Tuesday 1 March 2016

C'est La Friggin' Vie

Ever have a day like this?

Or this?

Just roll with it!

There's no point in getting angry and acting out your bad attitude, now is there?

Cultivate a good attitude instead!

After all, we pass through this world but once.

Wow, this is such darn good advice that I really should consider following it myself sometime!


Marie Smith said...

One of those day when everything that can go wrong does, orchestrated by Murphy? Know them well! Hope today is a better one for you!

Anonymous said...

Ha! That dog looks like it's having a good time. But maybe I'm projecting because I'm hypnotized by it. No sympathy for the first two, especially not Darth, no one on a "hoverboard" deserves even a modicum of empathy.

mxtodis123 said...

This past weekend. Burnt my arm, paper sliced two fingers, sat and cut fresh string beans and cooked them, only to drop the entire bowl on the floor. Needless to say, I am glad this weekend is gone.

The Cranky said...

Every time I get out of bed... I therefore resolve to never again abandon it!

DEZMOND said...

isn't every day like that for us poor mortals?

Martha said...

There are definitely days like that! A good sense of humour will keep you from going stark raving mad.

Debi said...

Well! Good morning Suzie Sunshine! Bhaw humbug! Humans are pressing my last nerve! Winter fatigue has set in!
You do save the day ! Thank you! xodebi

Anonymous said...

Well, at least it was manure and not bricks.

yellowdoggranny said...

or as I like to say..if it's not one thing it's your mother.

Leanna said...

Every day is a middle toe day here.

Bill Lisleman said...

you can do it - LOL

Turn The Page said...

fun post..hang in there, and may the Aloha Spirit prevail!

Magaly Guerrero said...

That is a very gifted toe.

And yes, I've had a day (or three) like this. *runs to train her toe*

Adam said...

Not much of a sith lord there

MrsDuncanMahogany said...

I need to remind myself this each day!

Guillaume said...

Yes, sometimes life is shite.

jaz@octoberfarm said...

yep...every once in a while this happens and i am always like...what?

Jim said...

Oh it's been a while since one of 'those' days struck close to home. Good advice, just go along with it as best you can.

Anonymous said...

thank you for the fun

Dixie@dcrelief said...

Yes'm - I'm Darth - into the wall!!

Ol'Buzzard said...

Any man who has ever worked with a wheelbarrow can identify with the first one. Years ago I worked one summer with a landscaping firm. One of the hardest jobs I had.
the Ol'Buzzard

bj said...

hahahaa...gotta love this post...
around here, our #1 guest is MURPHY and his LAW...

Jono said...

I have seen the first one in real life.

Magic Love Crow said...

LOL! Yes, I am taking this advice! I missed one of my papers on my taxes and it's already been filed! Errr!! I thought things were going so well too!

Unknown said...

Hahah. Gifs are so special! I was led to your blog because I researched women's circle Edmonton in Google. do you still gather? The post I read was from 2009
Love n light!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Renee -- Sorry to tell you that no, the Circle is no longer meeting. But I wish you good luck in finding some like-minded women to circle with!

Mark said...

There's actually a psychological reason we can't follow our own advice. But I can't recall it right now. Man today has been pretty rough for me. I needed some of those.

Variations On Light said...

Life is full of snags. For most people, anyway.

greekwitch said...

These were awesome!!! I hope you are doing well! Be blessed!!!

The Happy Whisk said...

These were great. Tim came to see them too.

I am now gonna hit the slab and will be back this weekend to catch up on all your adventures.

'nighty night.

Deborah said...

Oh, the little chihuahua looks just like my Beloved Officer Bill!

The Dancing Crone said...

Are we really that nice?? hahahahaha