Tuesday 9 January 2018

Mega Bear Blowout!

Okay, okay, all you GAY guys who read my blog, CALM DOWN, I don't mean THOSE kind of bears. No, I'm talkin' REAL bears of which we have many in Canada, including grizzly bears, black bears and, of course, polar bears. Today I'm clearing out my accumulated STASH of bear jokes and memes. So that's why this post is a MEGA BEAR BLOWOUT!

And speaking of being killing machines, this next meme is actually TRUE. That's just being a GOOD NEIGHBOUR in northern Manitoba --

Here's some HANDY ADVICE for your next camping trip!

While you must be CAREFUL around bears, there's no need to be PARANOID.

Bears don't ALWAYS want to kill you, of course. Sometimes they want to PROTECT you.

And bears are not STUPID, you know. They can actually be QUITE DEEP.

They have the SAME kind of problems as everybody else.

A little known fact is that bears enjoy CONSTITUTIONAL DEBATE on the issues of the day.

They have bears in RUSSIA too. In fact, bears are Russia's national symbol. But thanks for NUTTIN, bears say. It just means they HAVE to let Putin ride them like horses.

Well, let's end this post on a more POSITIVE note, shall we? Here's a photo of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau with two baby pandas. Hard to say which one is CUTEST, isn't it?


  1. this str8 female likes bears! the hairy kind, the male kind, the WOOF! kind.

    UGH! (putin) VOM!

    justin trudeau - ALWAYS cute! and a REAL LEADER!

  2. these are so good lol,, my fav is the one about every sound being a bear,, I have heard it said, I have said it myself and I have been told it, lol,, yup,, truth speak lol,,

  3. The teddy bear one is both adorable and true.

    And Trudeau is the cutest.

  4. The only bears I've ever seen were in zoos and they looked sad and bored. It might be because the zookeepers don't allow them access to chainsaws and folding chairs.

  5. i'll trade you your prime minister for our 'president'?

  6. Belly laughing about Putin on that bear! Thanks for that.

  7. Justin Trudeau is cute without having to hold any cubs! ;o)

    Love the one about the teddy bear protecting against monsters. Awesome!

  8. Oh Putin......both he and Trump are just caricatures of men. Ridiculous and laughable.

    "BEAR ARMS" hehehhehehhe

  9. Yet we love polar bears. I had to drag my wife away from one at the zoo

  10. I love happy endings. I really do.

  11. What a brilliant giggle :D
    You always make me smile with your posts and great photos... Thanks!

  12. I laughed at the Items to Lock Up meme, that was funny. Yeah, Justin is always the cute one.

  13. Interesting that you show pandas. At one time they were thought to be raccoons, despite looking like bears. Than DNA testing came along, and, yes, they are bears after all (though bears and raccoons are now thought to have a common ancestor.)

  14. Haha! Funny. I would choose panda bears over Trudeau any day. I would choose trash pandas over Trudeau.

  15. The post title really made me hopeful...
    Did Shirley come back, we need a whole series order of that show!
    Hope the pandas pooped on him!

  16. Black hair, white shirt! Sure there aren't three pandas there.

  17. Killing machine is a good one. Felt like that yesterday.

    Today, though, I relate more to the protective Teddy Bear. My dad and brother were attacked by bears in Yosemite Park. Ate 7 days of hard tack and food, ripped up their packs after ripping them down from trees. After that Dad didn't wanted to ban teddy bears from the house, said it was false advertising!

    Really needed these giggles today.

  18. Very funny.
    Loved the wee little one protecting
    the wee little one.

  19. You find the best memes!!!!! But I did spy one beaver in there!!!!!!

  20. This cracked me up! We tell our city dweller visitors, "there's bear in them thar woods"... that always freaks them out!

  21. "In Russia, we have right to whole bear!" - that's hilarious. Your big bear dump got me in the spirit so I posted my own all time favorite bear thingey over at https://lgsquirrel.wordpress.com/2018/01/10/know-your-bear-adversary/ . Thanks for the inspiration.

  22. Don't believe him Shirley. They never change!

  23. I love bears..just have to keep my distance...They are gorgeous beasts...This post cracked me up..did it again!!

  24. What a fun post. Growing up we would often see brown bears in the fields/woods around us. We kept our distance!

    I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday- xo Diana

  25. Oh! Canada! Truth is strangest than fiction!

  26. OMG talk about clinching the "cutesy" vote, Justin is adorable in that photo! Great post Debra! :)

  27. Ha ha ha. Lol. Lol. Lol. I love it. I remember my gran had scales with an image of a bear, which joked I can't bear looking at the scales.Lol.

  28. Hey Debra,

    How's it goin', eh?

    Not sure I could bear much more. Speaking of bears, in the UK they have this expression, "I'm rough as a bear's arse!" Which, apparently, has to do with being hungover. I have informed my British friends, that in actuality, a bear's arse is rather smooth. Don't ask and I make no mention of a camping trip in British Columbia.

    Have a good one, eh.

    Gary 🐻

  29. LOL! These are great Deb! I can't stop laughing about the toothbrush! LOL! I have seen bear out west and in Alaska. Love the end of your post, with our Justin! Too cute!!!!

  30. Oh my GOD, those little panda babies!!!!

    Next time I go camping, I am leaving my toothbrush at home!

  31. Come back, Shirley, I can change!
    Oh no, you always have something that makes me giggle...and I will think of it when I am not supposed to and this giggling gets me into trouble!

  32. Ohhh, you ended this with the cutest of all cuties! Sigh. This is such a great mix, I was laughing, "ahhh"ing and overall energized. You're welcome to drop by for friendly benefits anytime. Wink.

  33. my favorite is PROTECTING bear
    how cute!

    you are wonderful in making my days cheerful dear Debra!

  34. HAHA! So funny! And, of course, Justin...so darn cute...and cuddly :)

  35. ha! love the Puttin one ... but Justin is just so much more fun to look at

  36. Hilarious all the way through! Of course, the last is my favorite!


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