The Vatican's great works of art have all been revised accordingly. Take a look at the new Sistine Chapel ceiling!
The roster of Saints has been slightly amended as well.
Pope Benedict is no fool. He's always been good at adapting himself to whoever is in power at any given time (*cough* Nazis *cough*). He, for one, welcomes his new Feline Overlord.
See? Catholics aren't nicknamed "catlickers" for nothing!
Good morning! this made me smile this chilly Monday morning at work. Meow.
feline clerics are the only clerics I would be ready to bow to! :) r
oh this was good!
Happy Monday! :D :D :D
Lol, Why is just about anything with a cat in it so funny?
Oh no it's not...the word verification: catism.
That's awesome, made my morning.
But does that mean no more molesting?
Ratzy has a sad :(
Loved this! Bless you Debra!!!
You have such a delightfully wicked sense of humor- Love it-
Thanks for visiting my blog and all the kind comments you leave Please see my post for today as a winner in my sticker give away and leave your theme in the comments section
Does Ceiling Cat believe in Hell?
Francie, Ceiling Cat does not believe in Hell but does believe in the Basement, where Basement Cat lives.
Love dem cats.
And where does the Flying Spaghetti Monster come into this picture?
So then did "the touch" get renamed "the paws"?
so funny...I burst when I read the last line!!!
ha ha ha catlickers, that made me snort out loud
Could the cat do any worst I ask?
Wow good stuff. 1. Congrats on the Jets defeating MY Penguins (grrr) back in the 'peg. 2. CBC, what a great history of fine broadcasting, used to listen on shortwave, now on the internet, especially the Northern Quebec service. 3. Love the Cat'lick imagery!
made me smile..I needed that smile.
holy woof! :P lol
wv: anbast
**Funny** :0)
Har har har...this was good!
Oh my Ceiling Cat!! Luvs teh High Five!! And the Nun!!
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