Thursday 11 June 2015

Loving Christians

There are getting to be more and more GLBT-loving and -accepting Christians all the time. More power to them and may their numbers increase steadily!

I bet you they read the Queen James Version of the Bible!

Seriously, it's a real Bible and you can buy it on by clicking here.

Tomorrow: Hateful Christians (unfortunately a much longer post)


  1. The Iceland one, while it's inspiring that they forced the bigot-preacher to confront an empty arena, they still made it a sold out event, giving him all that money and he didn't have to do his routine. Great idea in principle, but paying him to do nothing is kind of a reward. If I was that awful preacher, I'd schedule a return trip with four shows over two days.

  2. It is so sad that religion is supposed to be a positive in people's lives yet it is a huge problem in different ways! I'm just waiting for the day when one of the of 19 Kids and Counting children comes out of the closet. With that many children, the odds are good that one will be gay, transgender or something that the family/wacky religion finds unacceptable.

  3. Whenever people talk about Christians I look to my dad. He's a university educated intelligent man who happens to be a Christian. He's the only person I know who reads Stephen Hawking FOR FUN. He believes in the Big Bang and evolution and takes the bible how it's supposed to be taken; as stories to guide you. Neither God or Jesus say they hate gay people. It was one of the apostles. Both God and Jesus state on numerous occasions to love your neighbour, to love everyone, no matter what.

  4. There are progressive, loving and open-minded people all over. Thank goodness for that!

  5. It's how things are supposed to be, but too seldom are.

  6. that bible is so cool,

  7. jackiesue is stealing..priceless.

  8. Ha ha ha! I love the Jesus with two dads one. Thanks for the chuckle Debra! My son is gay and my only heartache is that he lived for several years with the knowledge of being different and was afraid to tell a soul about it. He knew when he was 10 years old but didn't tell me until he was 16. Ever since he came out we've embraced him as a family, including my devout catholic parents. He is now open with his sexuality and very happy. And I'm happy because he is happy. :)

  9. We are who we are.
    God made us all and accepts us all the same.

  10. I don't mind Christianity, I just don't like it's followers.

  11. Love them all! And yay for loving tolerance. Not a Christian myself, but I don't get how people who say they're Christian (some, not all as we see here,) can be so hateful. They say they follow Jesus and aspire to be like him. And I think REALLy?? Not so much! I love this Pope. He really seems to walk the walk.

  12. I enjoyed each one of these....
    But Rev. Tutu's quote makes me so happy.
    I feel so sorry for folks who don't have it in their hearts and minds to be kind and accepting to all. And I also want to kick their butts but that's another matter

  13. Rock on!!! It just gets better doesn't it? :)

  14. You'll know when lgbt rights is the super-majority view when the southern baptists admit it.

  15. I have long ceased to be a Christian, so although I am glad some of them are not homophobic, I do think their ideology is backward and oppressive.

  16. LOL!!!! Queens James Bible. I wonder if that's wear I learn my drag technique?

  17. I love the Icelanders! (Icelandians?)
    They jailed the banksters and bailed out homeowners. They were the only country in Europe not to fall for the austerity trap. If I wasn't afraid of freezing to death, I'd go there right now.

  18. I would like to get a copy of the Queen James Version.

  19. LOL! On the Jesus had two dad's one.

  20. You know times have changed when my mom, who is pretty darn Catholic has no problem with gay marriage. It's a very different time from the one I grew up in, and I'm glad my kids have grown up not seeing it as a big deal at all.

  21. The St. John's Anglican Church gets two thumbs up... ;-)

  22. I didn't know about that Bible! Awesome!


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