Saturday 29 June 2024

Back on the Rainbow Track

Okay, okay, I know that
my annual blogfest party


got a little derailed this year
by the Edmonton Oilers'
Stanley Cup run --

. . . but now I'm back on the
Rainbow Track again!

Wait, whaddya mean
Pride Month
is almost over?

Well, I guess I'd better
wrap things up then.

Thanks for celebrating the
LGBTQ+ community
with me all month long!

Here's one last message
for all of us --

. . . and for our opponents --

Thursday 27 June 2024

And The Award Goes To . . .

Now that the Stanley Cup playoffs are over, it's time once again to hand out the only Hockey Awards that really matter! Screw the NHL's Hockey Awards, who needs 'em?


1. Best Promotional Item 

**The Connor McDonut**

Produced by a local Edmonton donut shop, these big sugary confections in the Oilers team colours of orange and blue were only available for sale on game days. Diabeetus on a plate!

2. Best National Anthems Singer 

**SoulBear at Winnipeg Jets home games**

SoulBear is an openly gay singer from Winnipeg with an outstanding voice! In the absence of a video yet to be posted from the Jets' 2024 playoff run, here's one from the Jets' 2022 Pride Night where SoulBear sings, a cappella, both the American and Canadian national anthems:

3. Best Superfan 

It's a three-way tie among these intrepid Edmonton Oilers devotees:

**Superfan Magoo (Blair Gladue)**

**Banjoguy55 (Dave Steil)**

**Mama Stanley (Mary Loewen)**

And here's a snippet from a profile of Mama Stanley by the St. Albert Gazette --

Being Mama Stanley is no easy feat
for St. Albert’s Mary Loewen.

Two Oilers blazers, check. Chrome makeup, check.
Tinsel wig, got it. Finally, the crowning glory:
a homemade Stanley Cup hat she wears
on her head, adorned with 3,500 sequins,
each individually pinned on with little nails.

“It took my daughter and my grandson’s girlfriend
a long time to make that,” she said.

“Every time I go to Rogers [Arena], it’s always
my head that sets the security off.”

4. Most Heartbreaking Haircuts of 2024

Two of my former Hockey Hair Gods have cut their hair! Behold the Before & After Pix of my poor shorn sheep:

**Mark Stone (Vegas Golden Knights)**

**Igor Shesterkin (New York Rangers)**

I'm devastated.

But not for long . . . .

5. This Year's Hockey Hair God

**Sergei Bobrovsky, Russian goalie for the Florida Panthers** 

Feast your eyes on those luscious locks, golden highlights and all!

Tuesday 25 June 2024

There Is No Joy in Edmonton . . .

The mighty Oilers lost the Stanley Cup Final 2-1.

At least the Oilers captain, Connor McDavid,
won the Conn Smythe trophy for the
Most Valuable Player of the playoffs.

But the Biggest Trophy Of All
went to the Florida Panthers
for the first time in their
31-year franchise history.

So congrats to them!

Saturday 22 June 2024


Last night the Oilers beat the Panthers 5-1!
Now the series is tied 3-3 and on Monday,
the Oilers will play for the Stanley Cup!

And may
Nike the Greek Goddess of Victory 
smile on them once more!


Friday 21 June 2024

June Full Moon Altar: Nike

This month's altar honours Nike, the Greek Goddess of Victory. I am shamelessly invoking her aid on behalf of the Edmonton Oilers to win the 2024 Stanley Cup! In the 7 game final series, the Oilers are down 3-2. They must win both the remaining 2 games to accomplish a rare "Reverse Sweep" in order to win the series and the Stanley Cup. 

Nike presides over the Stanley Cup banner on the altar lit by orange and blue candles, the Oilers' team colours. My Nike statue is a reproduction of an ancient Etruscan statue which I bought about 20 years ago at West Edmonton Mall. She holds the laurel wreath of victory in one hand and the owl of wisdom in the other.

May we hear the Oilers' victory song play twice more -- once tonight and once again on Monday night!


[Photos #1, 2 and 4 © Debra She Who Seeks, 2024.
Photo #3 is from the internet.]

Wednesday 19 June 2024

Let Slip the Dogs of Pride

This month's DOGS post is taking
a decidedly RAINBOW turn!

Well, now that CATS have snuck into this post, it's time to
WRAP THIS UP and go have a  FEW DRINKS instead --
the proverbial HAIR OF THE DOG, dontcha know!