Tuesday 19 September 2017

Blah Blah Blah Number Nine

Hello everyone. Her Royal Highness the Cat here once again. Before my human, Debra She Who Seeks, selfishly disappeared and stuck me with this stupid guest blogger gig, she told me I absolutely MUST post something on today's date. She mumbled blah blah blah number nine or similarly unintelligible gibberish to that effect. But frankly, who was listening? Not me.

So now I'm trying to remember what number nine refers to. Hmmm . . . .

The Nine Circles of Hell?

That's certainly what this thankless and unpaid guest blogger job has been like for moi.

A Cat's Nine Lives?

Unfortunately, all nine of mine are used up or I could escape this indentured blog servitude via the Happy Despatch.

The Nine Rings of Power?

I wish I had just ONE preciousssss ring so I could disappear too.

*heavy martyred sigh*

How tiresome this all is. Okay, okay, just let me rack my brain a little more . . . .

Ohhhh, now I remember!

Ninth Blogoversary!

Yeah, that's right. Today this blog is nine years old.

Big whoop-dee-doo, right? It's so strange what humans get all worked up about.



  1. Happy blogoversary! I remember the early days when HRH was the editor in chief not just a guest pawster!

  2. Happy Ninth! And many more because this interested cat is interested.

  3. Nine years! That's like 100 in blog years.

    I'm not sure what it is in cat years.

  4. Nine is a glorious number to celebrate. May you celebrate many, many, many more!

  5. Hey there....Happy 9th. Hope you have many more fun filled years. xoxo Oma Linda

  6. Happy blogoversary to you! Happy blogoversary to . . . okay, I'll quit singing. Franklin and Penelope put their paws over their ears.


  7. the one after nine o'nine... HAPPY BLOGIVERSARY!

  8. I never quite realized but you've been in the game longer than me. Mine will be 7 come November

  9. Happy 9 years! Glad I started blogging and found your blog. Cheeeeers!

  10. Happy Blogaversary! Wow, nine years. Where does the time go, huh? Hope you're having a great time blogging for Debra.

  11. Happy 9th. Thanks for sharing your life with us.

  12. Boy were all getting up there. Congrats tootes!!!!!

  13. I just assumed you would be getting paid for this. I'm guessing you haven't heard about Unions? (Google it.) You could not only be getting paid but receiving benefits as well. Think Temptations. And catnip.

    Happy 9th!

  14. Happy Blogaversary! Sometimes I wish I had a precious too to disappear with too.

  15. Cheers - I've stopped counting my blog years.

  16. Hiya! Happy 9th to you and hopefully many more to come.

  17. What you mean you've been churning out crap like this for 9 years?? Well done pussy! ;) :D

  18. happy happy anniversary...so glad you're here..sorry I haven't been committing..my keyboard lost the use of d a f and p..be surprised how many words need those letters..but got a new keyboard..so I'm baaack.

  19. Happy anniversary, Debra and cat!

  20. 9 Years! Holy batman balls! Much congrats to you.

  21. Nine, as in lives! Happy blogoversary!

  22. Congrats on nine years. In a few days I have been doing my voodoo for ten.

  23. Reminds me of the movie, Cat O Nine Tales.

  24. Cheers to nine years!!! Happy blogoversary!

  25. HAHAHA! *heavy martyred sigh* HAHAHAHA! I wish my cats would blog for me. And maybe earn their keep around here. MY *heavy martyred sigh* :)

    Happy 9th! Here's to many more. 🥂

  26. Hi, HRH.... happy blogoversary 👏

  27. Cheers to nine. Love the cat brain - so true. Cats are simple beings - they know what they like... we make them mysterious.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  28. Nine years! That's awesome! Happy Bloggoversary!!! :)

  29. So glad to have met you on the blogosphere. Happy 9th blog birthday!

  30. Nine years? That's wonderful and you have even trained a cat to write your posts too, you are a genius!
    Congratulations, keep up the good work!

  31. Nine years? With only one blog address? I'm so jealous because I'm already on my like fourth or fifth haha

    I mean, happy blogoversary! That's awesome!

    PS: Glad HRH is still here but don't tell her that...

    Enjoy the rest of your week!

  32. Well I'm proud of you for lasting nine years, even if Her Royal Highness isn't too chuffed about it.

  33. Congratulations, Debra, on 9 years! But you might want to be a bit more selective about your guest bloggers. What an attitude!

  34. Hi there, Her Royal Highness the Cat,

    Ah yes, us amazing animals, including cats, taking over our human's blogs, eh.

    Happy ninth anniversary to your human's blog, co-starring, or is it, starring you....

    Pawsitive wishes,

    Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! 🐶

  35. 9 years!! Wow! Congrats!! I should look up and see how long I've been blogging! Maybe it's been 9 years for me too. Keep it going Debra! We love you and of course, we love HRH too! Big Hugs!

  36. Happy Blogoversary!! YAY!! I am so glad I bumped into you in this wild, mad, blog world. Though I'm terrible at keeping up these days, you always make me grin. Cheers to you, and may more wonderful posts!

  37. And a most wonderfully happy ninth to you my dear!

  38. Congrats Debra! Woohoo! Great job HRH. Love the cat "brain" graphic!

  39. Cheaaaa! Keep the posts coming!
    I love the cat nine lives picture of choice.

  40. LOL! Too funny, Debra! Congratulations on 9 years of blogging. Her Royal Highness the Cat is doing a great job in your absence!

  41. You are doing Great on behalf of our naughty Debra!

    Though we missing her but still your efforts are darling!!!

    Happy blogoverssary dear Debra!

  42. Here's to the next 9, Debra!!

  43. Cheers to nine years! And glad I see now how a cat's brain is organised.

  44. Wow, happy bloggoversary! Nine years is incredible. And HRH is doing wonderfully in your absence, leading me to believe that I need to start hiring cats of my own around here.

  45. YES..CHEERS TO 9 YRS...that is pretty awesome.
    Hope you are doing good, Debra...I am learning to breath again...not as deeply as I once did but, for days and days there, I thought I surely would die, too. But...here I am, slowly going on with a life without him by my side. It's different...it's lonely...but God sees to it every single day to send blessings my way. When these things happen and your heart, soul and spirit seems shattered, HE lets me know in so many ways, that while my heart is broken, my soul is strong and my spirit still finds things to sing about.
    Thank you for being such a loyal friend thru all my hard days...I will love you forever, dear friend.

  46. Happy Blogoversary! I've been feeling a bit blah, blah, blah about blogging lately! wish I had a cat to do some guest blogging for me!

  47. Oh, this is just funny! CRACK ME UP! Happy blogoversary...keep on, keepin on! Aloha!

  48. Loving these posts..Happy Blogoversary!!!


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