Thursday 20 September 2012

Piratical Swag Giveaway!

Oooh, me achin' head. All that grog yesterday cursed me with Satan's own brain cramps, arrr. But never ye mind. Here's the piratical swag what I be givin' away to one lucky winner:

1. An official PIRATE LICENSE what entitles its bearer to pillage and steal to yer scurvy heart's content.

2. A recently stolen banknote worth ONE MILLION GOLD DOUBLOONS. I know not what the current exchange rate be for doubloons but it's gotta be better than the Euro these days.

3. And for the up-and-coming young buccaneers of tomorrow (ages 6 and older), a PIRATES STAINED GLASS COLORING FUN activity kit, with "colorful markers" and "sixteen action-packed scenes" to delight their wee black hearts. If ye have no whelps of yer own, give it to any brats ye may know.

Now, it be well known that we pirates HATE RULES and CURSE ANYONE who tries to make us live by 'em. So in order to lay out the *shudder* rules of this contest, I must revert to the prissy persona usually displayed by Debra She Who Seeks, arrr.


Okay, here are the rules, everyone! Good luck to you all!

1. You must be an official Follower to enter. Old, new or just signed up to enter the contest, it's all good. And it doesn't matter where you're from in the world, I'll mail this anywhere!

2. In addition to being a Follower, you must leave a comment on this post. If you leave a comment but don't want to be entered, just say so (and that's okay!)

3. One entry per person (leaving 10 comments will still only result in 1 entry!)

4. Entries will be accepted until 11:59 p.m. (Mountain Daylight Savings Time) on Wednesday, September 26, 2012.

5. The winner will be chosen by a random draw made on Thursday, September 27 and the results posted here on Friday, September 28.


Barfly said...

I'm In! Also, nice pics on the previous post. "My Rare One" is more like "My Smokin' One) Well done (get it? well done?)

DEZMOND said...

oooh, what fun, I so need me the pirating license, and I'd give the doubloons to charity because I'm all angelic like that :)

Sulky Kitten said...

This landlubber would like a chance to be a pirate, so count me in!

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

I'd love to be entered in this here giveaway......after all we do play at being piratical here at the Cuckoo's Nest.

Magaly Guerrero said...

I want in! You see, I don't have a pirate's licence--it's quite sad, really--I don't even know how to speak pirate, but I'm sure that will come with the licence, right?

A Beer for the Shower said...

So I guess this means I'm entered? Yar! How exciting.

Also, thanks for teaching me about whist, which I had to google to make sure you weren't messing with us. Do people other than 18th century Brits dabble in this game?

Robin Larkspur said...

I'd step on a dead man's chest to enter this swag-away!! Arrr...hic...arrrrgh!

mxtodis123 said...

Oh, what a great give away.

Plowing Through Life (Martha) said...

I love your posts! They're always so much fun. Count me in on this one!

jadedj said...

Avast! What kindar contest ar this? Somebodys gots t' walk er plank.

A sip er grog and counts me in anyways, wench.

yellowdoggranny said...

I'm in...and Dexter says your not playing fair, he should be able to enter too..ha

Riot Kitty said...

Oh, that is so cool! I love crafts and pirates.

Sadist's magick said...

avast me hearties ... pirate swagger be all mine

Jim said...

Aye Aye Captain!
I love colouring! No kid is getting this!!! lol

Unknown said...

Me ship lay becalmed but a fair wind blew me ashore and I'm here ta claim the swag from yer fair hand M'Lady.

The gold be mine and the colorin' book too!

laughingwolf said...


them thar rools be damned...

only pantywaists ascribes to sitch tomfoolery...

['pears like ai be 'mongum]

pass the grog, ye sassy wench!


laughingwolf said...


furgotted agin!

yappy 4th blogperversity!

Introverted Art said...

"All that grog yesterday cursed me with Satan's own brain cramps, arrr." I can't stop laughing at this!!!!

fromsophiesview said...

Listen up, yer maties...doggies arf arf likes to draw too....who said ye humans are the only ones with imagination...not aye!

Anonymous said...

Count me in- not only for the piratical swag but for your blog too--I've been reading and enjoying!

I have 5 black-hearted little whelps at my house and I need that pirate licence to keel-haul the lot of em.
(and I'd be keepin the coloring book for meself).

Kal said...

When the box said 6 and over I thought I was underqualified but I will take a chance to win the big prize anyways and get my mommy to help me make some pretty pirate art.

Anonymous said...

I love your creative give aways! Count me in. :)

The Dancing Crone said...

Of curse I'm in, er, I mean of course I'm in. Wouldn't miss a chance for a Pirate licence!!

Magic Love Crow said...

Cool, count me in matey ;o)

Tricky Nag said...

AR, a fine giveaway for the takin.
I'm in.

Workingdan said...

Arrggghh! Me lazy arse is entered! In the nick of time too matey!

Now where's me gold?

Anonymous said...

happy blogaversary!!! Count me in too please!!

e said...

Oh sure, why not?!?

Can you send Elizabeth Swan round instead of Captain Jack? She's ever so lovely...