Tuesday 24 April 2018

Calling All Avengers Fans!

Because you'll be the only ones who might be interested in this post, LOL!

As Marvel fans know, the long-anticipated/dreaded movie Avengers: Infinity War opens on Friday! Everyone is busy speculating about which of the Avengers will die in the film. Personally, I think Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Vision and Hawkeye are all goners. But the real question that I want to explore today is a different one, namely --

Will Loki prove himself to be an untrustworthy villain who betrays everyone again, as he always does?

My own pet theory is that NO, HE WILL NOT. Although admittedly, things don't look good in that department right off the hop.

In the Infinity War trailer, we see Loki handing the glowing blue cube, the Tesseract (which contains the Space Stone) over to Thanos in an obvious act of betrayal against the Avengers. Fearful and wary, Loki knows to never take his eyes off Thanos even for a second.

Loki is "contractually obliged" to give the Tesseract to Thanos because that was Thanos' price for the loan of the Chitauri army when Loki attempted to conquer Earth in the first Avengers movie. If Loki tries to get out of that contract, Thanos will kill him. As Loki was famously warned --

If you fail, if the Tesseract is kept from us,
there will be no realm, no barren moon,
no crevice where he cannot find you.

You think you know pain?

He will make you long for something
as sweet as pain.

But I predict that Loki, God of Mischief, will be so bold and daring as to DOUBLE-CROSS Thanos! Yes, Loki gives him a Tesseract -- but is it THE Tesseract?

Remember in Thor: Ragnarok, Hela the Goddess of Death says that Odin's treasury is full of fakes. She contemptuously knocks over Odin's "Infinity Gauntlet" as an example. Walking by the Tesseract, she says something like "Oh, that's good!" What does this ambiguous statement mean? That the Tesseract is real? Or that it's a particularly convincing fake? I think she means it's a good fake.

Later, when Loki is on his way to summon Surtur the Fire Demon, he spots the Tesseract in the treasury and slows down to look at it. We don't see Loki actually take the Tesseract but clearly, that's where he gets it from.

But if the Tesseract and its Space Stone are fake, why doesn't Thanos find out right away? As shown in the Infinity War trailer, it's only the second Infinity Stone obtained by Thanos for the Gauntlet. When he fights Steve Rogers, you can see that the Gauntlet just has two Stones at that point. It is not yet up to full power.

I think the Space Stone is a good enough fake or has been put under a powerful enough spell by Loki so that it does have some diluted power, but its deficiencies will not be discernible among the other real Stones until the crucial moment when Thanos finally tries to use the completed, fully armed Gauntlet for its intended purpose -- to wipe out half the Universe with a snap of his fingers. At that moment, when FULL power is needed, the Gauntlet will fail because of the inadequate Space Stone. And the remaining Avengers will then be able to defeat Thanos. TA-DA!

Loki's trickery and duplicity will therefore SAVE THE UNIVERSE and he will finally DESERVE that saviour statue he had already narcissistically erected to himself in Thor: Ragnarok!

Only Loki would have the skill, guts and unmitigated gall to coolly double-cross Thanos and get away with it. As Loki always said, "Trust my rage."

If my prediction comes true, remember -- you read it here first!

[Note: all gifs in this post come from Tumblr]


  1. I am eagerly awaiting the movie - but... I don't want anyone to die!!.. my favorite, Tony Stark... no, say it ain't so! .... I hope you're right about Loki - that would be so much better than proving he's the scum he's been made out to be, through and through. He needs redemption. There has always been that little grain of... decency?.. tiny, tiny though it may be.

  2. I'd hate to say it, but I think Loki is getting killed in the first act with Thor being forced to watch. Whether or not that "death" will stick, is another matter (considering he "died" in Thor 2). Stark is definitely dead by movie's end, as is probably Rogers. I think they'll save a couple of deaths for Avengers 4, like Hawkeye, who hasn't been shown or mentioned up to this point. I really hope your prediction that Loki tricks Thanos comes true. That would be a great redemption arc for him.

  3. Not sure about all that but I am quite sure that I never get enough of Loki. How does he make such a villain so freakin appealing?

  4. ... sorry don't watch tv ... Love, cat.

  5. Great theory. I look forward to the movie.

  6. I have been looking forward to this. Can't wait.

  7. As one of the lone non-fans of superhero movies I understood about one-fifth of this post.
    Blue cubes?
    Just sayin'.

  8. Well you have obviously given this a lot of thought and have much evidence for your theory. You must have been good at writing those literature papers, providing quotes from the book to back up your theorem.

  9. I want to see this but I missed Thor: Ragnarok and Black Panther. I like to watch them in order so I'll probably wait until it comes out on HBO or something. :-(
    I really hope none of them die.

    gotta love Loki!

  10. Could Loki have a good side? Will good overcome the evil?
    To get answers to these questions, DO NOT miss the opening of the movie on Friday!
    Be there or Be square!

  11. I predict Emma Peel will...oops, wrong Avengers!

    As for your theory, I guess there's good in everyone, even Norse demigods.

  12. I'm a Tesseract short of understanding this movie.

  13. They can't kill Loki. He has a fan base that would attack the studio and make the Avengers: Infinity War look like a bunch of little girls fighting each other. Those ladies are killers. But I would love to see Loki double cross Thanos in the movie. It would be awesome.

  14. I wish Steve and Loki would make out...

  15. I'm not an avenger fan, but I wouldn't mind going dark with Loki, before he and Steve makeout. (No sloppy seconds for this gal.)

  16. Hi Debra, I guess I'm with Kirk--I only remember the old spy show!

  17. Loki will find a way to double-cross Thanos, and Tony is going to kick it. That's what I predict. But... I'm biased.

  18. Dear Heart, as I must be waaay to old to know what the heck this all is, I will just say thanks for coming to see me and hoping your entire week is blessed....xo

  19. I like your theory. Can't wait to see the film.

  20. wonderful; series of movies!

    my both kids love it and have it in USB so we often watched it together and enjoyed the action and story as well

    i liked the villain and he put quite amount in making movie worth watching

  21. I doubt Cap and Tony will die in the same film, one might die in part 1 and the other part 2

  22. Great series...not my thing but I enjoyed your composition...as always..good job

  23. So, this isn't my area of expertise, but I can at least say I know a few people who will be going, does that mean I'm part of the "in" crowd? :)


  24. I've kind of lost my way with the MCU. It's not a lost cause though. I'm going to go back over it all at some point.

  25. Not sure if we'll go see the movie or not just yet. Might be too loud and nerve-wracking for me. But, thanks for the encouragement.

  26. My son and I are super excited about this movie!! I have not made any predictions. EEEE!!!!

  27. I don't generally watch comic book movies, but I accidentally say the latest Thor movie the other night and rather enjoyed it, and then, when I was reading about it the next day, inadvertently saw a spoiler about Loki in the new movie.

    I won't tell you.

    It won't ruin the movie for me, as I haven't seen the first two Avengers films, but it might ruin it for you if I said it.

  28. Damn girl, you are good! Hopefully I will be seeing the movie on tuesday! I can't wait! Big Hugs!

  29. One of these days I'm going to watch these films, and it will be because you piqued my interest, Debra!

  30. can't wait to see this one! we watch them all with the girls .... gotta see it on the big screen to get that full immersion of the story!

  31. I bet you enjoyed finding all those gifs!


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