Sunday 25 October 2015

The Halloween Tag (Part 2)

Continuing from yesterday's post, here are the last 6 questions of The Halloween Tag --

8. Favourite Halloween costume?
I tend to vacillate on matters such as these.

9. Favourite Halloween store?
There are of course those pop-up Halloween stores that appear every autumn and only operate for a couple of months until Halloween is over. But I prefer going to Value Village for all my Halloween needs. They have a good selection of both used and reasonably-priced new costumes and items. That's where I bought our lovely rubber rats many years ago, Cardinal Ratzinger and Archbishop Fang. Here they are in rather blurry action on the front step in 2010 --

10. Jack-o-lanterns, yes or no?
OF COURSE, YES! Here's a selection of JoLs that My Rare One and I have carved over the years --

11. Bats or black cats?
No contest.

12. Is Halloween your favourite holiday?
It's right up there!

13. Pumpkin spice latte or hot chocolate?
I'm definitely a hot chocolate kinda gal.

Now I'm supposed to tag other people to do this quiz as well. But I'm not going to do that because . . .


Hahahahaha, trick or treat! How could I not have more Tom Hiddleston in Part 2 of this post, I ask you? Loki is The Trickster, after all.


  1. Interesting thoughts and memes.

  2. i love the witchcraft starter kit!

  3. That pumpkin latte looks scrumptious. Now I am wanting some.

  4. Value Village is great for Halloween stuff! I enjoy visiting this time of year just to see what they've got. Very cool.

  5. I read the post but it took me an hour. I am transfixed by that Gif of the horse-to-ape mask thing. It's mesmerizing. Good choice on the hot chocolate front. Also, I wanna pet that fluffy cat. Wanna pet it. Wanna scratch behind its ears.

  6. me was just about to say this part ain't as remotely cool as the first one without Hiddlestud... when he appeared at the end of my scroll :)

  7. All your Jacks are amazing - you are quite talented!

  8. amazing punkin's Halloween is my favorite holiday..period.

  9. I used to hide from the trick or treaters at Halloween. Imagine.. hiding from children. Now.. I just give them sweets

  10. what an adorable starter kit....kitty.Fun JOL's..I just love this time of year..Enjoy

  11. If Loki commands then we must do. We I don't know about the others, but I would follow him anywhere. So I will be doing this tomorrow morning.

  12. Loki doesn't have to ask twice ( although he could ask all day long). You do coaks a smile from me, heart post! x

  13. The starter kits was funny. Love that you shared your jack's with us. Pretty cool.

    Happy Oogie Boogie Day.

  14. I love that you named your rubber cats! You guys are so talented with the pumpkin carving.

  15. Good choice on hot chocolate. I'm already sick of the pumpkin spice craze. Also, fun fact: pumpkin spice beer is absolutely terrible.

    Oh, and I'm jealous. You and Rare One are really good at carving pumpkins. Me, not so much. I always feel like this.

  16. I thought the black cats would be an obvious choice too.

  17. I used to enjoy carving pumpkins, but my DiL is so brilliant at that job that I have abandoned doing them anymore.

  18. Do you offer jack-o-lantern carving lessons?

  19. Your pumpkins are carved beautifully!!! The starter witchcraft kit is adorable :-). I don't mind Tom Hiddleston in this second part AT ALL hahaha!

  20. I've never had pumpkin spice anything

  21. EEEEKKKKKKKKKK! RATS!!!!! I love so much you get behind Halloween so much. And those pumpkins are fabulous girls!!!!!

  22. Cute idea! I love the pumpkins.
    We love to visit the pop up Halloween stores, but usually spend our money at Goodwill or resale shops because I'm super cheap.
    I usually make my own costumes, one year I was Amy from The Big Bang Theory, which just involved pinning my bangs down and wearing my old glasses sadly. This year I'm going as Tara from Sons of Anarchy, which only involves scrubs/doctor pants, a skull Tshirt and a toy stethoscope. (Her character was a doctor that helped a motorcycle gang if you didn't watch SOA)
    Happy Scary Candy Day!

  23. Funnest Halloween post I've seen! And I knew I liked you - hot chocolate decorated with a spider web does it for me.
    Loki can do tricks for me anytime. Wink.

  24. What fun, Debra! Jack-o-lanterns? Definitely yes, although as a kid I knew them as pumpkin grinners. Your rats are positively freaky creepy! I can tell that you and your RO are going to have a fun week! Enjoy!

  25. Cute pumpkins. Yes, Halloween can be quite fun. Love visiting the pop up Halloween stores.

  26. Oh she has lovely rats and can carve a vegetable like I've never seen.

  27. Oooh, I want a latte now! And Tom Hiddleston, of course.

  28. I love black cats. And recently acquired one. will post about her later.

  29. Mmm, a hot chocolate is lovely in the fall. Pumpkin spice is nice, but chocolate wins.

  30. Your Jack-o-lanterns are amazing!!!


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