Sunday 15 February 2015

Canada's Flag -- 50 Years Today!

On February 15, 1965, Canada officially adopted our current Canadian flag. I remember that momentous day so well! I was seven years old and in Grade 2 at school. Our teacher had prepared us for the big event by making us colour a gazillion pictures of the new flag. We wore our red crayons down to the nub in the service of our country!

Canada has had 3 flags since becoming a country in 1867. First, as good subjects of the British Empire, we simply used the Union Jack of the United Kingdom. Then we asserted ourselves a bit after World War I and adopted the Red Ensign featuring the Canadian Coat of Arms but still with the Union Jack in the corner. Finally, we cut all the British apron strings and adopted the red-and-white maple leaf flag.

I think it is one of the world's most distinctive flags. There is no other one even remotely similar to it. The best description I ever read of our flag was by a little girl who called it "a maple leaf with curtains." She's not wrong, eh?


  1. We have lots of little items showing the Canadian maple leaf flag courtesy my proud and patriotic sister-in-law.
    You seem to have answered another of the very many questions asked of you here!

  2. I do like the modern flag much better. So different than the first flags.

  3. i love this flag! it is so identifiable!

  4. I love your flag - it is so non-threatening.
    I was in Newfoundland in the early sixties and there were still older people there that bemoaned Confederation with Canada:Joey Smallwood was Prime Minister - now there is a story.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  5. When I inherited my parent's home there was a huge Canadian flag in a closet. Have no idea where they got it. It's well taken care of, and has it's own protective bag. It's about the size of a double bed.

    It is amazingly beautiful!

  6. it's a lovely one. We're having the state holiday here today too

  7. Interestingly enough, US sportscaster Tony Kornheiser has taken to waving the Canadian flag when he signs on his show "Pardon The Interruption".

    Father Nature's Corner

  8. I never knew the flag was so young

  9. A Happy 50th! :o) I have always loved the Canadian flag with its distinctive Maple Leaf! Very wise choice.

  10. Love it! And to think that it was adopted just a few days after I was born. So cool.

  11. There is such beauty in simplicity. I love the Canadian flag. It's really beautiful

  12. I remember our teacher showing it to us in Virginia, in the 3rd grade I believe it was. Hard to believe it was 50 years.

  13. I love the maple leaf, always have. And yet, I still haven't found just the right maple leaf cookie cutter, yet.

  14. Thank you dear Lady Debra for today's history lesson....
    We love learning facts like this...
    and a happy 50th to your Flag...

  15. I love your flag! And of course I know this will sound unpatriotic, but I love it so much more than ours 'down here'! :)

  16. I really like our flag too, Debra! And being a tad older than you, I remember all the kerfuffle in Ottawa between the government of the day and the opposition party.
    Oh Canada.

  17. Oh, Canada! As half French-Canadian I salute the maple leaf. Happy Flag Day!

  18. You gotta love a country whose flag has a leaf on it, just saying.
    What a wonderful memory, coloring with red crayon the new flag of Canada. I can just see you!

  19. I must steal that image for my own flag post.

  20. A maple Lead with curtains! hahaha We're nothing if not cutting edge in style!

  21. Yet once again you educated me with interesting facts about your beloved Canada. Thanks

  22. Maple leaf with curtains - nice description from an innocent child. Easy to spot and remember for kids learning the flags of different countries.

  23. Did you know that each point represents a province or territory?
    BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and PEI. The bottom points represent the territories (at that time), Northwest and Yukon. The red on each side of the flag represent the two oceans, the Pacific and the Atlantic.

  24. Has it been that long? Good grief, now I really feel old. Thanksalot, Debra. ;)

  25. Ha! Finally an event I am too young to remember. I was only 2 when this flag came out so I don't remember when they picked it. I never really thought about our flag. I guess I like it, it's bright and happy looking.

  26. I didn't realize I'm older than the flag. I'm very fond of the Canadian flag and pretty much all things Canadian.


  27. Gosh, as someone that was also 7 at the time this flag came into being I can safely say you have a way better memory.

    I'm sure I was busy colouring too… but maybe I was in la-la land - seems I've been there most of my life.

    I wished I could remember that day…

    Cheers, Jenny

  28. Interesting, I didn't know it was so new. Happy flag day!

  29. Tis a great flag! I also had no idea it was so young.

  30. We live just 20 miles south of British Columbia and I'd never heard about the three flags - great information - and I do like the current one the best. We see it a lot - not only in BC but in yards of Canadians who live in Washington state.

  31. I remember colouring the new flag pictures in school too. I also remember drawing a maple leaf made up of triangles. I think they were representing the province's, or maybe it had something to do with Expo 67? Thanks for the memory. Off to google that triangle thing.

  32. A Maple Leaf with curtains ;o) Very cute ;o)

  33. I wish Australia had the courage to become a republic and change our flag.
    Love your Canadian flag, like you said very unique.


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