Wednesday 14 October 2015

Halloween Cats

What would Halloween be without cats? Not half the fun it is now, that's for sure.

Cats are natural hipsters. They know all the best people to be friends with when Halloween rolls around.

And of course, every witch must have a cat. She and the kitten who will become her perfectly-matched familiar always recognize each other right away. It is Fate's Decree that their paths should cross and their lives be joined.

Cats can become very adept at learning all the witchy skills, like palm reading . . .

. . . and tarot as well. The wisdom of the cards is often revealed beneath their furry paws.

Cats are also the best and most skillful tellers of ghost stories . . .

. . . but sometimes, cats are the ghosts themselves. Beware!

It's no suprise to anyone, I'm sure, that cats make the most convincing demons . . .

. . . that's because they know The Big Guy Himself.

Oh yes. Cats walk among us and our souls become theirs.


  1. Haha! Best post ever in the history of blogs!!

  2. Whoa, what would a ghost cat be like?!? Imagine the general destruction. Those jerk ghosts who cut the new people in the house, to even those annoying ghosts who all they do is open cupboards, I'm beginning to think that all ghosts are cat ghosts! You've broken this thing wide open. All dogs go to heaven, but all cats are condemned to this purgatory, to wander the Earth forever vexing people as cat ghosts!

  3. I love kitties and loved this post. Thanks for a great morning chuckle.

  4. This is simply fabulous. The flour cat though! :-)

  5. Debs, is HRH ever sending you messages from the other side? We do miss her so.

  6. BAHAHAHA! I just about fell off my chair with the one about summoning Satan. BAHAHAHA!

  7. Fun fun fun.... some great GIFs out this year and they are all true!!!! Teddy, Mina and Cassie send Halloween greetings to you!

  8. Wonderful post!!!! HRH would be proud! (And so is Gomez) :o)

  9. I love the witch and the kitten in the window. So flippin' cute.

  10. Gotta love the fortune telling cat who sees a can opener in your future. I swear those animals are always hungry.

  11. they naturally look more sinister than dogs can ever hope to be.

  12. I love cats, even our very bad-cat James. My mother always told me : never be unkind to cats, because they are our ancestors returned to us... [What kind of christian was that woman, anyway???]

    :) Lois

  13. Yay for cats and Halloween. I adore the crone at the pet store window. Cats and kittens can read the sign on my forehead that reads, "sucker". Lovely fun post. xoxo Oma Linda

  14. I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed this post!

  15. I LOVE cats and I LOVE this post!

  16. Happy Belated Thanksgiving. I was so busy the past few days that I didn't have any time to check out everyone's blogs.
    This is a cool cat post. I need to borrow that gypsy cat for my Wet Cat Wednesday post next week.

  17. Ha, typical cats! My cat constantly sees can openers in my future, she's always ready to eat :-).

  18. I never got another cat after my dear little Starbootty passed. A wonderful cat, had my personality....and was a shiny, sleek, all black cat.....with the greenest jade eyes I ever did see.

  19. everyone should have a little pussy(cat) in their life! I have 3!

  20. if cats read blogs the'yd love this. that flour face one scared me.. yikes!

  21. Love that cat covered in flour! very eeeerie!!
    Linda :o)

  22. Love it! The cat that got into the flour is fantastic!

  23. Right you are...again! Getting a cat is on my mind as my responsibility list is shrinking. My husband doesn't like pets ( narsass) and I'm watching closely his attitude on old women. Maybe it's time to stack the deck and get a kitty! xoDebi

  24. Adorable post..Love all the kitties..Enjoy the season..

  25. Not sure if Mr Harper would approve of those cats wearing Niqjab and Burkas... LOL

  26. I'd be careful putting cats near fires. Even an oven. They love warmth and I'm sure shortly after that picture was taken the cat tried to jump into the oven.

  27. I love that picture of the kitty with flour on it! Haha.. creepy! I myself don't have a cat, but I like them alright. They do silly things (like summon Satan in the oven) :P

  28. The black cat with flour is a great idea for Halloween. Sure cats and Halloween, no surprise there. Now do you know if there are any Halloween bees? Closest thing I can think of are the killer bees from years ago.

  29. My two kitties own me heart and soul for sure! This is a great, fun post. Cats RULE!

  30. Ha, love it. My cats are definitely warming their Actually, some time ago I was warned to keep Milo inside for Halloween night because he's all black. Shocked me. Mind you, both my cats turn into jello on Halloween night because of the fireworks and then they hide under the bed or something, so no worry there.

  31. I LOVE cats and Halloween wouldn't be the same without them. Especially black cats. Which reminds me how I miss Odin.

  32. not only on halloween are cats fabulous. but anytime, anywhere, any holiday cat are just damn terrific. great post! cheers!!

  33. You have to but look into the eyes of a cat to know it is connected to magic.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  34. Wow! Ok that last picture is kind of freaking me out! But of course not before I pinned it to my Halloween board...


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