Wednesday 7 January 2015

My Sins Revealed

Oh, don't get your hopes up -- it's a meme about BOOKS that I saw last month over at Tammy Theriault's blog and that I thought might be fun to do.

WRATH: With which author do you have a love/hate relationship?

For obvious reasons, I'd have to say Herman Melville at the moment, that long-winded circuitous bastard.

GLUTTONY: What book have you devoured over and over again with no shame?

I re-read The Lord of the Rings three times. I'm pretty sure I re-read Watership Down at least as many times, if not more. Alas, these days I have no time to re-read any books. I do have time, however, to fart around on the internet for hours. Hmmm.

GREED: What is your most inexpensive book?

Is this a cagey way of asking if I've ever stolen a book? No, I never have. I'm a good girl, you know.

ENVY: What book would you like to receive most as a gift?

A Shakespeare First Folio so I could sell it for a gazillion bucks. What?

LUST: What attributes do you find attractive in a male or female character?

I don't tend to lust after written characters but once they're portrayed by movie heart throbs, then my interest is piqued. Guess I'm just shallow that way. Of course, all of you already know of my inexplicable fascination with Mr. Darcy/Colin Firth which for years has been causing The Lesbian Nation to demand the return of my membership card. So I won't elaborate further.

SLOTH: What books have you neglected to read due to laziness?

Don't think I can't hear you all saying "Moby-Dick" in unison, you Judgy McJudges.

PRIDE: What books do you talk about most in order to sound like an intellectual reader?

I guess mentioning the latest issue of Marvel's comic book Loki, Agent of Asgard isn't going to cut it, eh? You're all friggin snobs, you know that?


Dixie@dcrelief said...

Hahahaha! Oh yeah - this is a keeper.
No, I have no intention of stealing your post!(smile)

Snap said...

What a fun idea! I'd have to think about my answers and I don't have time ... too busy reading! ;)

Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Interesting. If I tried to do this post, I think it would be all comic books, so no snobbery or judging here.

Rommy said...

LOL, OK, I think I may have to try this meme out! Great choices BTW

Plowing Through Life (Martha) said...

Hahahaha! I love this. Lots of fun!

Debi said...

Hello! nice to have found you!
I am the slowest reader especially reading Anne Rice!
Didn't like The Witching Hour, but others I hang off every word! My reading list is always long, hope I live long enough to read them all !
I too fancy Mr. Firth, he is a sexy snob! Love your post,!

Anonymous said...

this was fun,,,I'm reading Lord of The Rings now for my third time, lol, I know some people hate to reread a book but for its pleasure, I reread my favs regularly! I knew Moby Dick would show up there, you gave me the idea to read it, checked it out and put it back, lol, not yet,,,

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

you have such a fine tuned this. Oma Linda

DEZMOND said...

good luck with Dick, Moby Dick...I wouldn't even go that way again...

Jeanne said...

LOL! :o)
I think comic books rank up there with some of those 'great novels'!

Suzie Ridler said...

Awesome! I love reading your answers and yes, that question about low cost books is a weird one. I read Moby Dick BTW. Took me a year and I'm still not sure it was worth it. Yay for comic book reading! I so hear you on the Colin Firth thing. What is it about that man?!

Anonymous said...

That was a lot of fun to read. I love your snark Debra. Hey, you guys get a Card?! What the heck? We don't. Life is so unfair. :)

Lady M said...

Mr. Darcy - he's changed a lot of womens lives!

This N That said...

Haven' you finished that book yet?? I'm not a reader ..mostly because if I really get in to a book, I don't put it down and if I don't get in to it, I put it down permanently..

Miss Val's Creations said...

What an interesting meme! That damn Moby Dick is still haunting you.

yellowdoggranny said...

I read Gone with the Wind so many times my used to call me Scarlet..

The Dancing Crone said...

Judgey McJudges, Lesbian Nation, boy am I ever glad I got back into the blogosphere, although I was laughing too hard and think I broke a rib. And besides that it isn't just lesbians who are put out at you for chasing Colinn firth so shamelessly!!

mxtodis123 said...

Sad to say I must be one of the few people who never read Lord of the Rings.

Unknown said...

I would like a Shakespeare's first folio as well. I'd leave it to my children so they could sell it and make millions.

Anonymous said...

Fuck Herman Melville and his whale.

Leanna said...

I have to do this when my back stops messing with me. Such funny answers.

Ol'Buzzard said...

Wrath: Dostoevsky.
Gluttony: The Annotated Sherlock Holmes
Greed: The Annotate Sherlock Holmes.
Envy: Like you, something that would bring big bucks on e-bay.
Lust: I like lust, but with porn on the internet why read about it?
Sloth: the list is too long.
Pride: I can't find anyone to talk books with - definitely not the Bible - I do like Dr Zhivago, 1984, Cache-22 and The Gulag Archipelago... but no one listens.
the Ol'Buzzard

Fundy Blue said...

What a great meme, Debra! I might do this too! LOTR is my most devoured book, but I've probably read The Hobbit the most ~ I've lost track of the number of times I've read it aloud to kiddos! Have a good one!

Mistress Maddie said...

What a cool way to list a bunch of book by the deadly sins!!!! Although sloth did speak for itself.

Insomniac's Attic said...

Judgy McJudges. Hahahaha!

The Happy Whisk said...

I'm about to start rereading Calvin & Hobbes from start to finish. Love the rainbow.

Happy Reading.

Adam said...

I'll tell you my most hated book, The Scarlet Letter. 11th grade English was painfully dull

Unknown said...

Actually, I heard about a study that put Mr Darcy ad the number one character that women fantasize about. I guess he's that good, he even crosses the great divide ;)

Anonymous said...

Great answers :-). Ah, Mr Darcy, sooo attractive, while Colin Firth as himself isn't (to me). He IS a great actor! I agree with selling the expensive book :-).

Anonymous said...

You just reminded me that I haven't started my book club book yet and I only have a week left to read it. The last one, I finished with only 20 minutes to spare. I read more before I joined an effing book club!

MrsDuncanMahogany said...

Moby Dick did cross my mind a fleeting second...but I was too busy laughing to make any real notice of my thoughts....

CraveCute said...

First off, stop punishing yourself and give up on Moby Dick! I used to read books when I was younger ... long books like Watership Down and all the Clan of the Cave Bear books... now days I read the local newspaper almost every day. Plus I read blogs, twitter feeds, G+ posts, Etsy forums and team pages etc.... The only books I read now are vintage illustrated children's books .. I read them while researching them to sell!

Riot Kitty said...

Excellent! What a great meme.

Can't blame you on Colin Firth.

Magic Love Crow said...

Great post! I give you credit for even reading! LOL! You should be getting your book from me soon ;o)

DB Stewart said...

I still lust after Wonder Woman. :)
Clever post.

Tammy Theriault said...

I'm sorry, but the membership card bit was flippin' HE-larious!!! <-- see what I did there in honor of the male you adore! this was totally fab girl. I love your style :)

LL Cool Joe said...

Ha ha, very funny!

Robin Larkspur said...

Fabulous!! And on the day, if it ever comes, the multitude will rise up and say with not a little disdain, Debra finished The Dick.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Ha ha, Robin -- it's the only dick I WOULD finish!