Tuesday 6 December 2016

The Hipster Nativity

Last Christmas, I featured a blog post about Hipster Santa (see here) but this year EVERYBODY'S getting in on the act! Look who's just received an "Instagram-worthy makeover" according to the Modern Nativity website --

YES! Finally, a nativity scene for the 21st century! Hey, check out the SOLAR PANELS on that stable roof, all you energy consumption criminals who still rely on oil, gas or coal!

No need for Renaissance masters to paint the Holy Family's portraits anymore -- Mary and Joseph can take their OWN selfies now, thank you very much. All while wearing the latest styles. And I have it on good authority that Joseph is sporting a MAN BUN too. But jeez, isn't "duck face" over YET?

Behold the Three Wisemen with their "tricked out segways" -- camels are SO yesterday -- and their cool hipster outfits! Doesn't EVERYONE do their Christmas shopping online at Amazon.com now? I know I do. And finally, as the website says: "It’s crazy to think that the Wisemen followed a star in the sky to find Jesus, rather than using Google Maps, but who are we to judge?"

Even the Little Shepherd Boy is now a COOL TEENAGE DUDE uploading the whole scene onto Instagram with his phone. His flock has been updated too and consists of a 100% organic milk cow eating gluten-free feed and a sheep in a FUGLY Christmas sweater.

I notice that the only character who DIDN'T receive a hipster makeover is Baby Jesus. I guess the manufacturers of this nativity set thought that might be a bit TOO controversial, so they didn't cross that line. But really -- why should HE be left out of the FUN? Give that kid a onesie with some crazy pop culture reference on it!

But if you'd prefer, there are CHRISTIAN onesies on the market too. Here's a couple that would be JUST PERFECT for Baby Jesus --


  1. Um, where's the marketing fer th baby emerging from the womb 'fully fledged' with 'baby' style 'flak jacket' ... ???

    Perhaps someone could design an American "toddler" concealed weapon holster?

  2. bwhahahahaha! and davoh, I would not be one bit surpriaed that some redneck ignorant knuckle-dragger hasn't thought of your product!

  3. Love those onesies and the Nativity is a hoot.

  4. Mary looks like a drunk floozie in that one!

  5. Hipster.Nativity.


  6. i just bought this nativity for the blog tech!

  7. Maybe it's a regional thing, but one of those hipster wise guys should be wearing plaid. Either plaid flannel or plaid wool. I vote for the guy in the vest -- he's already wearing a toque.


  8. Thanks for coming by...and hoping you have a great day....

  9. Oh my god, is that funny!!!! Is it wrong I think the Shepherd boy is sort a gay and cute looking?????? And debs, in regards to your comment on my blog. You'd love the town of New Hope! That house you loved in the background is very cute, right across the street from one of my favorite watering holes. It said the be haunted.

  10. This is just too fantastic!!! I want to be a Hipster when I grow up...

  11. Imthink the wise men would have used the skyguide app. Google maps is so 2010.

  12. That hipster nativity was just too funny. The baby onesies are cute!

  13. @ lady M -- OMG YOU'RE RIGHT! Now they all look kind of nekkid to me.

  14. I lost it at the wise men on Segways. Lost it. :D That is hysterical.

  15. That's hilarious. A couple of years ago, my daughter told me that her brother is a hipster. I didn't know what it meant, and wasn't sure if he qualified after I read an explanation online. Thus, I asked Sam Sam, who cares for my golden tresses, if my son is a hipster (she has known him for a long time). Sam Sam said he is not a hipster, but he has hipsterish qualities.


  16. This is funny but I am glad that they left baby Jesus as a baby.
    It reminds me that the movie "The Life of Brian" was originally going to be about Jesus but the writers (Monty Python)read the story of Jesus' life very carefully and then, decided to make it about a man living at the same time as Jesus.
    Sorry, everything in the world either reminds me of a movie or a song!

  17. LOVE this whole idea! A hipster Christmas it will be!!

  18. That's in bad taste, show some respect to the one true god and his name is....JOHN CENA!!!

  19. You know I don't celebrate Christmas. But with this kind of awesomeness, I might have to begin. LOL!

  20. This is so relieving. When I saw a little picture of this on my blog roll, I thought, "No, not a nativity scene." I then realized it's my kinda cool scene.
    You always do it right; how could I ever have a doubt?

  21. Snort.. snicker... I'll stick with my old fashioned Polish creche thanks.

  22. No angel included because they're all atheists now.

  23. Hipster Nativity I think I have seen everything!

  24. But what self-respecting Hipster rides on a Segway? From my experience, Segways are only for awkward super-nerds in their 40's.

  25. LOL- OMGOSH! I LOVE your take on the nativity. We have a Fisher Price one the kids play with and it has evolved to include a fireman, a policeman, a penguin, a LARGE chipmunk and a few other assorted characters. All part of God's plan!!! lol

    IF you feel comfortable doing so would you send me your email? You come through on my blog as a No Reply and I would really like to be able to send you a response sometimes. You can email me at dianakos1@gmail.com

    Thanks and have a Great Wednesday. xoDiana

  26. As my 17 year old says, "Yaaasss!" on that nativity scene. That is so how it would be these days. Sad but true. North Star? What North Star, it's not showing up on Waze!

  27. These were really fun. Solar panels and organic and gluten-free. Of course, I pick those out so .. there's that.

    Here's to a good flippin'

  28. That's... that's amazing. I kind of want one, only no 'kind of' about it. Everything about this is gold (I can forgive Jesus for just being a baby and not yet hipsterized by his parents).

  29. I heard this caused some arguing over on fakebook recently. I didn't notice since I limit my exposure to fakebook.
    I imagine Jesus would take advantage of the social media branding options available today. Here's an idea - cable show - Game of Thorns. That idea lead me to searching. I found out there are special gardening gloves made that are called Game of Thorns.

  30. Hipster for sure! I love the nativity set. The onesies are great as well ...where did you find those? You find the neatest stuff.. thanks for sharing!

  31. @ Missy George -- Just found them surfin' the net! I think I searched the phrase "Christian onesies" and "baby onesies pop culture."

  32. Oh Debra...where do you find this shit?
    Too funny...or is it???
    Enjoy your week...
    Linda :o)

  33. Classic!!! Love it. Thanks for the smiles!

  34. I saw the hipster nativity but I didn't notice all the tiny (yet hilarious) details. It gets funnier with every look.

  35. what Jackiesue said
    the Ol'Buzzard

  36. Why has mum got webbed fingers? Really she should be holding a can of cider and a fag in the other hand but that could be a problem with the webbed fingers.

  37. OK, after all the cynical "hipster" frivolity ..
    we really have to remember that somewhere around the Julian Calender December 25th we really have to remember that the Northern Hemisphere myths and legend never really existed beyond the "Mediterranean sea" until the 18th century of recorded history.

    Your "winter" is our "Summer" The 'solstice' Festivals belong to both hemispheres. The 'costumes" might be different .. OK.

  38. Ok, I'm going to be a grand mother in a month [or so] and want ALL of those baby-shirts. They call them onesies, and that annoys me. One year we had a storm-trooper and a bionicle in the manger scene.

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