Friday 29 May 2015

Karaoke Memories, Part 3

Picture it -- Japan. 2012. A busload of Canadian tourists driving through the Japan Alps. Not just any bus though. A bus equipped with a karaoke machine! Everyone singing at the top of their lungs. The bus rockin', rollin', bouncing off all four tires. Mariachi horns blaring. Mariachi horns? Yes, it's Ring of Fire!

I'm proud to say that Ring of Fire was my selection from the karaoke catalogue for our group singalong that day. The key to picking a great group karaoke song is to make sure it's very fast, catchy and something everyone knows. No dreary folk songs or weird slow stuff -- that just brings down the energy and the mood.

They loooooove karaoke in Japan, of course, because they invented it. Karaoke is everywhere in that country! We had such a blast that day on the bus. It sure passed the time and made the bus ride seem shorter. And how many people can say they've sung karaoke in the very Homeland of Karaoke?

Here's my one known factoid about karaoke -- it means "empty orchestra." It comes from "kara" ("empty") and "oke" (an abbreviated form of "okesutora" which is the phonetic Japanese imitation of our English word "orchestra"). It refers to the missing lead singer track in the otherwise fully recorded music. Now you know!


Mark said...

I learned the "empty orchestra" thing from How I Met Your Mother. It really is hauntingly beautiful. Singing karaoke in Japan, on a bus no less, sounds like a grand old time.

debi o'neille said...

I've never actually participated in singing karaoke or any other form of public singing, but I do love to watch my brave daughters belt their lungs out. :-)Good post and great song.

DEZMOND said...

poor Japanese people must have thought they were being invaded by screeching demons :)

Unknown said...

How I would love to visit Japan. The culture is ancient, so very different from our own, complex and fascinating.

You chose a good song. It's running through my head now and will likely do so for the remainder of the day!

This N That said...

I never knew that..Thanks for making me just a little bit smarter..Enjoy your weekend..

Anonymous said...

It's a scientific fact, there are no bad versions of Ring of Fire.

Anonymous said...

you ave had some amazing adventures and I can'tthink of anyone better to travel with!!!
I learned something new, I never knew that was the meaning of it!!

yellowdoggranny said...

I would have loved to have been on that bus..and might actually have sang along on that song.

Jenn said...

And just like that, the song is stuck in my head, and threatening to spill out of my mouth while I sit here at work....

Miss Val's Creations said...

Great choice! How fun that karaoke was on the bus. That must have been a blast with a lot of smiles and laughs.

Guillaume said...

You make me want to do karaoke now. But first I'd need to get drunk.

Birdie said...

I sing that song the day after eating jalapeno potato chips.

Snap said...


Janie Junebug said...

I love Johnny Cash and Ring of Fire. You chose well.A bus could be bearable with everyone singing great songs.


The Happy Whisk said...

Birdie: Hahahaha.

Debra: It's a darn good song.

Sparkless said...

We only sing that song after eating hot curry but I guess you could sing it while on a bus tour.

Plowing Through Life (Martha) said...

What fun! Such a catchy tune. Great choice, Debra. And you know, I had no idea that Japan invented karaoke. What a cool thing.

Jim said...

Who needs to go to 'google' anymore! Debra, you are full of it! knowledge, that is!!
i can just see/hear that bus rockin down the highway!!

Dixie@dcrelief said...

Can I just comment, 'yikes' and you'll know what I mean?

MrsDuncanMahogany said...

Now THAT sounds like a party!!

Riot Kitty said...

HA! I've got that in my head now.

Trivia: did you know that right after he died, Johnny Cash's family was approached by Preparation H about using the song in an ad? True!! They said no fucking way, of course...

miruspeg said...

Enjoyed reading and listening to the songs on your Karoake Posts Debra.
Love your writing, perfect for blogging!
I have only partaken in Karoake once and it was December 2014 (had it on my bucket list for years).
Two girlfriends and myself when to a pub in the city (Sydney, Australia) and did 3 songs.....we had a ball and the audience was very encouraging.
Keep shining my friend.
Peggy xxxxx

Wendy said...

I'm really enjoying your karaoke memories! I myself am also a fan of karaoke, though I don't get a chance to do it much. Unless you count singing loudly in the car, of course. In that case, I do it several times a day!!

John M said...

I don't like being in front of crowds, so I don't think I'd like to sing.
But maybe if I could sing with someone else and I had a few drinks, it would not be a problem.

Mistress Maddie said...

Canadian tourists driving through the Japan Alps, with mariachi horns?!?!? Now that's a comedy show just waiting to happen! I can just picture the whole scene.

Unknown said...

You've got karaoke figured out, well done ;)

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, karaoke terrifies me! I don't think I could ever sing in front of people, even with liquid courage D:

Rommy said...

Extremely. horrifically jealous over here! LOL, fun song choice.