Monday 19 October 2009

Oh Chantal, My Chantal

I have a major lesbo crush on Chantal Hebert, national affairs columnist for the Toronto Star and CBC political commentator. There, I've admitted it.

Every Thursday night, I watch The National's "At Issue" panel just to see her. "Shhh," I say, "Chantal is on! Chantal is speaking!" My Rare One rolls her eyes and sighs heavily. She is not caught up in Chantal worship.

But what's not to love? Chantal is absolutely brilliant, with piercing insight into Canadian politics. AND she has a sexy French accent. PLUS there's a very appealing butchy je ne sais quoi about her. Chantal does not compromise who she is nor what she thinks. No makeup or fancy hairdo for her, thank you very much! She always looks like she escaped unscathed from the CBC hair and makeup people. That kind of authenticity is so rare (on TV or elsewhere). Rare and admirable. More women on TV should look REAL like my Chantal!

[Photo by John Macdonald. See his website here.]


Barbara said...

Debra, Being from LA, I have never seen Chantal, but it's fun to have crushes from afar. John Hamm is my personal from-afar crush, but I think he might use more make up than her....:p) There is no escaping the Mad Men make-up chair!! Have a great day. xo

Anonymous said...

I personally like Rachel Maddow from MS-NBC but I'd be too scared to talk to her. She's soooo smart and I'd proably make myself look like an idiot.

Congrats are in order! I've nominated you for the Honest Scrap Award! Pick it up at

mxtodis123 said...

I'm from Brooklyn, New York and have never seen Chantal, but I do have tremendous crushes on several stars in my favorite shows--Booth from Bones being the biggest one. Sometimes you might be very surprised when you run into the them before they hit the makeup chair. Long ago I had the biggest crush on Al Pacino. He was the greatest...until the day I got on the elevator with him...and here stood this guy a good half a foot shorter than me with raggedy clothes, pimples and potmarks. What an eye opener that was.

Stacey J. Warner said...

Love it...there is nothing better than authenticity because it is so rare...this is a GREAT and respectable crush...(as if one can judge a crush but you know your healthy when your crush is such a great a human being) LOL!

Judith said...

Oh yes.... me too.

yellowdoggranny said...

I feel the same way about Rachel Maddow and I'm not gay..she's smart and sexy..what's not to like.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I'm not surprised that there's been a couple of references to Rachel Maddow in the comments so far . . . she's the American version of my Chantal, all right. I'm in awe of her political intelligence too (and hawt good looks!)

Jaliya said...

The words were taken right out of my mouth ... I wondered, "Is Chantal our Rachel Maddow?"

I don't have telly ... but I'll have to get acquainted with this marvelous woman online.

Rue said...

How can you not crush on smart people? Sexy is nice. Smart is better!

PS - you won my giveaway - YAY! Please email me at rueandhyssop AT gmail DOT com and let me know your mailing address. Once I receive the parcel from Jaz, I'll pop mine in the mail to you!


Sarah Sullivan said...

LOL I loved this.....hmmmm yes I do adore Ray Stevenson.. from "Rome" & the Punisher War Zone. Yes I dooooo like him..get a silly grin on my face everytime he crosses the screen. Hugs, Sarah

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Thanks, everyone, for your comments -- I don't feel so silly now with my big crush! And to Rue: squeeeee! Thanks so much!

Renee said...

Excuse me, you can back up right now.

Angelique and I both have curshes on her too.

Love Renee xoxox

Jaliya said...

Obviously, I've been missing someone special. I need to have a new crush on someone other than my husband and my cats -- You know how it can be with your closest familiars --> "You have a crush on me? Well, DUH! You're *supposed* to!" ;-D

... I have to admit that I *totally* crush on Angelina Jolie!

AwtemNymf said...

I have 2 female crushes - Ellen DeGeneres- yep she's so quirky and a lot of fun! That dance she does - she's fearless and fantastic! I'd love to have dinner with that woman!
Also Charlize Theron too!
She's gorgeous!
There I've said it- I can appreciate the beauty of a woman - it's the heart and what's inside that captivates me!

Unknown said...

thanks for the info. Been overseas for ten years and have just heard of Chantal thanks to you. She is so butch hot...better than Rachel boring Maddow. More intelligent and more hardcore. Rachel Maddow is not the first out lesbian on the news...clearly....she is more of a FOX MSNBC robot...sad sad sad. I don't even watch a whole podcast anymore of Rachels...i just fast forward to check out her butchness with the volume down. But wow CHANTAL is hard hitting and never the same twice....hotcha !!!!

Unknown said...

Chantal is a role model and I love her special...CBC is lucky to have her and some other new women who show promise as well.

I am sure Chantal would be outstanding among any group of Journalist ...she can be proud.Makes my Thursdays for sure..

Anonymous said...

I agree with every positive thing said about Chantal. Love the way her brain works.