Monday 13 October 2014

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!

I'm in Manitoba right now, visiting my Mom in the nursing home. We're celebrating Thanksgiving in our own way. I'm sneaking in a pumpkin pie from Safeway so Mom can eat the filling with a spoon. Since her last stroke a couple of years ago, she can only eat pureed or soft food, so eating the crust is not an option. But the filling is safe. That's the best part anyway!

The taste she misses most is chocolate so I also bring her a small Tim Horton's hot chocolate every day that I'm here. She enjoys these little treats tremendously. My only regret is that she can't have them more often.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone who is celebrating it today!


  1. What a lovely treat for your mum!
    Happy Thanksgiving to you Debra.. have a lovely time

  2. happy thanksgiving! what wonderful little treats for your mom. i bet she really appreciates them!

  3. Happy Thanksgiving!!!! Now I want some pumpkin pie :)

  4. Happy Thanksgiving and have a wonderful visit with your mom. What a special treat for her.

  5. Happy Thanksgiving! Wait, how do you make the pie without the crust? Can you make pumpkin muffins instead? That's very sweet of you to get the hot chocolate every day. Hopefully you have fun.

  6. It's really sweet of you to get food in for her so she can still enjoy her favourites. Have a happy thanksgiving and I hope your mum enjoys the pie.

  7. Happy holidays to you, Debs, and hope mom enjoys all the festive treats you bring her!

  8. Happy Thanksgiving, you are a good daughter,

  9. A wonderful Thanksgiving to you and your Mom! I'm so glad she can share the pie with you! Adds special meaning to the day.

  10. what a sweetie you are to your Mom.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Oma Linda

  11. Happy Day o'Thanks to you and yours! What a good daughter you are, bringing pie to your mom. When I was a child I was in the hospital a lot, sometimes more than out from asthma, and my mother would sneak in unhealthy food and snacks and it's one of the few things I remember about that time.
    Try a chocolate cream pie next! Or at least some pudding? I would be so full of despair if I couldn't eat chocolate.

  12. Happy Thanksgiving! Your mom must have love the pumpkin pie filling. Mmm! Maybe she can have chocolate cream pie filling to satisfy the chocolate cravings. :)

  13. Happy Thanksgiving to you! I am thankful for having a wonderful Bloggy Friend to share parts of the world with! :o)
    Enjoy your visit with your Mom! You are sweet in bringing little enjoyable portions of life to her! ♥

  14. Nom nom. that is the best part... Sometimes I make crustless pumpkin pie! Have a lovely visit!

  15. Happy thanksgiving to you and your Mom, Debra. Thinking of you both!

  16. A happy thanksgiving Debra - what could be nicer for your mother than to have her daughter, and some pumpkin pie, not forgetting the hot chocolate treats too.

  17. Happy Thanksgiving! We don't have a Thanksgiving here in Belgium of course, but it is a wonderful Holiday. Good that you and your mother can enjoy time together, and that you bring her things she likes :-).

  18. Happy Thanksgiving to both of you, Debra! Enjoy the time with your mom. That is really sweet how you care for her!

  19. Happy Thanksgiving! Sneaking sweet treats to our loved ones... if that isn't love, I don't know what is.

  20. That is so sweet of you. Happy Thanksgiving!

  21. Does she live far from you? Glad you brought her something nummy.

  22. Hot chocolate and pumpkin ~~ NIRVANA!!


  23. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your mom Debra ;o) That's so special the treats you bring for your mom ;o) I remember sneaking in a little vodka for my grandpa ;o) Big Hugs and Many Blessings ;o)

  24. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your mum!! You are right, the best part is the middle of the pumpkin pie. We had our dinner yesterday - leftovers today. Enjoy the good fall weather, its here until Thursday!

  25. Good for you! I used to get my dad ice cream, milkshakes, Big Macs, whatever he wanted. The nurses said he needed to be on a low salt, low sugar diet. I said, "No, it's like this. He's dying. He gets whatever he wants. And that includes Xanax, so he doesn't get anxious." I wouldn't take no for an answer. I hope my daughters do the same for me.

  26. You're a good daughter, Debra. Enjoy your time with your mum. <3

  27. This post really pierced my heart, Debra. Age can be so devastating to the ones we love. I'm glad that your mom has such a loving daughter. I'd be sneaking in pumpkin pie and Timmie's hot chocolate too! Sending you both blessings and positive thoughts! Happy Thanksgiving!

  28. I'm late wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving, Debra.
    Blessings to your Mom, is she as funny as you are? I bet she is!

  29. You're a great daughter. I hope you and your Mom had a thoroughly sweet Canadian Thanksgiving!

  30. I am so glad you are spending time with your Mom and sharing treats with her. You are a sweetheart and I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  31. Yeah the crust is always boring so at least your mom is getting the best part!

    Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  32. I would LOVE to try some pumpkin pie.

  33. wish I was a volunteer at her nursing home..I'd fix her up every day.


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