Tuesday 15 December 2015

Yay for Hipster Santa!

And for his Hipster Elf! It's about time they moved into the 21st century . . . .

But Canada is already a cutting edge leader in Santa makeovers! For the past couple of years, "Fashion Santa" has promoted the ritzy Yorkdale Shopping Centre in Toronto. Santa is no longer a jolly old elf, kids -- now he's a silver fox with a chic wardrobe! And cheekbones!

Everyone wants their photo taken with this Santa! Even Mom and Dad!


Anonymous said...

Sweet Christmas, that's one f-able Santa! (A phrase I certainly didn't wake up thinking I would write.)

anne marie in philly said...

HELL YEAH! I would not mind a roll (or 3) in the hay with THIS daddy dude! RAWR!

DEZMOND said...

I lurv his outfits in the third and fourth pic!

Anonymous said...

Oh my! Hello Santa. Can I sit on your lap?

Marie Smith said...

Brilliant advertising. Love his stylish look but would he make a two year old cry? That's the real mall Santa test.

Anonymous said...

wowsa, lol, things are looking up in Santaville!!!

Snap said...

YeeHaw!!!!! :)

Martha said...

That video was funny! I laughed at the part where he cuts off the family from the photo :)

Yes, hipster Santa is very cool!

The Happy Whisk said...

I would love the Mason jars as I have many and they're the best. Great video. Happy Tuesday.

Jeanne said...

Whoa! That's what I call a make-over! ***whistles*** I wouldn't mind sitting on his lap! **wink wink**

Mistress Maddie said...

So is it wrong I may sleep with Santa?

Adam said...

looks like a reject audition for President Snow from The Hunger Games

Rawknrobyn.blogspot.com said...

Santa Baby, squeeze into my chimney any time. Wink.

Leanna said...

Loved that video. It made me laugh. I'm sure my husband wouldn't mind if I kissed Santa under the mistletoe. He doesn't need to know it's the hipster Santa. WHERE'S THAT STINKING MISTLETOE!!!

greekwitch said...

Haha, a side of Santa we didn't know!

CorvusCorax12 said...

hi hi @ the video

Lady M said...

Santa is wearing some smart duds in those pictures.

jaz@octoberfarm said...

makes me want to go back to toronto.

Insomniac's Attic said...

Hipster Elf is hilarious, and I just found out about that adorable trendy Santa down in Ontario this week! Yummmm! I'm following him on Instagram now ... is that a little too mainstream for me?

Hey, I got a Krampus pillow here with your name on it! I'm braving the city tomorrow (and the Post Office) **shudders** If you send me your mailing address tonight, I can get it in the mail to you and your buddy might even have it in time for Xmas. This year! I need a pic (preferably on Insta) of him peeing himself, right? ;)

Laurent said...

I thought Santa always looked like this, so much more stylish.

Happy Christmas to you!

Guillaume said...

I hate hipsters! My brother even more.

Rosemary said...

Nothing like the Santa whose knee I used to sit upon when small.

Dixie@dcrelief said...

Santa in leather - Meow!

Birdie said...

I vote we replace the Coca Cola version of Santa with either of these guys.

Unknown said...

Hipster Santa would snub pleb kids :D

bj said...

hahhaa...now you made this olden great-grandmother look twice...LOL

yellowdoggranny said...

Merry Fucking Christmas ole dude.

Anonymous said...

Zoolander 2 is a Christmas movie?

Magic Love Crow said...

My mom and I wanted to go down and see this Santa! LOL! But we didn't. He's even been on the news. Didn't realize he has been a male model for a while.

e said...

To hell with the old man, I want to know what Ms Claus looks like... wink.

bj said...

Thanks for coming over and following...I am now following you right back...maybe we'll meet in the middle and I'll bring you AND your sexy Santa a hot roll with butter. lol

This N That said...

Hip Santa !! Be careful what you wish for...The other guy can stay!!

BB said...

He's just not doing it for me. Can't put my finger on it but not liking him. But that's ok. There's plenty of others..lol

Beatnheart said...

wow I dig fashion Santa...especially the first photograph...
thanks for your visit to my nearly defunct blog...
I got the link working now if you want to come back and have a listen
to my latest song....

all the best

Unknown said...

Wow, what a sexy santa!

Unknown said...

Thats one sharp Santa.
Out with the old and here come the hipster?