Saturday 24 October 2015

The Halloween Tag (Part 1)

Guillaume of Vraie Fiction has zapped me with The Halloween Tag which consists (appropriately enough) of 13 questions. I'll answer 7 today and the remaining 6 tomorrow. Here goes:

1. Favourite Halloween song?
I've always loved The Monster Mash! And if I may, I dedicate this video to Dr. Theda and Stacey over at Dr. Theda's Crypt because no one loves the old classic monsters more!

2. Witch or Vampire?
Well of course witches are nearest and dearest to my heart, as you know. But I do also have a soft spot for the vampire Adam from Only Lovers Left Alive simply because I adore Tom Hiddleston. And that gives me an excuse to post this gif of Adam savouring a frozen blood popsicle --

Oooooo nice homoerotic lip action, Tom, even if not everyone approves.

3. Favourite thing about Halloween?
I love handing out candy at the door to little trick-or-treaters and seeing all their cute costumes.

4. Halloween party or scary movie marathon?
Oh, a Halloween party for sure! True confession time -- I don't actually like scary movies at all. But even so, I'm going to go see the new gothic romance horror film Crimson Peak. Because, you know, Tom Hiddleston is in it.

5. Skeletons or zombies?
Zombies do have a certain je ne sais quoi kind of charm,  I admit. But skeletons are more jaunty and fun-loving, even on the job.

6. Favourite Halloween candy?
When I was a kid, people still handed out homemade Halloween treats at the door and it was perfectly safe to take them. The Golden Age of Halloween Innocence, eh? Anyway, my favourite score was to get a homemade caramel popcorn ball. They were the BEST!

7. Favourite Halloween movie?
It's not really a Halloween movie per se but it is about vampires -- the aforementioned Only Lovers Left Alive. Because -- well, you know by now.

All the Tom Hiddlestud references in this post are dedicated to Dezzy at Hollywood Spy because he loves Our Tom as much as I do.

Tomorrow -- The Halloween Tag (Part 2). And I promise -- no more Tom Hiddleston!


  1. Hiddle me this, hiddle me that... Hiddlestud sure knows how to suckle!

  2. And we do ever so lurv him :) Remember when once he blessed me? :) I still get retweets for that years after :)

  3. And I may or may have not watched those two GIFs at number two like twentyseven times in last five minutes....

  4. I want to see the Hiddlestud - Crimson Peak too. But alas, I have to wait until it comes out on DVD. I can't sit for too long because of that cruddy back of mine. If you do go see it, give us the low down on it.

  5. Well I married Loki........

    Not that I would gloat or anything.

  6. Well as you know I don't celebrate Halloween, but your answers were very interesting. Have a great weekend!

  7. Thanks for answering the questionnaire. I cannot wait to read more.

  8. You don't have to limit your Tom Hiddleston. That dude is a charming mofo. I am the polar opposite on the Monster Mash. I spend all of October trying to avoid that song I find it so annoying. But that's why music is subjective. I love that rollercoaster photo. Amazing in so many ways.

  9. I'd go for zombies. Know several people who I'd like to serve their brains (like new, rarely used)!

  10. Delious Halloween Post! Yes indeed! Lip smacking Lip action, lip- lious Monster Mashing all day long ! xo

  11. I was going to make woopie pies for halloween this year..but think I'll make cracker jacks instead...I want to see that movie.

  12. OMG. (I never said that before blogging, but OMG, just the same because I love that you used Oogie's kids. Great stuff. Fun post. Have a spooky day and an even spookier night.

  13. Very cool ! I'd say for myself as alluring as being a witch is, I'd prefer a vampire. There is something usually over sexual, chic and mysterious about them.

  14. And I had almost forgotten that the Grim Reaper is in fact a skeleton. It explains partially why I prefer skeletons to zombies.

  15. It's funny, Debra, but I would answer your first 6 questions exactly the same as your did! But I don't have a favorite Halloween movie because scary movies terrify me, and I won't go to them. I have what my grandmother MacDonald called "an overwrought imagination." Happy Saturday to you!

  16. I am glad to know that you, too, are a skeleton girl. Zombies are just a bit too squishy.

  17. Seeing Adam savouring a frozen blood popsicle was more off putting than watching my Sparrow Hawk savouring a pigeon.

  18. Great post Debra, I loved reading your answers :-). The popsicle scene is awesome to watch!

  19. I think I may have to check out Only Lovers Left Alive!

  20. Always loved Halloween!
    My favourite treat was taffy apples....only one woman in the neighbourhood amde them....yes, there were line-ups!!

  21. i hate scary movies. my life has been scary enough.

  22. This was fun to read. And I LOVE The Monster Mash. Horror films, too :)

  23. I loved that movie "Only Lovers Left Alive". Thought it was very cerebral for a vampire film. Still trying to understand how it got an "R" rating, with minimal nudity and almost zero violence.


  24. I'm going to have to watch Only Lovers Left Alive after that ice pop gif! :-) Hiddlestud is right.

  25. it's interesting to see everyone's costumes when they come to the door

  26. Well, now that I've seen the Hiddlestud slash blood popsicle GIF, I really have to go buy a copy of that movie! You're gonna love Crimson Peak. The youngest and I saw it last week. I'd like to go see it again. And then I'd like to buy it when it comes out on DVD. And I'm not usually like that. I don't even have a copy of the Dracula movie with you-know-who. ;)

  27. Thank you for the much needed "Smile"....!!!!
    and a very kind thing for you to have done ...

  28. Watched Crimson Peak last week.the costumes were gorgeous, but the film lacks action for a guy like me.

  29. My mom loves those caramel popcorn balls too! When I use to go Trick or treating, we had a lady who made homemade candy apples! They were so good!!


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