Saturday 14 February 2015

Happy Valentines Day!

Today on this holiday dedicated to sweet, sweet luuuuuv, I want to pay tribute to an overlooked and much maligned group of romantic fools --

Yes, that's right. LAWYERS.

Every parent wants their kid to snag a nice rich lawyer to marry, don't they?

It is not a well-known fact but inside those deceptively chilly legal hearts actually burns the unbridled impetuosity of reckless love that delights in throwing caution to the winds.

Wild gestures of passion can be expected from a legal lover.

The love notes you'll receive from them will always be meticulously drafted for the maximum romantic effect.

Your legal lover can always be counted on to set a sexy mood for whispering those sweet nothings in your ear . . .

. . . although the whispering will be done over the phone because your lawyer-love will still be at the office, of course. Still, it's the thought that counts.

Even cats and dogs have their equivalents to these passionate purveyors of legal lust.

Who can resist a lawyer's charms? WHO?


  1. I can resist them quite happily. Unless, of course, they hand over all financial records and rights. And passwords.
    Oh, they secretly long to be puppies, in which case I'd toss a ball and give 'em a gag order.

    Just a thought...

  2. this is the funniest lawyers have ever been!

  3. oh that last one has us both laughing!!!

  4. Raising my hand. I have no difficulty resisting a lawyer. My grandmother wanted me to marry one too. I finally came home with an artist, and her reaction was: "An artist? So he doesn't do anything for a living then?" :-)
    Happy Valentine's Day!

  5. Too funny! Happy Valentine's Day!

  6. Snort.. snicker... Happy Valentine's Day!

  7. Hahaha! Love them all, but the dog lawyer is my favorite.

  8. I'd rather marry a doctor, thank you very much.... not that I'm picky... I'd actually marry anybody who would want me LOL

  9. Well that is a different take on the holiday. I have a friend who just got the candles cheating, backstab and swindled. I have the feeling he'll be getting the divorce candle himself. Hope you find many sweets today my dear! XOXO

  10. hahahaha hilarious!
    I love the terms of that 3-part poem. That is the only kind of poetry I can get down with.
    Happy "VD Day" as I call it, but hopefully not literally. Use protection, kids!

  11. Hahaha! These are hilarious. I especially like the one with the will. Hubby and I prepared ours last year, just in case. We joke that we are worth more dead than alive!

  12. Hi Debra...
    Very funny slant on things!
    Happy Valentines Day....
    ps....we are sitting on 8*c...:o(

  13. that must be a popular candle

  14. Thanks for the grin and giggle. Happy Valentoonie Day to you to dearie. xoxo Oma Linda

  15. sweet soul mate call them "prostitutes" who can practice with impunity! LO LOL


  16. I would never marry a lawyer, they're too sneaky. Doctors know how to get rid of you with drugs. Oy!
    I do love all these comical memes and comics so damned funny.
    Happy VD darlin.

  17. These are absolutely FAB!! LOL
    and as Shakespeare encouraged: "First, kill all the lawyers" or something to that effect.
    Happy Hearts Day Debra.

  18. The best lawyer I ever had hugged me the moment I walked into her office. Plus, she never sent me the bill.

  19. I had no idea lawyers could be funny! Great post! Happy Valentine's Day!

  20. Ha! One of my friends would absolutely love that candle. I have a few lawyers in my extended family so this gave me the giggles.

  21. Funny Lady! I'll take a bakers dozen of those candles Please! xoxo

  22. My cat made me sign a similar document. And yes, I love him!

  23. ["Today on this holiday dedicated to sweet, sweet luuuuuv, I want to pay tribute to an overlooked and much maligned group of romantic fools --"]

    Yes you certainly did. Well done!

  24. The "***Train must be stationary" and "Freshly Signed Divorce Papers" candle had me roaring so hard that I scared my Piano Man, lol!

  25. I had a sneaking feeling that lawyers had a soft spot when it came to LOVE.

  26. hee hee hee, hee hee. Hee hee hee hee. Hee - hee hee.

  27. That is something to LOL! Isn't that Bruno Mars's song about "catching a grenade etc"? :) This is really funny.

  28. Very funny! And I have 3 lawyer siblings/in-laws. They're not too bad...

  29. I thought people wanted their children to marry doctors.

  30. sexual relations with that leg! Tee hee!

  31. LOL! So funny! I hope you had a great Valentine's Day my friend ;o)


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