Monday 2 October 2017

Standard Mop-up Operation Following "Help" from HRH

Hello everyone -- Debra She Who Seeks here. Yes, I'm finally back! So now, as the post title suggests, just a bit of housekeeping to take care of and then we'll return to regularly-scheduled programming in the days to come.

1. Extorted Tokens of Appreciation
First of all, many thanks to my dearly departed cat, Her Royal Highness, for rather unexpectedly fulfilling her promise to write 3 guest blog posts during my absence. I didn't think she'd actually do it, but she surprised me. As payment for her industriousness, she demanded that I give her a beautiful new diamond tiara and an expensive gemstone necklace. She does love to keep up with those other Royals, you know. On my dime, of course.

2. Apology
Secondly, I must sincerely apologize to readers for the rude, crude, abusive and foul-mouthed posts which HRH produced in my absence. She has absolutely no filters, morals, tact or anything else to act as a check on her unbridled opinions. I'm deeply sorry if any of you were offended.

3. Legal Disclaimer
And thirdly, on the advice of legal counsel, I am obliged to state the following. Do not, under any circumstances, follow any of the advice or directions published in HRH's inspirational quotations post. Any actions undertaken or not undertaken as a result of anything whatsoever contained in that post are at your own personal risk. No liability for damages attaches to this blog or to blog management. So do not bother suing me.

Moreover, despite HRH having substantial assets like that new diamond tiara and gemstone necklace which could easily be used to pay damages, she says not to bother suing her either. Now that she's over the Rainbow Bridge again, she is beyond the reach of any court. Accordingly, here is HRH's final word on the subject:


  1. welcome back! looking forward to hearing about your adventures.

  2. So glad you're back. HRH's brutal honesty was refreshing... for a bit.

  3. Welcome back, though it's a bit too late, for I did follow HRH's advice at times. Luckily, no one was hurt.

  4. Welcome back! Her Royal Highness has quite the feline personality!

  5. Happy 9TH Anniversary! ♥ And no offense taken from HRH. At this point what does HRH have to lose by being unfiltered? :o) Hope you had an enjoyable time while you were away.

  6. It's nice to have you back Debra. I don't think anyone that would follow the advice offered to them by a cat has any kind of legal leg to stand on, so I'm sure she'll be fine.

  7. Hope you had a great time away. I enjoyed the cat blogs and did not find HRH the least bit offensive so I will not be suing.

  8. Welcome back, darlin. As you can see your readers all missed you. HRH was probably offensive to some of us but I kind of enjoyed it. I'm tacky that way.

  9. Welcome back! HRH was a great stand in, and I always do what cats tell me, so good luck enforcing that.

  10. Lol! I will miss HRH, but welcome back!

  11. Out with Debs, bring us back HRH :)
    I wonder what does Pope think of a cat blogging from the otherworld?

  12. Welcome back!!! Many hugs to you! HRH kept us on our toes to be sure. She's a feisty one so she is! :)

  13. Welcome back Debra! You've been missed! I was thinking about you, from what happened in Edmonton! I hope you, your friends, and family are ok!! I can't believe all the things that are happenings! It is such a tragedy!
    I love HRH!! She can use her rude, crude, abusive and foul-mouth around me any time! LOL! Love her diamond tiara and necklace! LOL!
    Big Hugs!

  14. That last cat looks just like my mom's

  15. Cats make terrible bloggers. Norbert started one and he started tell outright lies about me. They are very malicious.

    I am happy you are back. Who knows what HRH would have started posting.

  16. Welcome back! Hope the trip was good and you are ready to celebrate October.

    P.S. I did take some of HRH's advice... and now I'm in hiding. So... *runs away*.

  17. Hahaaa, nice to see you back. Enjoy your new tiara HRH.

  18. Welcome back! As a squirrel, I need no convincing thst cats are evil. Hope HRH won't come a haunting me for saying that.

  19. We emerged unscathed. :) Love HRH.

    Your comment on my blog about the retreat - I am intrigued by a silent retreat, but this one was an event that was part of our 50th anniversary year celebration. There was much noise. :) Other than a couple of devotionals, it was mainly to be together by taking walks or visiting the museums and of course, shopping. Lots of eating.

  20. Welcome Back Debra! Love HRH even though she's a bit of a diva... and now she has the crown to go with it!lol

  21. Great post. Thanks for sharing.

  22. Hmmm....well, I have been MIA myself so I missed the 'naughty kitty nattering...that being said...isn't there an old adage about a pet taking after their owner? Just wonderin'............

  23. Hey Debra!

    An apawlogy on behalf o HRH. Pawfectly stated.

    Nice to see you back, eh.

    Penny's human dad,

    Gary 😃

  24. LOL! It's great to have you back. Trust me I know better than to go after a kitty's bling, this side of the Rainbow Bridge or beyond!

  25. Excellent!

    Hope you had a refreshing break from the 'net and that you're back to your old zany self again.

    I Are Writer!

  26. Hope your journey was exciting Debra!

    Well come back to your regular fun blogging yet sometime really touching as spiritual.

    I am happy you are back dear

  27. Probably just as well you're back ... I , for one , was in danger of becoming HRH reliant .


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