Wednesday 22 April 2015

Happy Earth Day!

Yes, it's time for humans everywhere to be HYPOCRITES again!

Don't we realize that EARTH is the only home we have?

Are we just plain CRAZY or what?

Our priorities are TOTALLY upside down.

It is Earth's TRAGEDY to be populated by such destructive creatures as humans.

But WTF, who cares? So long as everything is CONVENIENT!

WE'RE the top of the food chain, goddammit! WE'RE not just another part of life on this planet!

It's all EARTH'S fault, not ours. That bitch!

Listen to those who REALLY know what's going on!

Just you wait and see who's RIGHT!

In our ARROGANCE, we fail to see the truth.

The best thing for Earth would be if WE weren't here.

SOME people are counting on being able to just fly away in spaceships to colonize another planet if we destroy the Earth. But NOT EVERYONE shares that enthusiasm . . . .

Be afraid, little planet. Be VERY afraid.


  1. Excellent post Debra!
    Yes, Happy Earth Day x

  2. (stands up and applauds)

    would somebody PLEASE sterilize the duggar cult?

  3. I remember a lot of eco earth day stuff when the holiday would come around in elementary. A lot of years I don't notice it go by.

    I have to admit, compared to the pollution in China, we're hippies.

  4. We're the NEW and IMPROVED lemming: a suicidally homicidal species which takes every other life form with us in our suicidal plunge.
    We're so generous.

  5. Happy Earth Day. After class I am off to the park to savor what beauty is left of it.

  6. This was a great post. The last picture made me laugh. Or cry. Or both.

  7. thank you for the reminder. it is FRIGHTENING to think of the consciences of our gluttony. I have appointed myself queen of the river that flows through my backyard. I clean up debris that landscapers dump near its bank and I turn in the ones who don't have a license to spray chemicals. I don't see a big change but I keep plugging away. across from me is what was once a felt mill and back in the day, when they dyed the felt the river would turn that color. Imagine that... just allowing the toxins to run off into the river.

  8. great post! it is raining here and just above freezing and the blog tech has to sit outside all day at an earth day rally. now that is communing with nature. he is going to freeze his little planets off!

  9. Happy Earth Day!!!! I have seen the I'm with stupid before, a oldie but goodie and soooooo true! And yes I am watching drag race and enjoying every minute!!! I'll have a blurp coming soon.

  10. super post.
    terribly scary though.
    lots to think about....for those that think but the rest of the bunch....nawwww
    Happy Earth Day

  11. You are absolutely correct! Excellent post. But I still want to say Happy Earth Day, because I still hold some hope...

  12. I wish people would wake up, listen and learn. This is the only home we have. Stop trashing it.
    Great post by the way dear.

  13. Human Nature... as long as there is to Money to be made ( regardless of its effects on the environment) humans will continue to destroy this planet...
    Sad but True....
    They have no concern for the the shape of this world for future generations...

  14. Perfect post. Happy Earth Day! I try to do my little part, but most days I am embarassed to be human. I will continue to ride my bike, do my part and pray that we fix our Mother.

  15. May we all learn to celebrate our Earth!
    Very good post, Debra. Thank you.

  16. A great way to put humor on a serious topic! The quotes are perfect.

  17. I've always said that we're not going to destroy the earth..we will destroy mankind and the earth will get along just fine without us.

  18. Great post, Debra! I love this. Humans suck. And I hope our species never colonizes another planet. Yes, be VERY afraid, little planet.

  19. happy Earth Day! I blogged about it myself, commemorated it with a Pink Floyd song.

  20. It's hard not to be discouraged, Debra. When you look at the fossil record you see a lot of species that spread wildly and then were gone. I'm afraid nature's going come back at us. Probably in a pandemic.

  21. Hi Debra.....
    Kudos on a great post....
    We are kinda stupid,eh?

  22. I am very grateful to have the community I live in. We're very much aware and active in protecting water rights, streams, ponds, animals... and the 184 acre forest that we help tend.

  23. Ha ha ha the best post ever Debra! One day the Earth will shake us off like a nasty little bug we really are.

  24. sorry about the Jets. I was pulling for them, but not enough.

  25. The memory box tugged at my heart strings.

    We had a snow storm for Earth Day. Still out there, stuck on the back deck, too.

    PS:Two days in a row, no nap.

  26. Sad but true. I love the line about activism vs. terrorism.

  27. Haha, I like "I'm with stupid." It's true - in a sad and funny way.

  28. The image of the Earth looking at old pictures nearly broke my heart... As a species, we are "Stupid" indeed... ;-(

  29. You might take a look at Elizabeth Kolbert's book The Sixth Extinction. Well written - well documented. There have been five major extinctions on earth and we are now in the midst of the sixth... totally the responsibility of mankind.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  30. Sad, but very true. And the planet will go on just fine after we're done killing ourselves. *sigh*

  31. Sad but true..We've done a ton of irreversible damage..So sad that so many animals are extinct. Great post..

  32. Deb I wonder if we humans will ever wake up before it is too late.
    Excellent post.
    Peggy xxx

  33. That sequence of pictures "I'm with stupid and 100% plastic" is downright true. That print explains how stupid some people are.

    Shame in those who don't give a dang on climate change.

  34. All very true; however, I find the idea of polar bears versus sharks rather tantalizing. Maybe that will be the next Sharnado sequel.

  35. especially like that last one - it's going on pinterest


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