Tuesday 9 June 2015

Same-Sex Dancing

Here's a lovely terra cotta relief of My Rare One and I celebrating Pride Month! Actually, we bought this a few years ago in Italy, at a garden centre just outside the tiny Tuscan village of Vinci (where Leonardo da Vinci was born).

You wouldn't believe all the trouble we had getting this damn thing home. Because it's breakable, I put it in my carry-on, wrapped up in t-shirts to cushion it. The airline said no, it couldn't go on board the plane because I could use it as a weapon and hit someone over the head with it. So we had to frantically rearrange our two carry-ons while in the security line and then check one so it would go under the plane. All the while holding up this huge line of impatient people behind us, of course.

Anyway, it did ultimately get to Edmonton in one piece and now every summer it graces My Rare One's backyard cedar fence.

[Photo by Debra She Who Seeks]


  1. lovely piece AND lovely babes who dance!

  2. to be murdered by a lesbirelief.. now that would be interesting

  3. Beautiful piece! Thank goodness it made it home in one piece.

  4. it's a beautiful piece of art

  5. What an amazing piece of art. Beautiful.

  6. That's ridiculous they made you check that. Almost anything could be used as a blunt object! Prisoners turn newspapers into knives, but they provide you with magazines throughout the plane. Grrr arbitrary airline rules, hiding behind pseudo-safety. Sorry, not the thrust of the post, I know. That is a lovely piece.

  7. That's a nice plaque! Well worth the wonderful story! :o)

  8. The joy of same-sex dancing is worth any rearranging. You guys look great. I bet every squirrel that visits Your Rare One's garden shares my opinion. ;-)

  9. That's cool.

    I'll bet you'd never considered using it as a weapon until they suggested it.

  10. The backstory makes the beautiful piece even more interesting and special. Silly people and their rules. I know it is supposed to protect us from bad things but I think it just furthers the cause of stupid. But that's just this olde broad's opinion. xoxo Oma Linda

  11. its really beautiful and a treasure for sure,,
    you guys look great, lol, !!!!

  12. That is a lovely tile and I'd love one for my backyard. They are such beautiful creatures those two.

    I'm just glad it made it home in one piece and sits in a place where it can be enjoyed.

  13. Lovely piece..Glad it made it home safe and sound..

  14. Wow on the adventure in getting it home, in one piece.

  15. Absolutely worth it! It's lovely!

  16. It is beautiful. I think I would like to keep it out all year long.

  17. Precious Plaque to be sure! Hilarious hi jinx for added value! Beautiful Weapon of mass distraction! xDebi

  18. Homosexuality is often considered a Greek invention. The term lesbianism comes from Lesbos, a Greek city.

  19. Used as a weapon? Most flight attendants' shoes would make deadlier weapons!

  20. Sadly, everyone has an anti-common sense airport story.

  21. Who would ruin that by hitting someone with it? It's beautiful.


  22. Beautiful. Your story makes me kind of glad I never can afford to fly anywhere.

  23. Yeah it's people like you that cause all the queues in the airport! Ha, only joking.

  24. Seeing as I am one of the few who have actually met you and your rare one in person I want to assure your readers that is indeed the two of you dancing! I swear on a stack of ... ... books on cat care!!

  25. Sorry, I'm a bit late on comments but I was busy. I love terra cotta reliefs. I had three on my apartment wall, but my sister's bratty son broke them with his basketball.

  26. the bum on the right one appears to have a nice shine to it. Did you make some rubbings of it?

  27. It's lovely! Like seriously, why would you use it as a weapon? You'd break it! haha

  28. so very beautiful...I love it..gorgeous!!


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