Sunday 7 July 2024

Loose Change, Falafels, Painting, and Sexy Vicars

I miss doing those periodic Sunday Seven summaries of miscellaneous goings-on that I started posting last year. But quite frankly, some weeks it was darn hard to come up with seven items for it! So I've decided to rename the series Weekly Roundup instead and free myself from the tyranny of a numbered format. So here are my little items for this week -- 

In December 2023, the Royal Canadian Mint started issuing coinage in the name and image of Canada's new head of state, Charles III. I finally found a King Charles toonie in my change this week -- it only took six months for one to circulate down to me, LOL!

Friends told me that M & M frozen falafels are really good, so I bought a bag to try. They are indeed delicious! With some roasted garlic hummus and small whole wheat rounds, now I'm making my very own tasty falafel wraps!

I was supposed to start a new art class this week -- painting in gouache (opaque watercolours) but alas, not enough people registered so it got cancelled. That's the problem with summer classes -- people want to do other things while summer is here and the weather is nice. Hopefully, I will be able to pick up this class in the fall or winter instead.

Anyone else watching current season 9 of Grantchester, the British cozy mystery series on PBS? I think the new vicar Alphy Kotteram (Rishi Nair) has brought renewed life and welcome diversity to the series. And it doesn't hurt that he's so handsome! (Not that I'm batting for the other team now, don't worry, but a girl still has eyes).

Friday 5 July 2024

Friday Face OFF -- Crocuses

For this week's Friday Face OFF link party
of art featuring faces, hosted by Nicole of

Here's my most recent art
(from a June workshop)
of prairie crocuses done in
coloured pencils on fawn paper.

Okay, so I can hear you all saying --

"Crocuses? WTF?
They're not faces!"

But wait, just hear me out . . . .

The first flower to emerge after a long winter
on the Canadian prairies is the crocus.

Indigenous people called it "the ears of the earth,"
believing that the crocus blooms so early 
in order to listen for the arrival of Spring.


Close enough to fulfill the
Face Requirement, I submit!

[Art & photo of art © Debra She Who Seeks, 2024;
GIFS from the internet.]

Monday 1 July 2024

Happy Canada Day, eh?

I've had a restful and low-key Canada Day Long Weekend,
which suits me just fine! Here are some highlights --

I went to my neighbourhood open-air Farmers Market
and scored a big bag of peas in the pod.

I hate eating cooked peas and so never do,
but I love to feast on freshly-shelled raw peas!

Since the weather was so great,
I strolled around a nearby botanic garden
and enjoyed all the vibrant colours!

Just a few snaps of the best ones --

I also made a loaf of multigrain soda bread,
which is so delicious when toasted!

I hope that all my fellow Canuckians
enjoyed their holiday long weekend too!

[First image from internet; all other photos
© Debra She Who Seeks, 2024]