Friday 20 November 2015

A New Low For This Blog

I don't know why, but I've always found urinals inherently funny. So before the opportunity gets pissed away, it's time to flush out a few urinal LOLs -- hey, just shake it off, man!

And what the hell, this is not entirely on topic but while we're laughing about bodily functions, here's a special shart LOL just for you, Pickleope --


LL Cool Joe said...

Well the shit really did hit the fan with this post didn't it? You can't beat a bit of toilet humour, in fact I was going to right a post about poop myself, (not pooping myself) but you beat me too it. Crap. ;)

Anonymous said...

What do you think of me that...Who am I kidding, I loved it! I am honored to get a personal shart shout-out. By the way, as a kid I did some dumb stuff, but how did that kid get convinced to be his friend's pee stool?

anne marie in philly said...

bwhahahahahahahahah! now I gotta pee...

The Cranky said...

LOL... toilet humour, it never goes out of style!

jadedj said...

Hahahahaha...a urinalist (sic) after my own heart. I did a post several years ago about urinals from around the world. It got the most hits and comments of any subject I've posted...before and after. A record holder.

Mark said...

I'm yet to see one of those urinal games but I'd really enjoy one. I'd be worried if I peed so long I could finish one though.

Dawn@Lighten Up! said...

Vermont! What the hell are you thinking?
Haha theseare great. Thanks for the laughs, Debra!

Silke Powers said...

OMG! That made me laugh out loud! What a great start to my morning.... xoxo

DEZMOND said...

imagine being close when that last one blew into air!

jaz@octoberfarm said...

hahaha...i once puked in a urinal which makes me want to puke when i think about it now.

Jeanne said...

Oh, these are good! LOL :o)

Snap said...

I had a dear friend (who has passed on) who gave a lecture titled "Where Sherlock Went" ... yes -- a complete lecture on the urinals/toilets in England. It was always a "hit"...... ....... !!!!!

MrsDuncanMahogany said...

LOVE toilet humor of any kind! :)

Adam said...

I'd pick another water fountain

Willym said...

Snort .. snicker.. Mom Debra said "pee"....

Unknown said...

I don't think we should ever get so grown up we can't chuckle at potty humour. Thanks for the lighthearted laugh!

Anonymous said...

Come on, Vermont, get your head in the game.

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

What a hoot. I shan't do any potty humor as most has already been punned. hehehehehe

The Dancing Crone said...

Well thanks for this, Debra.

Miss Val's Creations said...

The Vermont maple syrup is such a classic unknown sign error! The keg urinals are quite the recycling project.

Guillaume said...

Lavatory humour. It can be funny:

BB said...

Just when I thought the next one couldn't possibly be any funnier, I scroll down and laugh even harder. Where you come up with this stuff I don't know but...I'm cracking up here. Thanks for the laugh.

psychelyn said...

This is friggin' hilarious! What did he eat indeed?! Maybe he just drank water from that suspicious drinking fountain.

Frkm what exactly does maple syrup come from, if I may ask :))))

Birdie said...

I am glad that I am not a man. Urinals are beyond gross.

Mistress Maddie said...

By the looks of the last picture, someone had baked beans for dinner.

Insomniac's Attic said...

Urinals and farts - always funny. :)

Martha said...

BAHAHAHA! This was hilarious. I like the lows that your blog hits :)

The Happy Whisk said...

Hahaha, those were all fun. Loved the pub ones. Hey, why not poke fun. Great stuff.

Anonymous said...

Lol. I just can un-see Vermont. Thanks a lot.

John M said...

I love the Vermont logo. It made me laugh out loud.

Jim said...

DEBRA!! That last one was the SHITS!! lol
Maple syrup will never be the same to me!!

This N That said...

Good ones..Love the state of Vermont!! Enjoy your weekend..

G. B. Miller said...

Many thanks for the Sunday morning chuckle.

Father Nature's Corner

Lowcarb team member said...

Oh that second photo ... just great.

All the best Jan

A Beer for the Shower said...

You'll hear no complaints here. These were all fantastic, and inspired by the first one, if I may add another.

yellowdoggranny said...

personally I like fart jokes

Magaly Guerrero said...

Vermont wins the cake, lol!

Dr. Theda said...

Got a good Laugh from that last image, dear Lady Debra....

Magic Love Crow said...

LOL! I can't stop laughing about Vermont!