! I love that the cup was being used 100 years before the helmet. Dumbasses!

  31. You always have the best graphics. So funny.

    I think everyone would agree that Canada rules in hockey. Who could argue that point.

    BTW...I am shocked about that fact related to that a true fact? Whether it is or isn't that is a funny graphic.

  32. Love it! :) And completely understand every image. This just proves I'm SO Canadian!

  33. I love the look of Hockey.. it looks so exciting and cool!

    I wish we got to see more here!!

  34. Hockey? That game is still relevant?

  35. I went to a fight and a hockey game broke out. We shall get to see the games over here in Britain. Lou in goal!

    Take care, eh!

  36. Now I know how to catch a Canadian!

  37. I use to go to phoenix coyotes games before and after gresky took over. loved it!!

  38. The bit about the testicular guard is totally nuts!


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