Thursday 12 February 2015

Let the Answers Begin!

Thank you, everyone, for posing such thoughtful, varied and interesting questions! Here's my first bunch of answers --

How in the world are you going to find the time to answer all these questions? (from Jo of My Grama's Soul)

Like Baldrick in Blackadder, I have a cunning plan, that's how! Similar questions will be grouped together and answered all in one post, while other questions will require individual posts. The occasional question may even require a couple of posts to answer adequately. Some posts (like this one) will have several unrelated "short snapper" questions that can be answered quickly. I intend to write at least one "answers post" every week until they are all dealt with. So yes, it may actually take a while to answer them all. But, gentle readers, when your question comes up, I'll leave a comment on your blog to let you know so you don't miss the riveting answer!

What's your favourite movie of all time? (from Optimistic Existentialist of Musings of an Unapologetic Dreamer)

"The Germans wore gray, you wore blue." That says it all. Casablanca! I have seen this movie innumerable times and it always retains its charm for me. I never miss a chance to see it on a big screen (usually at some tumbledown repertory theatre dedicated to art films and the classics) because that's the best way to enjoy it. But TV and DVD viewings are fine too! I think I like it so much because love, politics and noble self-sacrifice for a higher cause all combine in it. It definitely appeals to the romantic idealist in me. And I always get choked up during "La Marseillaise" scene.

Is 42 really the answer? (from Jeanne of The Candy Corn Chronicles)

Yes. Yes it is. The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything is indeed 42. Deep Thought, Douglas Adams and I concur.

Why does Daddy drink? (from Bryan/Brandon at A Beer for the Shower)

You didn't say whether you meant my biological Daddy or my dom Daddy. You boys are maddeningly nonspecific. Therefore, no answer for you! Hmm, it appears that I am now channeling the Soup Nazi. I blame you for that as well. You should be punished.

Do you believe in ghosts? (from Robin Larkspur of Wiccan Writes)

The only ghost I believe in is my cat Her Royal Highness, who has now returned to this life to haunt me . . . I mean, "to help me." I really need to get around to writing more about her reappearance. We've been having the most lovely chats about the afterlife, she and I.

Stay tuned for more answers next week!


  1. I'm kinda surprised mine didn't get into this little thing of short and simple answers. I definitely enjoyed the Blackadder reference though. I'd say I enjoyed the Hitchhikers one but that goes without saying. Rarely do I see a non-Brit pull out the name Baldrick.

  2. I keep thinking you will get a new kitty to "help" you! It's about time, isn't it???!!!!!!!!!

  3. Casablanca is a great choice. There's no arguing with that. And we're only going to get one answers post per week? I've already forgotten what I asked. Another week and I'll forget who I am.

  4. we do love Baldrick! Not that we would ever want him for an assistant.....

  5. I love this idea, Debra. Your answer to Bryan was hilarious!!

  6. I love this idea. And I love your answers to these questions as well. Ever the funny person you xoxo Oma Linda

  7. Would you be aghast if I told you I have never seen Casablanca? It's true.
    Yes, please, more about the reappearance of HRH. And I too, thought you might be getting a new feline companion to help you go through life.

  8. Great answers dear Lady....
    We look forward to the next set of questions....

  9. Hahaha! What fun. I love this. And I'm looking forward to more.

  10. Hello Debra,

    We are beginning to see some intriguing similarities here with our own thinking.

    Casablanca.....of all the films in all the world......yes, this is a legend in its own bar. We too have seen it more times than we care to remember and, yet, we never tire of it. A friend once held a Casablanca party......all white jackets and smoke filled rooms. It was so delicious and we vow to do the same one day.

    And now we are hooked.....the number 42.....Douglas Adams said it was just a joke, but we are seeing patterns. After all, the Titanic sunk whilst travelling at 42 in/ hr and it was meant to be unsinkable!

    We shall return for more!

  11. I like this. I was thinking of doing this on my blog when someone started doing it 2 years ago. She has a Q&A session once a month.

  12. Blackadder more than makes up for a lack of an answer.

    And yet... No, no! Why weren't we more specific? We meant sweaty panting leather daddy. But I just figured that was a given.

    Fun fact: I just watched Casablanca for the very first time about a month ago. Loved it.

  13. Here's looking at you kid.
    I never had the opportunity to put that into a blog comment before, thanks.
    Hopefully you will not be having any catmares.

  14. Yes and 42 = Math.
    Take the alphabet and number the letters: A =1, B=2, etc.
    M = 13
    A = 1
    T = 20
    H = 8
    = 42

    You're welcome, darling!(smile)

  15. I want to hear about her highness's visits.

  16. You had me at "Casablanca"! xDebi

  17. Oh, Dixie! You're a regular Alan Turing for breaking that code! Don't eat any apples, eh?

  18. Hmmmm.....looking forward to the next installment!



  19. Anxious to hear more about Her Royal Highness. Looking forward to next week.

  20. I wish my cat would come and haunt me. I loved learning more about you and I'm looking forward to the next post. This was such a great idea.

  21. LOL! Thank you! I just knew you'd know the "for sure" answer! :o)

    (thanx for the heads-up. Been uber busy with grandkids!)

  22. So this is the first among the many controversial or rather intriguing answers. Ok, will wait.

  23. 42? Who knew? Well, clearly not this gal. Now I've got all the info I need to carry on. Thank you. Looking forward to learning more about you.

  24. My question before was kind of dull, so I'll change it to this: Who's your favourite character in any medium? Multiple answers can be given.

  25. hahahaha that is hilarious. I especially love your response to ABFTS, too funny! Will they want their money back? Who's asking questions now?
    Can't wait for the next installment!

  26. Great post..Super idea..Love your creative answers..I'm afraid if I did that, it wouldn't be very entertaining...Enjoyed..Looking forward to the next one...I want to hear more about that Kitty..

  27. I am going to follow this with great glee......

  28. I, too, believe in Her Royal Highness.

  29. I wish Odin's ghost was showing up to me sometimes. In my dreams (literally).

  30. I say, "I have a cunning plan" on the time and never knew that is where it came from! Reg has programmed me, LOL. Same with 42, of course. I didn't realize you were being haunted by your Royal One. Hugs.

  31. Interesting and I Love the picture of HRH!

  32. This is certainly going to be fun! Casablanca is a wonderful movie. I too have enjoyed it many times. And I love the picture you posted for HRH! Have a great week!


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