Friday 6 April 2018

Tarot Soul Card -- Emperor (Number 4)

[Thoth Tarot]

Men and women whose soul card is the Emperor are leaders, doers, builders and achievers. They are often masters in their chosen field of endeavour. Structure, order, facts and reason are important to Emperors; they find such structure reassuring. Emperors do not tend to be introspective types but are focused on the world around them.

The central themes of an Emperor's soul path are power and authority. If an Emperor exercises those qualities well, she or he will be a source of strength, protection and benefit to those around them. But if an Emperor gets lost on their soul path, power and authority can be misused and instead become aggression, bullying or abuse. Emperors need to guard against this.

There are two other major arcana cards in this constellation which influence an Emperor's soul path: Death and the Fool.

[Motherpeace Tarot]

The Death card seldom refers to the actual death of people. Instead, it represents profound and irrevocable transformation -- endings and beginnings, destruction and renewal, decay and new growth. If the Death aspect of this constellation is integrated into an Emperor's soul path in a positive and beneficial way, the Emperor will be a transformative force of good in their own life and in others' lives. The Emperor will easily be able let go of old ideas and outdated ways of living in order to embrace the new, the innovative and the progressive. The Emperor will lead "onwards and upwards."

But if the Death aspect is suppressed and falls into the Emperor's shadow, the Emperor will resist change and will cling to their existing power and success instead of living life. Sometimes an Emperor will have a literal fear of death so that they will try to ensure (through children, monuments or self-aggrandizement) that "their name will live forever."

[Robin Wood Tarot]

In this soul path constellation, the Fool is the exact opposite of the Emperor -- spontaneous, open, often kind of scatterbrained, usually carefree to the point of carelessness, subject to no rules. Thus, there is a paradox at the heart of every Emperor. Often when they are young, the Fool aspect seems to dominate their existence. But as they age, the Emperor aspect takes over and then they settle down and make something of themselves. But even as serious, mature, rule-making Emperors, they often believe they are personally exempt from those same rules which can, of course, lead to trouble. When the Emperor aspect is too rigid, an Emperor's greatest fear is being seen as foolish or silly by others. Emperors can become very controlling as a result.

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Next Week: the Hierophant Soul Card

[NOTE: If you haven't yet determined what your Soul Card is and would like to, please go to the introductory post of this series found here, do the calculation and play along!]


  1. wow,, this is so interesting,, I've never known much about the Tarot,, I can see it would be an ongoing study,, I've always been so attracted to the beauty of the cards,,so much to learn.

  2. Lots of power for good here or...

  3. I really enjoy this series. It's good to know that the Fool can settle down with age so they can be successful. It would be interesting to know the numbers/soul cards of famous people like actors and historical figures. Would our leaders be Emperors? Our entertainer's Fools? Or am I just not understanding this whole thing which is quite possible. :)

  4. Yup - I am so the emperor. Thanks for this little insight into my existence.

  5. My younger brother is an Emperor and the dark side definitions fit him very well. His path has become all about power, control, bullying and abuse. Such a shame.

    Thanks for the insight!

  6. Well I never... I had no idea I was an Empress!
    These cards would make a fantastic art project
    Have a great weekend :D

  7. I am looking foward to finding out about the Hierophant Soul Card next week.

  8. Sweet, friend D ... I have 3 readings in my life ... one by hand ... one by tarot and one just by some woman in the store ... Don't believe, but still thinkin about them ... U havin a guuud w/e? ... Love, cat.

  9. We do like power indeed! More power to the Emperor less power to the people :)

  10. Very interesting Debra. It makes one think.

  11. I think every heart has a paradox in it.

  12. Just this week somone suggested I get a reading. Maybe this is another push in that direction.

  13. Since almost anyone with West European ancestry is a descended from Charlemagne, aren't some of us a little Emperor?

  14. Amazing information. Do you do this...reading that is?

    Sandy's Space

  15. @ Sandy -- I do readings for friends and family but I don't read professionally for money.

  16. So interesting..I guess I'm a little of both?? Emperors, being men, are apt to be very controlling ;)

  17. This was so interesting. I'll have to think about whether I know anyone like this. I should calculate their birthdays :)

  18. Anthony Burgess draw his own Tarot cards. I remember the Fool, I must have a postcard copy somewhere.

  19. These posts have been interesting.

  20. Thanks for this interesting pot and all the information. This was a great post for reading.

  21. I love all your knowledge about the tarot cards. I had a friend that was well-versed in them, too, so I was always fascinated by her insight.
    Hope you have a really great week, Debra! xo Diana

  22. I'm enjoying this series so much, and I will be catching up on the ones I missed. I remember when you did the Tarot cards matching them to things in Edmonton. So much fun! Take care, my friend. Have a good week with retirement. Isn't it the best?!

  23. Fantastic read Debra dear!!!

    i observed some people in life who may have this one as they were brilliant in leadership but worst about them was to try to control other's lives

    Fool sound like more my type of in some aspects you mentioned and i would love to check it out if it is really mine


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