Tuesday 1 August 2017

Short(ish) Blogging Break

Hi everyone -- just to let you know, I'm taking a BLOGGING BREAK in August and September. Got places to go, people to see, things to do -- including a road trip across the prairies to see my sister and my Mom.

But I've lined up a GUEST BLOGGER who promises to write two or three posts while I'm away. WHO could it be?

YES, THAT'S RIGHT! My dearly departed cat, Her Royal Highness, will be coming back again from The Great Beyond to pound out a few of her thoughts on the ol' laptop.

As long-time readers know, however, she's NOT the most reliable cat in the world, so we'll see if she ACTUALLY carries through on her promise.

In any event, I'll see you all again in October! CHEERIO and PIP PIP!


  1. well, have a great road trip! but you KNOW you will be missed. I like the "S" picture (hee hee hee)!

  2. Toodle pip! as Mr. Toad said to Ratty, Moley, and Badger - have a good and happy road trip and see you back in October.

  3. Jerry and I love Scrabble. Haven't played in a long time. He wouldn't know how to spell that word! AND... he behaves just like the cartoon cat.

  4. Safe travels, and good times! Peace.

  5. Have a lovely break and we'll see you when you return. I too am getting ready to leave again. We really have to stop this Debs...people will start talking.......

  6. You call a two month break shortish? Sweet bejesus! Thank you for leaving us in the safe paws of HRH and shame on you for not letting her write more often to us from the heavens....

  7. Have a marvelous time! Gomez is looking forward to hearing from HRH! Happy Trails to you! Until we meet again.....

  8. Wow October sounds like forever! Have a great time!

  9. Have a wonderful trip. We'll miss you here in blogland.

  10. Enjoy your break! Saskatchewan and Manitoba in summer... girl, you know how to partay! Lol. Truly, though, enjoy seeing family and whatever else you do. Looking forward to hearing the stories!

  11. Take care dear Lady Debra... and our best wishes to you and yours... have a pleasant time ... Stacey

  12. So looking forward to the next post!

  13. Enjoy yourself. Curious to read your feline's thoughts.

  14. October!!! Say it isn't so! Safe and fun travels - we shall catch you on the flip side for the best month EVER. :)

  15. have fun...be safe..I'll miss you..and especially your comments on blog..

  16. Oh goodie. I have so many questions for HRH about the great beyond.. You have a fun time and be safe.

  17. Oh Debra! I'll miss you! :))) Blessed Lammas to you my friend and enjoy your time off! I look forward to the feline posts to come! :))

  18. Enjoy!

    We'll be waiting for details and photos!

  19. have a fun couple of months! you are returning at just the right time!

  20. Have fun Deb! You will be missed! Can't wait for HRH posts!! LOL!
    Thanks for the e-mails! You are a great person! I can't explain how I feel inside, but I can say, I have never felt this way before and it's amazing! I think the universe is doing a happy dance for me! LOL!
    Big Hugs and Be Well!

  21. Have a lovely holiday. Relax and enjoy. I'll keep an eye out for Her Royal Highness.

  22. Cats have nine lives and they cannot stay dead, truly. Enjoy your trip.

  23. Have a great time on your blogging break, Debra! I'll pop back every so often to check on Her Royal Highness! Happy and safe travels to you, my friend!

  24. Have a safe and sane killer road trip!

  25. Enjoy your travel. Did your sister and mom move to those respective places so that whenever you visit them it gives it an alliterative quality that is quite delightful? See your sister in Saskatchewan and mom in Manitoba. Have fun~

  26. Enjoy your time away! It's been a long time since we've heard from HRH...it's definitely time!


  27. We'll certainly miss you, but... It will be SOOO good to hear from HRH.

  28. Enjoy! I am looking forward to Her Royal Highness' posts if she gets around to it.

  29. I hope you have a lovely time! It sounds lovely. Looking forward to your substitute blogger's posts. :)

  30. You will be missed..Loved todays post other than the fact that you wouldn't be around for awhile..Have fun..be safe..Did your Mom play the "S" ? Too funny

  31. We'll miss you. Without you, I may sink into depression and binge on ice cream. So hurry back, my health is in your hands. No pressure.


  32. Enjoy your blogging break and have fun travelling around Canadia and meeting the family. I'd let my cats blog for me but they prefer to sleep on laptops rather than use them.

  33. Good for you! Everyone needs to shake up the routine a bit. While I look forward to reading HRH post's I won't judge her if she isn't up to it. Frankly, when I am dead, I would hope my readers would understand why I am not posting.

    Have a fun break and I look forward to catching up when you return.

  34. I will be watching for you on the 6:00 o'clock National News! hahahahaha! Spread Joy! Have Fun! I will miss you 😘 xoDebi

  35. Dearly departed pussy typing on the peeboard....

    Have a good time in Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Sounds like a Guess Who song!

    Gary, eh :)

  36. I forgot to say, Happy early Birthday!

  37. hope you have some great things planned - enjoy!! and can't wait to see what those paws type out on the blog :O

  38. Enjoy your time away! Bring us with you, please? Please? Alright, well have fun!

    Can't wait to see what (if) HRH posts.

  39. I thought you died. I hadn't seen a comment from you for awhile. So next time let me know especially if you died. I hate to get side swiped by news like that. Hope you are enjoying your time away. Selfishly ignoring the GOLD that I post. I get it. Okay I don't get it.

  40. You're a trusting woman to leave your blog in those maniacal paws.
    Be well, be safe, enjoy, and you will be missed.

  41. Dear Debra wishing you a BLessed trip to your sister and dear mother!

    Thank you for dropping me a constant source of laughing in the form of your curious cat .
    hope she will start posting soon as she looks just like me "writing without using her brain" lol
    wiating for you dear!
    take care

  42. Looks like I'm falling behind again! Have a great break! See you when you get back!

  43. Enjoy the real life, it's a good one, I recommend it. :)

  44. The cat looks competent. I think your blog is in good hands, I mean paws.

  45. Thanks for sstopping by today...I am beginning to be able to take short breaths now and know Mr. Sweet would want me to keep on blogging. He was always proud that I had something I enjoyed so much. Oh, my...he was such a sweetheart and my heart is so broken, missing him so.
    Take a good break...see ya soon

  46. Oh god..........That last one was a good one. I am thinking you may be queen of the meme picture jokes. Can't help but laugh.



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