Wednesday 10 June 2015

A Wonderful Summer Read -- Avalon

If you love cats (and who doesn't?), then I know you'll enjoy reading Vanessa Morgan's new book, just published last week! Vanessa is the creator of the Traveling Cats blog and posts at her own personal blog as well.

Avalon is the story of an extraordinary Turkish Van cat who lived with her in Europe, caused untold mayhem among boyfriends and veterinarians, gave unending love and support to Vanessa, served as Muse to her screenwriting career and also starred in some movies along the way. It's a terrific read and I know you'll enjoy it -- I certainly did! And isn't that cover art amazing?

Avalon is available in Kindle format to American readers for under $4 at (click here) and to Canadian readers for under $5 at (click here). If you need a European Amazon link to the book, see the list of links at Vanessa's blog (click here).


  1. A cat book for mature audience sounds intriguing. I thought all cat books out there were children books. Will have to check this one out. :)

  2. A cat book! I never hear about those! Lots of dog ones always, but no kitties.

  3. Cats and I adore one another... at least, until I begin sneezing rather more vociferously than not.
    A book about cats would be a happy medium, wouldn't you say?

  4. Ooohhh, what a fun book! Must go look it up. Thank you. :o)

  5. Sounds good - and I love the kitty!

  6. Something worth checking out. Sounds real good.

  7. I'm quite taken by the glorious cover!

  8. wow thats a beautiful cover on the book,

  9. Thanks so much for sharing Avalon's story :-)

  10. The cover art on that is stunning and the story sounds interesting. I will consider making a purchase. Best wishes to the author!

  11. Gorgeous cat!!. You all are always trying to get me to read something !!!

  12. I MUST read this (says the owner of 4 delicious felines).....

  13. Beautiful cover art. I love animal stories. Need to check it out.

  14. I need to have a look into it.

  15. The cover art is gorgeous, but I don't know if I could read a book about cats! They're funny to watch, but I only own dogs :)

  16. You have whet my apetite - will check the book out.

  17. How BEAUTIFUL!!! Bet the book is a beauty, too.


  18. That cover art is simply amazing. I must admit your post as piqued my interests.

  19. What a handsome kitty on the cover! Sounds like an interesting book. Will have to check it out.

  20. Hello dear Lady Debra.... Hope that you and yours are well this Weekend...
    We used to read a Lot and not just for "research".... read many tales of fiction as well...sadly, we seldom read for pleasure anymore... eyes not their best anymore... and prolonged reading makes them hurt these days...
    my favorite book is "Grendel" by John Gardener.... it re-tells the story of "Beowulf" , from the monster's point of view... and Grendel's "views and opinions" on the human race we tend to agree with... this book influenced the way we "view" the world around us...


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