Monday 4 January 2016

What Would Captain America Do?

Further to my last post which mentioned giving up swearing as a New Years Resolution --

As revealed recently in Avengers: The Age of Ultron, Captain America with his old-fashioned values is having a hard time adjusting to the kind of bad language used casually and routinely in today's society. And there are so MANY new swear words that Steve's never even heard of before! How's a fella supposed to keep up?

"Google" STILL makes him blush though.

And there are worse words out there! MUCH WORSE.

Well, at least poor Steve's not the ONLY shocked one.

I'm kinda with The Boys on this matter, though. We all know there's only ONE circumstance where use of that word is justified --

Now get to work, MOFOs! LOL


anne marie in philly said...

fuck, it's monday. and captain america can go suck it.

Jenn said...

Giving up swearing? Could you pick a harder resolution to keep?? I'm with anne marie in philly...

DEZMOND said...

omigosh, Chrissy is even more adorable when blushing!

mxtodis123 said...

I curse like a storm in private, but for some reason turn red and blush when I curse in public. Guess it was all that soap in my mouth.

Anonymous said...

I used to curse like a sailor. Now, not as much. Usually. Mostly. Sometimes.

Mark said...

I know people who swear way too much. Sometimes I realise I'm swearing too much too. I tend to say fuck too much.

Marie Smith said...

Lol. Always a smile when I read your blog! The cursing...there's lots worse you could do. That's how I justify it anyway.

turquoisemoon said... can tell I'm getting older, a simple "Oh Shit" spiels from my mouth constantly.

Sunnybrook Farm said...

What would Julian and Ricky have to say about all of this fucking swearing?

Jeanne said...

There are a lot of words which are said now-a-days that I wouldn't have dreamed of saying when I was a kid. Sometimes I have to stop myself when I hear such words come out of one of the grandkids' mouth(s).

jaz@octoberfarm said...

how the fuck would i ever stop swearing.

Toni said...

Now there is a resolution that I know I can't keep. One of my truths that I truly own, I swear. I'm really good at it!

yellowdoggranny said...

Captain America can suck my dick.

Leanna said...

I had to go back and slash out all my "f" words and other shit that was on my blog post this morning. I'm trying ... baby steps ... oh fuck you too.

Jono said...

WTF! How the fuck am I supposed to give up swearing? Sometimes it just feels so fucking good to let it out.

Miss Val's Creations said...

Haha! Good luck giving up swearing! That sounds too challenging for me.

A Beer for the Shower said...

Giving up swearing? Wow, ain't that a motherfucker.

Martha said...

Having kids around the house pretty much cured me of swearing. I had to use substitute words like "fudge" or "darn it". But now the most amazing man in the world and I are empty nesters... Lately I've been getting a kick out of telling the cat "fuck off". Not sure why. It just makes me laugh. She has no idea what I'm saying; she thinks I'm sweet talking her and she rubs up against me legs affectionately :)

Guillaume said...

A long time ago, I have decided to forget about new years resolutions.

Bill Lisleman said...

great clip you found
swearing is good way of letting off the pressure/pain of the situation. Used too much it loses it's effect. I tried to substitute Foxtrot Uniform but it hard to remember.

Hot guys said...

I don't really think much about swearing.
I don't use bad words that much, luckily. :D

Sparkless said...

But we have to swear it's part of how we communicate. Well, okay maybe we could use non-swear words instead of swears but they just aren't as satisfying when describing things or making an exclamation. Point taken though, swear less, is a good goal to have. said...

"Google" does sound like something that shouldn't be allowed in public.

Riot Kitty said...

Ha! I think I realized back in college that I should not use the word "cocksucker" as an insult, because I partook in that pastime myself...

This N That said...

Ha! Only you..Still laughing...

Anonymous said...

Old fashioned values? Like when slavery was acceptable? Like when women couldn't vote or serve on a jury? Like when segregation was a thing? Or history within my memory, like when girls couldn't wear pants to school or interracial marriage was illegal? Because if going back to old fashioned values means going back to that, Captain America can fuck right off.

Lady M said...

Research has shown that people who swear can endure a whole lot more discomfort than those who don't. It is one hell of a coping mechanism. Just fucking saying.

jadedj said...

Oh, Gosh. Give up swearing?? That's just friking wrong. Fuck that fucking silly ass fucking fuckness!

Manzanita said...

I usually leave the swearing to someone else.

Rommy said...

ROTFL - I swear like a motherfucker! Or would that be a self-fucker? *snicker*

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

There is a certain way that people say motherfucker that really cracks me up. Muttafukka...but say it really fast.

klahanie said...

Hey Debra,

How's it goin', eh?

Captain America can go fuck himself! More importantly, what would Captain Canada do, eh?

Gary :)

Tammy Theriault said...

Chris Evans ... Yum. I'll say sweet words to him any day ;) no cussing needed. Ha!!

Magic Love Crow said...

LOL! How's the not swearing doing? I think if my older brother took this challenge, he would die in a second! LOL! I don't swear. I'm a good girl :) My sister-in-law says I suck. I always say to her, yes, but I suck good! LOL! She doesn't say that anymore! LOL!

Unknown said...

I think, swearing is good against stomach ulcer. I prefer "Scheiße" :D

bj said...

Swearing doesn't bother me all that much when done CLASSY...but the F word is about as far from classy as one can get. When I became a mother, I quit using any cuss words...and proud of it.
Now, you realize I am I am Old School.....but when really, REALLY stressed, DAMN seems to make me feel much better ! :)

Unknown said...

I am a teacher and i do swear a lot in class...
I never said i was nice and i swore because i was angry with people / stuff.
still... i produce better results than most teachers.

If you dont have whips, curses are the next best thing.

Love is a bit overrated nowadays...

Jim said...

I learned to swear from my best friend's mother, Peggy, back in grade 6!! She swore like a trooper! While my mother was busy saying the rosary, bless her dearly, I was learning all the latest and most effective words known at the time! I think it started with the simple but punchy 'arsehole' and it went from there. You know, I never heard her say fuck but we assuredly got to use fuck pretty soon after this!
Great post and THE BEST comments in the blogisphere are here at Debra, She Who Seeks'!