Friday 20 April 2018

Tarot Soul Card -- Lovers (Number 6)

[PoMo Tarot]

The Lovers soul path involves interpersonal and romantic relationships, but not in the way people assume. Alas, it does not guarantee you a fulfilling life of exciting emotional and sexual partnerships (although if you have such a life, mazel tov!)

No, the Lovers soul card is really all about learning who you are and how to be true to yourself in the midst of personal relationships with others. This often involves making tough choices and learning how to separate "you" from "we." Such lessons are the central purpose of a man or a woman on the Lovers soul path and, of course, can take a million different forms:

  • whose interests should prevail, mine or yours?
  • should I choose this person or that person?
  • am I staying in a relationship out of love or fear?
  • am I sacrificing too much?
  • am I selfishly using this person?
  • etc., etc.

There is one other major arcana card in this constellation which influences a Lovers' soul path: the Devil.

[Light and Shadow Tarot]

The Devil card represents all that is raw and untamed in a person. If this power is harnessed in a positive and healthy way, it can result in tremendous creativity and freedom. Expressed in such a manner, the Devil influence can greatly assist in helping a Lover realize their true self and live a better life.

In our society, however, the Devil card is more often experienced as a hidden factor or shadow in the Jungian sense. Expressed in this negative way, men and women who get lost on the Lovers soul path can struggle with addictions, repressed sexuality, guilt, shame, feelings of inadequacy or other life-inhibiting conditions. As an unconscious coping mechanism, they may project these negative emotions onto other people or social groups, judging and scapegoating them.

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Next Week: the Chariot Soul Card

[NOTE: If you haven't yet determined what your Soul Card is and would like to, please go to the introductory post of this series found here, do the calculation and play along!]


  1. ... have no idea what U talkin about, friend D but dat okay ... smiles ... Love, cat.

  2. you have me hooked !!!

  3. Beautiful card. I just purchased a new deck--The Mythical Goddess Tarot. Mostly I have oracle cards (another addiction of mine) but I do have 3 tarot decks.

  4. I am a 6 and a lot of what you said makes perfect sense.

  5. Went back to your original post and learned that I'm the empress. I find that pretty empressive! :-)

  6. Boy, oh, boy, can this be applied to most of us. Fascinating stuff!

  7. That card is like Picasso meets Kama Sutra

  8. Can't wait for you to get to my number 9

  9. oh, my, Devil has been going to the gym!

  10. This is so well written Debra, and very educational. I have struggled with all relationships in the past...asked myself each question you proposed, I've really seen both sides of The Lovers and The's all a learning process. I love the Tarot. :)

  11. This is my dad's card. Much of it is spot on!

  12. Thank you from the bottom of my heart Debra! Big Hugs!

  13. Another very cool and interesting read, Debra.
    I'm enjoying this series a great deal. Thank you!

  14. ... and when is my number comin up, friend D hmmm? ... and what is ma numba anyway ... maybe me missed the bus ... oh, well ... lets walk then ... as weather is nice enough ... Love, cat.

  15. I've been finding these interesting to read. Like other here's I too am a six and it seems to make sense.

  16. Always fascinating. And the art is exceptional.

  17. I was thinking ... oh how Kamasutra (sometimes the positions I feel like I need to keep turning it to see which end is up - do what you may with that comment!). I am months behind in keeping up with my favorite blogs, and I can see that I have some homework to do here as I really wanted to read your series on Tarot

  18. For me the Lovers is that card used by James Bond in Live and Let Die. A deck of them, so he can bed Solitaire.

  19. i believe that actual LOVE is one which appear after sex
    if any relationship gets strong and deep by the time with this ability is truly in love

  20. Relationships are challenging. 36 years in, and Terry and I can still go round and round over something ~ LOL


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