Sunday 22 April 2018

Happy Earth Day!


  1. Hello Debra, All very apt. My favorite was the tee-shirt one!

  2. I love the one about standing on the shore and listening to the waves. Climate change is very real.

  3. Momma needs to spank us all....

  4. thanks for this post. i needed to smile after hearing trumps morning tweets.

  5. the t-shirt - ain't THAT the truth! and people who deny climate change are STOOPID!

  6. At last it seems as if people are beginning to take notice about mother earth, and how she needs to be cared for with more consideration.
    My husband and myself went to the first Earth Summit in Brazil, now 26 years ago. He was there on behalf of the UN and spoke about the problems of marine pollution from shipping, oil, and plastics then, but it has taken all of this time until anyone has begun to take any notice.

  7. Jesus ain't no scientist!
    I seriously think rightwingnut Christians would say that.

  8. Happy Earth Day, friend Deb ... the iceberg cat oon, oops ... cartoon ... made me cry ... cuz if Mr Iceberg only knew ... For service in English press 1 ... for service in French press ... for emergencies press 3 ... for non emergencies press 4 ... for a friendly lil chat with sum guy in India press 5 ... for any other concerns stay on the line ... oh, hello there Mr Iceberg how can I help you today? Mr Iceberg? Are you there ? Mr Iceberg !!! I don't have all day, you know ... guess Mr Iceberg melted ... ya ... anyway, friend D ... ya ... Love, cat.

  9. Frankly, Earth Day is every day with David and me. We are trying to leave as little a carbon footprint as possible, But I did love all of these. They were great.

  10. Happy Earth Day Debs. Some funny but sad memes. The packing thing kills me for unbreakable goods. I often save it and reuse it for items I send.

  11. Our little island will be underwater soon enough!

  12. That second one is most of my Amazon packages.

    The first is very humbling.


  13. I'll be so glad when ALL the dinosaurs are gone -- all the old, straight, white men who have been profiting off the destruction of the only planet that we have. We've been fighting this fight for as long as I can remember (and I'm no spring chicken!) That holds true for several other issues as well...

    Happy Earth Day!

  14. Happy Earth Day, Debra. I don't know whether to laugh or cry with this post! One day Mother Earth will get really pissed off and throw up all over us.

  15. I had to share a few of these. My favorite, The start of Every Disaster Movie. Lots of truth in all of these.

  16. Just wait until Mother Nature and Mother Universe has had enough of us. Heads will roll. I say. Roll.

  17. The freak out over Ebola shows that the common American is dumb as a sack of shit.

  18. Well I would laugh if it wasn't so upsetting...

  19. I love that placard that woman is holding. As someone who watched a lot of 1950s science fiction monster movies on late night TV growing up, I can tell you that's exactly what happens in them.

  20. funny funny stuff...I really liked the last one....

  21. All so apt. And yes, at the start every disaster movie there is a scientist who is being ignored!

  22. Oh the T shirt packing... All excellent.

  23. Happy Earth Day Debra :) I totally respect my "Mother" :) I love the funnies, the t-shirt in the box made me giggle, but it's kind of sad because it's very true!

  24. That protester has it right about the beginning of every horror movie.

    Happy Monday and week to you.

  25. I forgot about Earth Day! I usually listen to that song:

  26. The last one makes me sad :( Love the tee shirt..Have a good week..

  27. Thanks for this post Debra! We have to take care of our Mother Earth! I hope you had a Happy Earth Day! Big Hugs!

  28. wonderful fun post dear friend!

    Happy earth day to you
    i wish i can say the same words to earth either because she doesn't seem happy at all what we doing to her:(

    Loved the all funnies specially the shirt one and last

  29. The Happy Earth Day one says it all!

  30. I could do with all that packaging used to post that t-shirt! See at least I recycle it all. :D


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