Wednesday 15 October 2014

Halloween Cats

Halloween is tailor-made for cats. And some cats are tailor-made for Halloween!

Don't mess with this fearsome Mehitabel if you value your skin.

Many thanks to Ms. Crankypants for directing me to this next awesome kitty. She is named Batgirl and has her own delightful Facebook page here!

Hey, these cats must belong to Mr. Bones!

Zombie alert! Run for your nine lives!

Oh oh! Catwoman has been trick or treating, but not for candy. Naughty kitty!

But of course, Catwoman doesn't care what we think. Like all cats, she does what she wants, when she wants and there's nothing anyone can do about it.


  1. Good morning. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Love these cat pictures. Thanks for a great morning greeting.

  2. Though these are oft artistic and good, there is no cat picture more terrifying than this one:
    It's really in the URL.

  3. I love the Halloween season. Can't believe it went so fast, this year. Whoosh.

  4. Batgirl cracked me up! :D That face.

  5. fun fun fun. i have some postcards with the, really, painted cats. Still can't get over people painting their cats. Mine would never stand for such a thing. Degrading! Boo!

  6. OOhhh...Oohh...These are marvelous! I MUST go get Gomez to take a look see!

  7. Hey great looking kitties! Martha Stewart is white but she does have a black spot on her back maybe I stencil something on the spot!

  8. The first one is adorable. (Did this dog person just say a cat was adorable? What are you doing to me?)

    And, the hello again kitty had me laughing!

  9. these are are terrifically topical at Hallowoonie Time. Thanks for the chuckles. Oma Linda

  10. Yup! One of my (many) favorite things about felines. The way they do exactly what they choose and don't give a rat's behind what we humans think!

    Batgirl is adorable!

  11. These are brilliant Debra! Thanks for making my morning ;o) Hugs ;o) Meow ;o) LOL!

  12. *Laugh*... the Bat-Cat is so funny... the other pics, too... of course... Hello Again Kitty *grin*... Thanks for this post...

  13. These are great, I just hope the paint they used on those kitties' furs was animal friendly.

  14. The Hello Again Kitty comic is so funny LOL! The painted cats must be very sweet animals, my cat would NOT allow this and hurt me BADLY :-D.

  15. I love Batgirl! And of course, Hello Again Kitty, which is an improvement over the original...if you ask me.

  16. now there are some great cats!!!

  17. Batgirl kitty is priceless. This post brightened my day, Debra!

  18. We don't have our black cat anymore but I still have my Black Cat Crossing for my front door for Halloween. I think I will put it up anyway in her honor.
    Hope you are preparing for your Halloween in good style!
    Hey, guess what, I dressed like a witch for Halloween once...all I did was frizz my hair out a bit (didn't have to do much to it) and painted my nails green...and wore black...that was it...depressing! HA!

  19. I wonder who Catwoman dresses up as on Halloween?

    I like to think Superman.

  20. That is one thing a miss about Halloween,,,,, my dearly departed black kitty.

  21. I loved this post and the kitties..Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving..

  22. Nerd stuff: In the DC universe, there are two main timelines. Earth One and Earth Two, with one being the modern timeline, and the other being the stories from the "golden age" of comics. The alternate universe Batman married catwoman, and had a daughter.

  23. Oh I love that Batgirl kitty :))) simply hilarious I can't stop laughing after seeing her. I have a black cat here and I can imagine her with the same wings :).

    I didn't know Canada has Thanksgiving in October, gotta learn more about Canadian culture.

  24. Yep, these cats bring the scare back into Halloween.

  25. Well aren't you just the cat's meow!!! Great post! Aloha

  26. I wish those first cats were for real. Lots of great finds. I knew of the existence of Batgirl and posted about her on Traveling Cats. She's really cute.

  27. Haha! I love the cats with the moon and stars. Fantastic!

  28. Every holiday should be based around cats!

  29. How in the world did they get those stars and moon on those cats? I want a kitty like that!!! Also loving that fearsome Mehitabel!

  30. Nice kitty. They are probably pretty safe if they are declawed. Some people should be declawed.

  31. Those pictures are great!

  32. Oh my goodness, I adore Mehitabel! What a beautiful, fierce wee thing she is! Thanks for sharing the beautiful kitties.

  33. I LOVE cats! And Catwoman too, mainly because she is a classy ambiguous antiheroine and because she is a cat lover too. I had a true Halloween cat last year: a black cat. I miss him.

  34. Love this post! Sorry I have been away so long!

  35. I love the batkitty!! OMG. I must go check that out.

  36. my favorite holiday.except for Shazam Day..

  37. We got a good ( and much needed) "Laugh" from some of these... Your Humor is "wonderful" , dear Lady....!!!


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