Monday 25 January 2016

Never Underestimate Older Women!


anne marie in philly said...

why is it that I can identify with some of these photos? :)

LL Cool Joe said...

Ha ha, love them all! Thanks for the laughs, I need them.

DEZMOND said...

awwww for the last one, and the second one must be Russian babushkas!

Magaly Guerrero said...

"But I made it look like an asthma attack"! Bwahahaha!

Anonymous said...

That asthma attack one got me. The grandma on the cruise one was great too...and the one with the panties. Y'know what, all were excellent.

Marie Smith said...

When I was a child, my grandmother was old at sixty. Now I am that age, looking at women in their eighties and I aspire to be like them when I grow up.

Great post!

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh, I love them all, lol,

Mark said...

Older people do seem to have a lot more fun. Especially older women. I would not mind being a sassy old woman.

Mistress Maddie said...

Nice to see Anne Marie posed for the no pannies is more like it meme. Doesn't shock me in the slightest. So of these are a riot!

Fearsome Beard said...

There is nothing better than Platinum!
BTW....Thanks for giving me a goal to aspire to....I'll be booking some cruises when I'm in my nineties I believe.

e said...

"...Now we are just beautiful." Yep!

I remember my mom telling a doltish acquaintance, 'It's not gray, Charles, it's silver!"

SlimExpectations said...

very nice and cute and funny. The last was one, was heart warming.

Anonymous said...

I had to sit through a concert at the Richard Nixon Library this weekend. On one hand I was the youngest woman there by at least thirty years, on the other I had to listen to the two women behind me bitch about their neighbors at the assisted living home for almost two hours.

Miss Val's Creations said...

These are fantastic! The grandma on the cruise looks exactly like my mom's mom it is freaky. It is the same type of situation she would have gotten herself into too!

Bill Lisleman said...

Oh the joke about on the bus - I regret reading it. Now how do I get that imagine out of my head?

MrsDuncanMahogany said...

LOVE this!! I am currently in the middle of growing out my natural highlights and the platinum is shining through! :)

My Grama's Soul said...

Good morning always, thanks for stopping by to see me. Being among 'the older set".....I can relate to this funny post.

Have a wonderful day


The Dancing Crone said...

hahahaha! Some hysterical, the last one just awesome!

Mary said...

Lol! Love all these photos! Love the granny panties. A girlfriend asked me if I ever wear a thong anymore and I just just looked at her like she's crazy. I mean why? Why would I do that? Lol. I'm all about comfort at 52. And I love my naturally highlighted hair! Dirty blond with white stripes. Some women pay to have hair like mine, and I have it for free!

Unknown said...

That is great! :D The ladys on the last pic are so cute!

Martha said...

Hahaha! I love these. Yes, older women rock.

Jono said...

Asthma attacks! Now I know what's going on. I feel so enlightened!

bj said...

hahhaa....well, you GOTTA know that I love these..:)

The Cranky said...

I love these, each and every one! I'd add: "Never piss off an old lady on a scooter who has a cellphone handy!"

It happened; I'm going to tell about it later this week, hehehe.

Professor Chaos said...

The toughest people I've ever met are old ladies. They didn't get to be old by being soft!

yellowdoggranny said...

I'd like to think anyone of those could be me..ha

Insomniac's Attic said...

I made it look like an asthma attack ... that's a good one. :)

Adam said...

Some people never age, they just wrinkle

Bob Johns said...

OH my that bus one! Hilarious!!

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

I'm gonna ride the city bus tomorrow just to cheer myself up. hehehehehe

BB said...

These are priceless but when I got to Ethel and the bus I was laughing like a loon. You are one of my favorite humorists!

Dixie@dcrelief said...

Your post has given me new hope! said...

LOL, very loud, upon seeing the granny panties photo. I remember that one!
Have a great week, Debra.

Ellen in Oregon said...

Another great post. Loved them all. My Mom always told me that the best thing about getting older was that you no longer cared what anyone thinks. If only we had that knowledge when we were in our 20's &30s. All that time we wasted worrying about what other people thought about us. Older women have invaluable life experience, if only we would listen to it & learn from it, we would be better off.

Toni said...

Love them all but have to say the bus reminds me of my best friend and me. Thanks for sharing.

Jim said...

Older women ROCK!

This N That said...

Love the asthma attack! Thanks for the laughs..

klahanie said...

Hey Debra,

Awesome stuff, eh! You have inspired me to go to, "Grab a Grannie", night at the local bingo hall. I mean, why not, it's strip bingo. And I don't mean the strip of paper!

I'm going now....

Gary :)

Hot guys said...

So much truth spilled. Love it! :)

Lil Raggedy Angie said...

ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS POST !I definitely needed the giggle , have a great evening ~ Blessings Angela

DB Stewart said...

I hope I get old with my humour AND mind intact.

CraveCute said...

Debra, you made my day! As an ughhum.. starting to get older woman... I'm really looking forward to a cruise someday!

Ol'Buzzard said...

They are beautiful.
Men decline about age fifty where women become the strength.
the Ol'Buzzard

Jenn said...

Platinum highlights. I like that!

Debi said...

CHEERS! to women who are beautiful and cleverly witty!..............xo

Magic Love Crow said...

I can stop laughing! Fantastic! The asthma attack one is hilarious!!!!!! LOL! I love the last one too!!!

Unknown said...

:) I have more platinum highlights now. and fortunately have a full head of hair still.

Hot guys said...

They're totally rockin' it, aren't they?