Monday 14 October 2019

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!

Families are celebrating Thanksgiving all over Canada today. 

Now, Canadians are just like everyone else.
There's nothing we enjoy more than a good bitch session.

But life really is better if we cultivate
an attitude of gratitude.

Gratitude makes all other positive attitudes possible.

Even the smallest and goofiest thing can trigger
life-affirming gratitude and happiness in us,
if we would only let it.


  1. that I woke up on THIS side of the grass and not the other! have a great day, canadians!

  2. We don't have a Thanksgiving, we're a pretty bitter lot.

  3. It's today! It's new and anything is possible!

  4. Very grateful for our (my) neighbors to the north. Have a wonderful day!

  5. What do I love about today? I love that llama!

    Happy Thanksgiving! I didn't know Canadians celebrated thanksgiving. You just don't shout about it so much I guess.

    And looked again and only just realised: it's not a real llama!

  6. Happy Thanksgiving. We have Columbus Day here today. Enjoy your meal.

  7. Happy Thanksgiving and gobble gobble.
    Hey, no snow this weekend here.
    I'm shocked.
    We did put the heat on though.
    Wishing you a fun week ahead.
    Gobble, gobble.

  8. Happy Thanksgiving, Debra! I'm grateful for having a nutty blogging friend like you!

  9. Well Debra - I am grateful for you, my blogger friend who makes me laugh. Have a most joyous Thanksgiving.

  10. Happy Thanksgiving, darlin. That last meme, why is the llama wearing boots?

  11. Funny lady Debs!!!! I hope you enjoy your Thanskgiving holiday

  12. Happy Canadian Thanksgiving, Debra.

  13. A Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

  14. @ Leanna -- Because it's a kick-ass llama!

  15. LOL @ "Kick-Ass Llama"! Happy Thanksgiving to our northern neighbors ~

    What kinds of food is 'traditional' for you?

  16. What I love about today is that last meme! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  17. @ bobbie -- Our traditional Thanksgiving meal is very similar to yours -- turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, some kind of root veg like carrots or turnips, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie! Yum, I'm hungry now just typing that out.

    1. Happy Thanksgiving Eh Debra!
      I'm thankful that my internet is working-ish today and that we don't have any snow around here yet! Lol :D
      Plus I'm happy that you are my Canadian blog buddy!

  18. I'm grateful that after feeling crappy I can still feel crazy happy :)
    Happy Tukey Day, friend D. Much love, cat.

  19. Happy Thanksgiving Debra and enjoy your celebratory meal. Thank you for being such a very loyal blogging friend too.

  20. I'm happy that I'm not out in the rain….

  21. I've always been grateful AT TIMES, but in recent months I've been discovering my gratitude. I'm especially grateful for the diverse friendships in my life... like blogging friends like you!

  22. I am grateful for goofy memes that make me laugh, and curators of goofy memes :D

  23. Canada always catches me off's way to early for Thanksgiving...But have a Happy one in any case.

  24. Happy Thanksgiving - Does the story of the Canadian Thanksgiving go back to a peaceful meal of sharing between the natives and the new explorers (conquerors?)?

  25. Happy Thanksgiving!

    People do like to complain. They also tend not to see the positive. It seems to be a feature in people. Hence, it is good to be reminded that there are lots of things to be grateful for.

  26. I'm thankful for all of the belly laughs your blog has provided this past year...and that they're all calorie free, unlike the turkey dinner you just described!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  27. Happy Thanksgiving! Hope you're having a great time!

  28. Happy Turkey Day to you, Debra!

  29. Happy Thanksgiving! I wish I could celebrate it here, although for me it is a bit of a preparation for Halloween.

  30. Yay Thanksgiving!
    And you are right, we need to be thankful for the little things.
    I honk Canada has cooler holidays than the USA


  31. Happy Thanksgiving Debra! You made me smile and cry! Thank you! I'm grateful for you!!! Big Hugs to you and your Rare One!

  32. I love it's still a month to Thanksgiving and I may get an invite to dinner.

  33. The red candle with the thankful words is really nice. I love the word clouds but I've never seen that with a picture. Did you do that? If so, send me directions.

  34. @ Bill Lisleman -- No, our Canadian Thanksgiving is a traditional harvest festival more closely related to pagan festivals. We have no "founding mythology" equivalent to your Puritans and Native Americans sharing a meal in peace and gratitude. Of course, we treated our indigenous people just as badly, so we must not forget that either.

  35. @ Barbara -- Alas, I swiped that image off the internet. I have no clue how to create a word cloud that includes a photo. Some kind of photoshop magic perhaps?

  36. I hope that you and your Rare One had a great Thanksgiving, Debra. The older I get, the more grateful I am for the gift of Being. I had great Canadian Thanksgiving, because I spent about five hours on the phone talking to all my Canadian siblings and lots of other relatives. Lost my voice again ~ LOL! Just when I got it back.

  37. Happy Thanksgiving, my wonderful friend!!!

  38. Chiming in a day late, here. Sorry! I hope your Thanksgiving was full of peace and gratitude and full tummies. I'm thankful that I found your amazing blog!

  39. Happy Thanksgiving...I hope you both enjoy the day...Hugs

  40. Gratitude certainly gives us a better attitude! Happy Thanksgiving to you.

  41. Happy Thanksgiving to all my canaderian friends..I am so ever grateful for you all..


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