Friday 19 September 2014

6th Blogoversary Today!

Well, another blogging year has come and gone. Six years I've been at this now! Holy moly!

The personal computer and the internet have really revolutionized our lives, haven't they? Things sure aren't like they were in the old days . . . .

Things are better now! So much simpler!

And let's be very clear about the role that the internet plays in our lives. Time for a revision to your hierarchy, Maslow!

Of course, there are always those who want to regress back to Ye Olden Days --

But the internet makes it possible to have the world at our fingertips, to connect with like-minded people on a scale never before possible and to see that any quirks we have are in fact shared by many.

Thanks for reading my blog, everyone, especially those of you who have been persevering through my blather for months or years on end! Love ya all!


Anonymous said...

When I was growing up, I always had a romantic notion of being a Ham Radio Operator. Remember those guys? Something cool about talking to some stranger in some remote part of the world. Now I do it by blogging and it is so much cheaper too. Happy Blog-anniversary.

Snap said...

Happy Blog Birthdayversary! And many more!

Mark said...

Well I'm a very very newcomer but I have enjoyed what I've seen. Congratulations on making it six whole years. I've only been at it 3 myself and sometimes I'm still not sure what keeps me going.

Rosemary said...

Six years!!! - congratulations, that really is an achievement.
I like the way you have summed it all up.
There are lots of aspects that I enjoy about it, but equally there are others that I don't.
I enjoy the fact that we make blogging friends from all around the world - that has to be good. I don't like to see so many people sitting on trains, in restaurants etc looking at their mobiles, not seeing what is going on around them, and not connecting with people in reality.

mxtodis123 said...

Congrats on your six years. Ever since I began blogging this has been one of my very favorite places to visit.

jaz@octoberfarm said...

way to go! six years!!! keep it up, i love your blog!!!

Anonymous said...

OMG! Maslow's hierarchy has changed! That is hilarious. Love it.

Hooray for 6 years! xo

Plowing Through Life (Martha) said...

Yay! Happy 6th, Debra. Time sure flies when you're goofing around :) I laughed out loud with 'This Is Progress', and was a little frightened by it, too. LOL!

Love ya too, girl! And I hope you stick around for a long time to come! You certainly make the blogging world more interesting.

Anonymous said...

we love you, please never stop blogging,

greekwitch said...

Happy blogday!
I laughed so hard at the one with the girl in front of the laptop and then with the wifi pyramid that i almost peed myself.
Okay a tiny drop might have touched the undergarment area if you want to be anal about it(..get it?, my sophisticated joke might have gone unnoticed!)

DEZMOND said...

Congrats, congrats! We can celebrate that if not Scotland's missed independence today!
Mine blog was five this April, and I think you're one of my longest followers and blogging friends!

Contrary Guy said...


Willow said...

Happy bloggoversary ~ here's to many more ...unless the internet phases out the year we discover how to use telepathy ...OMG now that will be chaotic.

Insomniac's Attic said...

Wow, six years - that's impressive! I like 'get drunk and talk to each other'... those were the days. :)

Congrats on your blogoversary, Debra!

Jeanne said...

Congratulations! It's been F*U*N! :o) May you and your blog have many more years filled with blather (your words not mine!). {{hugs}}♥

A Beer for the Shower said...

6 years? That's incredible! Happy blogoversary, and here's to many more!

Leanna said...

Happy Blogaversary to you - My my, where does the time go? Only six years old and still a virgin (said in Judy Holliday's squeaky dumb blond voice)
Man! Am I ever showing my age here. I wana know where you got the funny pics for today's blog. Great stuff!

Unknown said...

Happy Blogaversary!! Six years is a long time to stay and put up with the rest of us!

Fundy Blue said...

Congrat, Debra! Six years is awesome. You brought a lots of laughs to many people, plus lots of thought -provoking content. I enjoyed the Scottish video yesterday. I was disappointed a little when I woke up this morning. My Scottish heart called for freedom, but my practical head said stay in the UK. I don't want Canada to break up, so I think unity for the UK is better. Hopefully, Parliament will address some of the Scots concerns. Have a good weekend!

MrsDuncanMahogany said...

Happy Blogaversary! I don't think I even came close to spelling that right but it sounds good when you say it in your head!

The Dancing Crone said...

Ah, we love ya, too, kiddo! happy bloggaversary!

Riot Kitty said...

Happy blogoversary! I love these cartoons...especially the one of the bar.

Sparkless said...

Congrats and Happy Anniversary! I love the internet cause I can pretty much learn any skill and find any information I need. Sure contacting people and keeping in touch is good too.

LL Cool Joe said...

Congrats on 6 years of blogging! Love the Vintage Social networking, so true!!

Unknown said...

Light it up... happy day!

Jim said...

Back at cha, Debra! Congrats on 6 years too!
I think 'things' are simpler now than they used to be and it will be interesting to see where things go from here!

Unknown said...

Wow, six years... I wonder how I'll be different in six years time.

Anonymous said...

Happy blogiversary!!! Thanks for all the laughs and glimpses into your life thus far.

The Happy Whisk said...

I must be a dino because I'm still in the first list of doing stuff, listening to music and using the phone.

Happy 6 years!

Adam said...

That's a long time, I think I should be at four in November. You'll be at ten before you know it. said...

Happy Blogaversary, Debra! It's always a pleasure visiting.

In reference to the vintage social media cartoon: I thought foursquare was a benign game I played with a red ball, to avoid playing ruthless dodge ball. (?)

Have a nice weekend.

Kay G. said...

I have my own blog and that is about it and I have to constantly have folks help with that!
Oh well! Thanks to folks like YOU who read MY blog!
Happy Blogaversary!

Pickleope said...

If you just keep coming back, the blog shall persist, it's that easy, isn't it? Happy anniversary for your blog (yes it's verbose, but I refuse to write "bloga..." nice try, almost got me there).
I love the internet, without it, I may have to be alone with my thoughts.

G. B. Miller said...


Six years!!!! (picture Jeremy Pivens talking to John Cusack in the movie Grosse Point Blank)

When I was a lad, we didn't have this sissy thing called the Internet. We had computers that used cassettes, huge floppy disks, and BASIC/COBOL, and we liked it just fine.

Father Nature's Corner

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

Happy 6 years of entertaining me, informing me and sometimes muddling my thinking. It has been my pleasure to read you. I hope it will be many more heady thoughts, coffee spitting moments and just plain lovely.....Oma Linda

Laurent said...

Congratulations on your anniversary! Wishing you 10,000 more.

Magaly Guerrero said...

Congrats on six years of pure awesomeness!

DWei said...

Congrats on 6 years! I think being able to do everything from my computer is plenty of progress, thank you very much.

Samantha Stephens said...

I'm not sure whether to congratulate you or thank you. I enjoy your humor and appreciate your comments. This blogging life can be time consuming, but discovering like minded folks in the world is comforting. So Congrats! And Thank You!

Ms Misantropia said...

Happy 6th!

Yes, we are addicted to internet. I spend all day and night in front of my laptop *shudder*

Mistress Maddie said...

Congrats Debs!!!!! had it not been for Corey at Madtexter, I might not have found you! I do like the internet, but still like meeting people and socializing the olden way like the photo above. I really want to see what I'm getting for real!

DB Stewart said...

Speaking of revising Maslow's Hierarchy, a nine-year-old talked to me about wifi the other day.

Anne Johnson said...

If laughter is the best medicine, you're the best doctor I know.

SUZY8-TRACK said...

Congrats on the anniversary! Thanks for all the laughs over the years!

Magic Love Crow said...

Congrats on 6 years ;o) Debra, we love you! Don't stop blogging ;o)
Big Hugs ;o)

Guillaume said...

Happy bloganniversary!

CraveCute said...

Congrats! Your blog is always entertaining. I love learning more about Canada too. Maybe I'll get there someday. I was within 30 miles last week!

yellowdoggranny said...

congratulations..In this coming March, it will be 10

Dr. Theda said...

Six Years.....
We have a Lot of past Posts to view.....
Very enjoyable.... And thank you dear Lady for joining us at our "Crypt"...