Friday 2 December 2016

Yeah, Yeah, Deck the Effin' Halls

Well, here we are in December and I have absolutely NO Christmas Spirit.


It's not that I'm depressed or anything, although I do admittedly have a wee touch of perfectly understandable post-holiday blahs. For whatever reason (and I'm not saying it's that goddamn Trump), I just don't have my jingle on for Christmas 2016. Even listening to all of my most beloved Christmas carols failed to kick-start my ho-ho-ho!

So unless things change and soon, it looks like this year I'm doomed to be the bastard love child of an unholy three-way between Scrooge, Grumpy Cat and the Grinch. *shudder*

You have been forewarned.


  1. I am your twin sister from that unholy three-way. fuck everything!

  2. We did the deed [decorations], but I still haven't caught the spirit yet.

  3. I do believe I'm turning into Scrooge myself, since I've no intention to buy any presents to anyone this year, not will I get any from anyone :) Cheereo!

  4. It's probably just a post holiday slump. I'm sure you'll pick up soon.

  5. I feel ya, sister. I am struggling too. This too shall pass?

  6. I know how you feel and I will enjoy your interpretation of Christmas blahs a whole lot more than mine lol,, I know this for sure!
    I think Marie Smith in comments said it best lol,,

  7. I completely understand what you mean. It's sort of difficult to walk around all merry, while the love-child of that horrible threesome is dancing around giving everyone the finger.

  8. I completely empathize! The holiday season is not an easy one, particularly when the world is a bit messy.

  9. What you (and we all) need is a Trumpectomy. I am feeling pretty bah, humbug myself this year. Let's hope we can rise above the miasma of the past election results and have us a little fun. While we can. There I go again.

  10. ok, sister friend, I'm gonna overlook what you called my Pres. Elect here....for the first time in OVER 8 yrs, I am feeling good about the situation ...but that's me....:)

  11. I am so with you on this. Three way children unite and let's dance for Krampus

  12. Some years are like that... Flat. We need some snow here in Hamilton to get the jolly-on.

  13. I don't decorate as much as I used to either. I used to decorate the whole house including the bathroom, would you believe it? But since I'm not working and I'm stuck at home all day without any visitors, I consider it just another season. It's so sad.

  14. As an elderly bloke from the place "down under" ... simply thought to say Hello. Have no real idea of 'ice and snow' here at your season's change ... but very hot here.

  15. Debra - seasons come; seasons go. Has been a long time jest with 'gods are bored' around this season - she tells me that it's cold - i tell her that we're a bit warm with "Old Sol", thanks fer the lend .. we'll send him back.

  16. (and yep, did think about writing something about the 'devil' but thought better of it .... heh, heh, heh).

  17. yep..i am still feeling very trumpfucked. i don't have my tree up yet. for me, this is a very big deal! hopefully tomorrow.

  18. Can we please remove the word 'fuck' as an all purpose idiocy?

  19. and I have absolutely NO Christmas Spirit.

    How about i wish you a Merry, Enjoyable FESTIVE season?

  20. Love the idea of Susan's Trumpectomy

  21. You need to watch Die Hard. Nothing invokes the Christmas spirit like Hans Gruber falling from a building.

  22. Why only yesterday I downed a whole bottle of Fukittol. I feel better now.

  23. I've been slow finding my Ho Ho Ho. I'm hoping decorating the tree with unbreakables so that Oliver can do his thing -- will help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. Christmas spirit? I can take or leave it. I love the Trump though.

  25. Blame it on Trump. I'm blaming him for everything anyway. So add it to the list.

  26. Debra, despite my festive posts, I have, so far, absolutely no Christmas spirit! Not sure why. I haven't put up a single decoration or started any shopping. None. Zip. Zero. But I will force myself to get into it. And my blog will make me do so :) Let's hope the feeling kicks in!

  27. I'm not in the Christmas mood either.

  28. Putting up my tree eased my Trumpression a bit. Willy Dunne Wooters and I like Christmas lights.


  29. You just need to read all your comments here, that will get you in the Christmas spirit! Of all the Debras in the world, you are the DEBRAest!
    (You gotta know that is a paraphrase from Charlie Brown! HA!)

  30. Not feeling it either, but that's typical for me. Maybe Mummers Parade practice tomorrow will perk me up and make me festive.

  31. Interesting. I am the same way. Strange.

  32. Maybe Orange Hilter will be visited by three ghosts on Christmas Eve and change his tune by Christmas morning...nah America is doomed

  33. I've got a simple but Christmasy mood going. Some years it doesn't strike but this year I'm feeling good about it. Maybe yours will come, maybe not. Not the worst thing in the world to loose the Christmas spirit one year - just as long as it is not a life long habit. By the way, I think Trump, along with the change in time, did affect my mood for a bit.

  34. If I may make a suggestion, the way that helps me out of a Christmas funk is to get away from all the excesses. Leave the lights, the Santas, the shopping behind. Instead spend some time helping others at a soup kitchen to recharge and rediscover the power of love and giving and rediscover the message of God's love. God bless. I certainly do hope you will not be spending time with Grumpy Cat this Christmas.

  35. phases come in life when darkness fallen around makes one feel gloomy or dull but where is faith there is hope and it twinkles behind even darkest cloud

  36. Don't worry, your pesky little cousin from CT is pretty much the same way. I don't have the Christmas spirit beyond playing nice with children under the age of 14 (it's cruel to crush their spirit at such a young age).

    However, if you want good Christmas music, don't listen to the traditional stuff on commercial radio. Instead, search out college stations or Sirius/XM radio for very non-traditional Christmas music. Certainly does the trick for me.

    Father Nature's Corner

  37. I wonder if it is the post Maui blues! I hope you perk up.

    The best defense against the cretin Trump is to not let him get you down. He's one of the biggest morons who ever walked the face of the earth - I still cannot fathom how many people voted for him. I'm surrounded by them.

  38. Sometimes we all feel that way....Snap out of it! LOL thanks for your comment about not being able to visit. I know you said you cannot update your flash, but was it something else that changed that makes you not able to visit?

  39. Every year my Christmas spirit gets less and less..I decorated a little outside..haven't done anything inside one sees it..I should be doing that today and here I sit on the computer..Then there are the Christmas cards..One thing I will do today is next years calendar..Christmas music makes me sad...I think it's my age..A lot of us older people feel this way...This isn't helping !!! Have a good weekend..

  40. 🎄🎄🎄🎄I am in the tiniest way looking forward to Christmas. First year since my mom died. 🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄

  41. It is that Trump. I'm still confused.

  42. I could come by with some Christmas pizzelles or bagels. Or both.

  43. I'm in the fuck that, fucky you, fuck them, fuck him, fuck her fuck everyone stage of December.

  44. No spirit here, just a bad case of visceral shock.

    If the psychopath gets to be president-elect than I am keeping my Halloween door mat at the entry and Christmas decorations in the garage!

  45. Here we are very excited about Christmas because it is Wolfie's first. But I long for snow.

  46. I am with you on this Debra!! Although, I am trying! I'm really trying!! I do hope we get some snow for Christmas! I think that would help.

  47. You know Deborah, I felt this way last year just miserable. But this year I have tons of spirit, I don't know why. Yours will come back next year, I'm sure! In any case merry Christmas to you !!

  48. You are not alone in this bad humbug whatever feeling! more so this year as the dementors are reeking havoc!

    But I think we all should mustard and lettuce up some HoHoHo.....The Devil hates Laughter ( wink, wink, ) especially when you laugh at him!


  49. Yikes. I'm doubtful such a frigid threeway could reproduce.

    You're certainly not alone in wondering what happened to "good ole holiday cheer."

    Keep on keeping on. It's all we can do, eh?

  50. No jingle on? Maybe you need a little comedy. Do you have any reindeer you could chase after up there in the cold north? How about building a snowwoman? How about I just shut up?

  51. How about all the Australians tell you Northern Hemisphere dingbats WE WISH YOU A MERRY FESTIVE Season and we'll send OLD SOL back fer a lend.


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