Monday 1 December 2014

Perogies and Vodka for EVERYONE!

I'm starting off this month with some happy news that I'd like to share with you. My Rare One and I are now officially dating again, having decided to kiss and make up a little while ago! But we are not going to live together any more. I am keeping my apartment and the independence it provides. We both need that physical and emotional space for a relationship to be possible and to run smoothly.

So now my Slavic Sweetie and I are wearing our best babushka scarves and celebrating our reunion in the golden wheat fields of the Ukrainian steppes or the Manitoba prairies or maybe even right here in Edmonton -- I don't know exactly where this illustration is set but it's some place with a gazillion Ukrainians anyway.

Oh, my malenky saboulya! *smooch * smooch*

[discreetly fade to black as the sound of tsymbaly music rises]

[Art by Felix d'Eon. Note: Link is NSFW]


Dawna said...

Yipeeee!! Congratulations.. that's lovely news Debra!
all the best to you both..

mxtodis123 said...

Congratulations. I am so happy for you. I always love to start my day with some good news.

Anonymous said...

This is great news, I'm very happy for you! My partner and I used to live together too and now live apart, each in our own apartment, and it's so much better for our relationship! I wish you and your Rare One much happiness :-).

Vanessa Morgan said...

That's wonderful news. Good luck to you both.

Unknown said...

Wow, good news... Congrats!

Pickleope said...

That sounds like good news. What does "malenky saboulya" mean? I even plugged it into Google Translate (not an advertisement) and came up empty.

Plowing Through Life (Martha) said...

This is wonderful news! I'm so happy for you. It's nice to start the day with such a happy post :)

Anonymous said...

Hip hip hooray!! I'm so glad you and the Rare One are reunited…and it feels so good!! :)

jaz@octoberfarm said...

this is really great news! i think we all need our personal space...i know i do!

CraveCute said...

I'm very happy for both of you! Wishing you continued happiness!

Willow said...

Well Happy Day to you both and cheers !

Mark said...

I'm glad you were able to sort things out and get back together. I knew someone else with a Slavic sweetie where things went wrong. Hopefully all the other parts of being together can come in time and you can live together without it being an issue.

Jeanne said...

Huzzah! :o)

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Thanks for your good wishes, everyone! Pickleope, "malenky saboulya" means "little onion." I just spelled "saboulya" phonetically because I've never been able to find it in an online translator either. Must be some mysterious Ukrainian sub-dialect or something?

DEZMOND said...

such true delight, Debs! Go naughty with the Rare One to celebrate!

Unknown said...

Good for you for knowing what your relationship needs. We all need space sometimes. When my now husband & I were dating and the lease on my apartment came up, he assumed we would move in together but I wasn't ready. I bought a condo, in THEE worst market ever to buy real estate, and lost thousands of dollars, but can you put a price on Freedom? Or Choices? No, that's like trying to own a rainbow. Happy you found a way to work it out, and you still have your (priceless) independence!

Ol'Buzzard said...

Alone is the loneliest place to be; Enjoy your togetherness.
the Ol'Buzzard

Insomniac's Attic said...

Awww, that's wonderful news, Debra! :)

Rosemary said...

What better way to start a new month than with some happy good news - best wishes to you both♡

Dixie@dcrelief said...

Perogies and vodka? I will need driving instructions. Hmm?

A Beer for the Shower said...

We're both very glad to hear that! Sometimes a little personal space is all you need. If I couldn't lock myself away in this office for a few hours every day I'd probably strangle my wife. :)

My Grama's Soul said...

Debra.....that is such good news. It sounds like the both of you are on the same page now and moving forward.


Unknown said...

I know how much you love your Rare One, what she means to you and was saddened when you broke up.

I am overjoyed for the both of you.

This N That said...

That's great..Happy for both of you

Sparkless said...

May your love flourish and bless you both with much happiness. I'm always a sucker for a good love story.

Magaly Guerrero said...

I started clapping and shrieking like a love-loving psychopath as soon as I read "officially dating again..." I'm sooo happy for you both! ♥

e said...

Congratulations on the reunion! Sometimes these things circle back around...

I'm anticipating letting my partner know that she needs to move back to her house in June when her brother vacates it. Because, yes, I just need more space and independence and all that... But, we can still be together, right?

Dixie@dcrelief said...

P.S. I have a gift for you. I'll post it in the right margin. Hehehehe.

Guillaume said...

Congratulations! I am glad to know you are both dating and blogging again! And are dating again... I mean with the same person again.

Adam said...

Congrats, I hope it goes well for you

Leanna said...

FANDAMTASTIC!! Somehow I had a feeling. Everything in the universe felt a little off kilter before. Now I know why the force is back to normal. Yes, the Goddess is happy.

Kay G. said...

Oh good, some happiness for my friend, Debra. Glad to hear it!
Take care.

Anonymous said...

Oh, good! I was sad when you two broke up. It seems you two belong together.

MrsDuncanMahogany said...

YAY!! I raise my perogy to you both (I don't like vodka!)!!!!

G. B. Miller said...

You do know eventually you'll have to make that decision again once you take that next giant leap. the meantime, it's great to hear that you're back together again.

Father Nature's Corner

The Happy Whisk said...

Do you know, my Spidey sense told me this was gonna happen. Congrats to you both.

PS: I am part Ukraine. Potatoes, onions, dough, and sour cream. HEAVEN.

Magic Love Crow said...

Yepeeee ;o) I'm doing my happy dance ;o) Congrats to the both of you ;o) As you know, I am Ukrainian, I'm going to go have a shot of vodka with mom, for the both of you ;o) Hugs ;o)

Riot Kitty said...

Well congratulations!!! And now, you've made me hungry for pierogies.

psychelyn said...

Congratulations on your reconciliation. That's a great start on the first of Christmas month. Wish you both happiness.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

So happy you are back together :) I wish you a lifetime of love and happiness!

Anonymous said...

This is fantastic news! Congratulations for finding a way to make it work!

Robin Larkspur said...

Very good news! I could use some of your personal space myself! Bright Blessings to you and your sweet balalaika! (can't spell russian worth a s**t)

Bill Lisleman said...

Wishing you great times together.
Babushkas remind me of my grandmother from Slovenia (oh I easily remember spelling Slovenia because it has "love" in the middle)

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Maybe I can meet you two if you ever need a donut and some tea at the giant teapot in Red Deer.

Fundy Blue said...

Happy news indeed, Debra! I am happy for both of you. And I get that need for ones own space! Loved the video with the corn-eating cat and man. It's great to see you back posting! Take care!

Ken said...

Wonderful news!
Also, if you need a wheat field to create your own romantic backdrop, I happen to know a guy.....

Jim said...

Best news I've heard in a long while, Debra!! So good to hear and that you figured out where to go from here.
Love that graphic too! The prairie wheat fields will never be the same!!

LL Cool Joe said...

Great news! Yeah living in the same house 24/7 with anyone is a nightmare. I should know I've done it for 28 years!

Professor Chaos said...

Congratulations! I knew she couldn't stay away!

Laurent said...

Happy to read the news!

DB Stewart said...

Happy you're happy.

Suzie Ridler said...

Debra, this is beautiful news! I'm so happy for you. :) Sometimes having personal space is what it's all about. And now you're happy again, yay!!!

BTW, it was so cold I wore a babushka home from D&D the other night. Love that you used that term!!!

So happy for you.

The Happy Whisk said...

Just got your comment in my email. Waffle/Pizzelle Throwdown.

Hahahahahahaha. Love it.

Unknown said...

Congratulations! I hope it works out well for you! said...

Mazel Tov! I'm so happy to hear that. Funny, I called my (ex)husband "babushka." It just slipped out of my mouth one day. He informed me that the word means Russian grandmother. So I called him a babushka every chance I got.

I believe in separate living quarters too. I've always thought that the ideal situation would be separate abodes, close enough for the booty call and far enough for solo time. xo

Mary said...

Yay! So very happy for you! (I actually clapped my hands like a little kid when I read your wonderful news. My cats think I' bonkers, but they think that anyway!) Great news, and thanks so much for sharing!

Unknown said...

Congratulations, stranger. Love is in the air ^_^

Anonymous said...

And may you both be very happy for many years to come :)

Introverted Art said...

Hi Deb, I did not post the photos but i will.

P.S. you guys probably look so adorable babushkas

laughingwolf said...


yellowdoggranny said...

I'm so fecking dang..come to West, Texas...skunk eggs and pevo's

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Thanks everyone for your kind comments and best wishes. They are much appreciated!

Ms Misantropia said...

Ah, pirogies and vodka sounds just about right to me. Now I'm hungry.

Heli said...

Pozdravljaju! Nazdaróvie!

Rue said...

I'm late to the party (as always) but celebrating anyway - yay for you both!!