Thursday 17 August 2017

The Things I Do For You People

Hello, everyone -- Her Royal Highness the Cat here.

Because I was pressed into service against my will as a guest blogger on this crappy blog, I was forced to leave my comfy existence in the happy Afterlife and come back to your miserable world again.

And you know what? The friggin' police have looooooooong memories. Yes, those bastards were here to greet me as soon as I crossed The Veil.

Our reunion did not go well.

So, okay, perhaps a wild 'n crazy police chase did kind of ensue.

The SWAT Team caught up with me later, though, at my human's place.

They were very unreasonable about the whole situation.

And my rights were denied! As usual!

Plus I was railroaded in court by false and malicious testimony!

But don't worry, no jail cell can hold me for long!

I'll be back to do some more blogging soon, you lucky people!


  1. Haha, you should blog more often you are much funnier than your owner. ;)

  2. I never thought I'd see the day I'd see a dog taking an oath in front of a court of law. If I know my cats though, and I do, no prison can hold HRH for long.

  3. These are so funny! I'm definitely stealing them all. Ummm, HRH, do they have good nip on the other side?

  4. Run Toonces, Run!

  5. Well, now we know what cats do when bored in the hereafter.

  6. Too cute! HRH would be proud, I think. :)

  7. I'll bring you some Meow Mix with a file inside.

  8. Boy..... Debs is gonna come home a a royal mess.

  9. Thank you HRH for addressing us undeserving humans from heavens! Are you sure you're in heavens not in hell? I swear Debs talked a lot about your mortal mischiefs and devilish deeds while you were still pawing this world....

  10. Oh cutie, I hope for that one phone-call that you didn't bother Debra on her vacay.

  11. Ha ha ha..."but I'm innocent"...cute post!

  12. I'd be your Thelma anytime!

  13. Glad to see you're back! Glad to see your front, too!
    Thanks for the kitties!

  14. Hope that all is well
    (We want to flee to Canada to escape the Madness of the F***ed up Country...)

  15. We allowed "Racial Morons (White as well as Black) to "get to us... attacking National monuments ... just have the GOV move them to other Historic sites...
    USA is a Mess...

  16. Haha... Better have a full clip! These were hilarious!
    Also, i know how you feel, i was the same way, and then i happened to have some and thought, hey whats to lose? Just a couple of braincells i guess!
    Haha! Lots of love from half the World away!

  17. HAHAHA! This was hilarious, especially the warrant kitty. She knows her rights :)

  18. thanks for sharing the criminal side of the cat meme

  19. Tell your owner I said hello and that I hope she's having a nice summer. :-)

  20. That Debra must be a fast, smooth talker to convince a cat to leave a comfy spot on a rug let alone the afterlife. It was worth it.

  21. Nice to see you again HRH!!! Hope all is well....

    Love the Shepherd taking an oath.....

    Come back soon!

  22. I've missed you, HRH! You came back in a big and adventurous way. That judge should have thrown the shepherd's tainted testimony out! Bet you were gone like a shadow in the night. Thanks for filling in for Debra!

  23. Missed you..glad your back..These are hysterical..great kitties...

  24. Best blog by a cat I have read, ever!

  25. Blessings to HRH.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  26. Debra is ALMOST as funny as you are!

    Tell your owner I said hello and to give you the tuna water from the can of tuna.

  27. LOL Looks like a CATastrophe waiting to happen to me! lol
    Have a PURRfect weekend. xo Diana

  28. Heehee! Thanks for the Monday morning giggle, you rascally cat! :)

  29. Naughty pussy! You can't just blog like the calm human can you! Stay indoors & don't go at night! I'm watching the 6 o'clock news! I will know! xoDebi

  30. HRH came down from the afterlife bringing a gift of hilarious memes? There IS a heaven!

  31. Adorable! LOL! Love you Her Royal Highness!

  32. HRH, it is sooo good to read you! I'm sure the cops already know they have no chance with you. The poor bastards. They are probably somewhere crying themselves to sleep... or overdosing on pastries. Or both.

  33. I love you !
    glad you are back and what a post
    if i laughed louder my neighbor will think 'i am mad'

  34. I never thought I'd see the day I'd see a dog taking an oath in front of a court of law. If I know my cats though, and I do, no prison can hold HRH for long.


  35. Thanks for the smiles, Ms. Royal Highness Kitty!

  36. awwww, this is waaay too cute...I love every bit of it..I couldn't keep from laughing because I watched the movie about the prisoners that broke out of prison in NY and the lady that helped them...crazy...

    So nice to see you coming by, dear one. I hope you are having a good break...

  37. HRH is still a total bad ass! I expected nothing less! Hope you're enjoying your break.

    We'll see you when we see you. :)


  38. That was a delightful read, greetings!

  39. The police have looooooooong memories. and they even love to re open old files

  40. Hello Debra! I not sure if you remember me or not. My name is Michelle and my blog is Living a Charmed Life. Back in 2014 I asked you to read a Tarot profile for me - might I add you were spot on! Well, it's been waaaaaaay to long since I've been in blogdom world. And may I say your posts are as always TERRIFIC! - this one in particular. I love the little one driving. But I must say all the kitties are damn adorable. See ya soon. Cheers!!

  41. Very cute post. HRH is quite clever...especially considering her current state of being deceased. I hope I am still funny after I am gone.

  42. me ... ouw think me ... ouw is hooked on yur blog ... Love, cat.


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