Monday 6 May 2013

A New Look!

Hey, like my new blog header? It was designed and created by the very talented Diane Cayton Hakey (click here to go to her blog). She loves doing blog headers and redoes her own quite often. I've admired her designs for a long time and now she has so generously refreshed my own look! She even updated my basic template a bit -- I've always been too scared to change it in any way in case my blog exploded or something. Tech-savvy I am not. But thank you, Diane, for your fabulous creativity and assistance. I appreciate it so much!


Unknown said...

Oooh I like it. She is very talented.

Anonymous said...

I like it too, glad you kept the bee, its fresh clean and kind of minimalist I LOVE that!

Yvonne said...

Very nice look. Fun to change it up now and then.

Wendy said...

I love it! I'm not the least tech savvy either. I made my blog header in my paint program--and it shows! You may have inspired me to step out of my comfort zone and learn how to do this myself.

turquoisemoon said...

Love it! I've been tempted to change mine, but afraid. I've played around with some ideas, then stopped short of hitting the save key. Just a weenie, I guess.

DEZMOND said...

oooh, I like it, it is a positive change, Debs

mxtodis123 said...

I love it. She is definitely very talented.

Cperz said...

Very nice! I like it and am quite envious of people that can change things up on their blogs. I made some changes a year or so ago and it took me forever to get it right. From here on out, I am leaving it up to people that know what they are doing.

Nina Gray said...

For someone who is not a great fan of changes, I loved the new look :)

Snap said...

wonderful wonderful wonderful!!!

M. D. Jackson said...

It's Bee-eutiful! (Ha ha ha.. ha.. ha..)
I like it. It's nice and clean.

A Beer for the Shower said...

I love it! The most important aspect of a header is that it represents you, and that header fits you like a (fingerless) glove.

Adam said...

looks great

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

very, very nice. It's nice to have friends who speak computereze. OMa Linda

Jeanne said...

Very nice! Open and airy and very bee-like. :0)

jaz@octoberfarm said...

oh how cool...i love it!

CraveCute said...

She did a great job, I love your new look!

Deborah said...

I DO like your new header and bloggy look very much!!! Crisp and clean.
**happy smiles** Deb

Suzanne said...

SWOON!!!!!!!!! I love it

Betty said...

It looks great! I love bees so it made me smile!

Leanna said...

WOW!! Girlfriend this is awesome cool!

Your header with the bees on the honeycomb is like, I was almost breathless when I saw it just now. For realz, this one ROCKS!! said...

I really like it. The color combination and intricate artwork draw me in. Very nice. It's fun to get a blog facelift.


The Dancing Crone said...

Fabulous!!! Absolutely love it!

Plowing Through Life (Martha) said...

Fabulous! I love the new look!

Anonymous said...

I love your new header for your blog, Debra, for that's beautiful!!!

Laeli said...

Very nice!

Magaly Guerrero said...

And here I was thinking you couldn't look any hotter! I LOVE it ;-)

Laurent said...

All those little bees, very Barberini of you are you related to Pope Urban VIII?

Jim said...

Amazing what a little spring cleaning will do!! Love it, Debra. Good decision ans see, we are all still here.

Roxanne said...

I love it!

yellowdoggranny said...

I hate change. I love the praying rocks.I changed my profile picture and regretted it the second I did it..I liked the bolt of lightning better than me.

yellowdoggranny said...

oh..I love fits you.

yellowdoggranny said...

all thought...I would like to put a header of a shot of west up there..hmm.

Riot Kitty said...

As you know, bees are kind of our family icon, so I love it!

Magic Love Crow said...

Fantastic! I love it Debra! I'm always scared too, that my blog might explode! LOL!

Mistress Maddie said...

Oh I love the bew clean layout and the header is just the bees alot!!!

MrsDuncanMahogany said...

Totally digging it! Nice one!

Kellie @ Delightfully Ludicrous said...

It looks great :D

DB Stewart said...

Like it.

Kal said...

I like the bee motif very much. Now I have to imagine you always wearing the Bee Costume even when you are on the street...with your SAVE THE BEES signs. Very good.

Dancing With Fey said...

Wow, definitely a new look. But I liked it. Especially the spiral.

Miss Robyn said...

love, lOVE the bees!! if you are on facebook, join my Keeper of the Bees group.. once a month, we send healing to the bees.. past, present and future xoox

laughingwolf said...


Fundy Blue said...

Love your new look, Debra!
I totally get the fear of exploding your blog if you experiment! LOL

Doug Jamieson said...

Great new look! Fresh, contemporary, welcoming. Two thumbs up.