Friday 20 March 2015

Spring Equinox -- Ostara

We welcome the Spring Equinox today in the Northern Hemisphere. According to the pagan Wheel of the Year, Ostara marks the start of Spring. Well, perhaps in Europe where these holidays originated --

But not over here in the New World.

And you bloody skiers and Christians, quit undermining Spring RIGHT NOW!

Oh well, make the best of it, I guess, as we always do. Keep a happy thought!

Ostara blessings to you all!


  1. Rain and cold here, should feel like spring over the weekend. I like the flowers painted on the snow, I will have to remember that for next winter(I hope).

  2. today's weather forecast for my area? SNOW!

    (happy spring anyway!)

  3. 3-6 inches headed here this afternoon. Winter is giving it's last hoorah. Ostara blessings to you and yours.

  4. And Ostara blessings to you as well! We'll wait until Sunday so the Great Scot can celebrate as well (since my darlin' has to work).

  5. Gotta give the church credit for having a sense of humour at least. Even before I knew about Paganism I always enjoyed the equinox and was fascinated.

  6. We're expecting a chilly and slushy first day of spring in the Philadelphia area. No matter - it can't snow forever and I'm still happy we're moving on to warmer days, eventually.

  7. spring temps here with the arrival of spring, it's like 15*C and above here... and all the bulbs are blooming

  8. Imagine my dismay, coming home yesterday to brown and grey, after leaving California and its green and blue. Then to see more white fall? Shit.

  9. HAHAHA! I got a good laugh out of these! Happy spring to you, Debra. Even in Canada, it eventually shows up.

  10. You found some great ones!
    Ostara Blessings! ♥

  11. Blessed Ostara to you Debra!!! Has it warmed up there yet? I am so grateful I escaped East Coast snowmaggedon. Everyone I know is completely snowed in. Literally! I feel very grateful for the magnolia and cherry trees in bloom here. And not suffering from the bone-chilling cold any longer. In my world, spring is here and I'm not taking it for granted.

  12. Happy Ostara! We are bloody cold here today. But the Alberta clipper missed us completely!! Woo hoo!

  13. Love the snow painting. Yep it snowed here last night. Old man winter is just not letting go. Stay warm.....Oma Linda

  14. Wishing you the best on this day. And this season. Meanwhile, it's snowing here. I'm in the Lemon Tart Room, under a snowman blanket as hot coffee sings in the other room. Soon to be in my cup.

    Cheers and boogie boogie.

  15. And I'm using a cup with flowers.

  16. blessed ostara! it's snowing here right now...take that spring!!!

  17. Ha!!!!! Love the tulips painted in the snow! A example of seeing the glass half full. We here are getting snow again......after two weeks of 40-60 degree weather. Bastards.

  18. Spring will be a welcome change.

  19. My sympathies to anyone getting snow right now. Love the street art
    its cold here but nice and sunny! - Spring has arrived..tentatively...

  20. we had 3 days of beautiful it's dark, over cast and going to rain.fiddle fuck

  21. I wish I had the patience to paint those tulips on the snow.

    BLessed Ostara to you and Your Rare One. Enjoy the Spring Season, if and when it gets there!!!

  22. Oh haha somebody literally painted frowers in snow? :))) I understand the anxiety of waiting.

    That street art looks really cool.

    Russia has been a bit favored this year for the spring's early arrival.

  23. I there were only 14 holy christians, it's not much to worry about. (smile)

    Happy okra!

  24. I totally forgot today was the first day of spring. Yay!

    Thanks for the reminder.

  25. Spring Blessings to you also Debra, and Happy a Weekend!

  26. We've had no snow at all this year in the UK. I love the person who spray painted spring flowers over the snow. Good idea!

  27. It is very much Spring here. One day sunny and warm, another grey, wet and cold. Spring is a treacherous season.

  28. Happy Spring! The German street art is so cute! I hope you guys get some spring this year. Sometimes we seem to skip the season too.

  29. We are getting the same error message. I might have to go outside with some food coloring and make myself some spring!

    Hope you had a Blessed Ostara. ♥

  30. And to you too, Debra! May spring spring forth in torrents of flowers, and sunshine.

  31. I meant, "Happy Ostara," not okra :(

  32. Tulips in the snow - a creative way to welcome springtime in your part of the world. Happy Ostara, Deb.

  33. Great post Debra! I love that last pic! We are supposed to get snow today too....

  34. We don't have spring here in western Maine, just mud season - and it is not here yet.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  35. We are currently under a cloud that won't stop raining. I am feeling mighty bad for the rest of Canada and there dreadful never ending winter so U am not going to complain


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