Friday 3 June 2016

How to Join Lesbian Nation: A Primer for the Uninitiated

OKAY, ALL YOU WILD WIMMIN, so you want to join THE SISTERHOOD? Here's the INSIDE SCOOP! First of all, DON'T listen to stupid and outdated theories about how to get your very own toaster oven --

Take it from me, THIS is how it REALLY happens!

NEXT, you have to pass a mandatory course in LESBIAN FASHION 101 --

DON'T be surprised when you basically turn into WONDER WOMAN --

Just hope you are blessed with all her ATHLETIC ABILITY as well . . . .

Now, I don't want to paint an UNDULY ROSY picture of how wonderful it is to be a lesbian. There ARE a FEW problems too but you just have to learn how to DEAL with them.

The IMPORTANT thing is to just get OUT there and ENJOY being a card-carrying member of LESBIAN NATION!


anne marie in philly said...

that 1911 poster - SERIOUSLY????? OMGWTF?????

Marie Smith said...

Love the education! Thank you.

Blogoratti said...

Interesting, these memes. Have a swell weekend!

jaz@octoberfarm said...

i might have to get my bike out again soon. i must have been rising it wrong for all those years!

Anonymous said...

It's amazing how far we've come since 1911...and yet how far we still need to least here in the US. Thanks for the chuckles!

LL Cool Joe said...

Interesting set of memes. Have a great weekend Debra!

Ms. CrankyPants said...

The peacock carrying the Lesbian Letter is hi-larious!

Unknown said...

Truth be told, i've read about that 1911 thing too.
And my head said that is a truckload of hogwash indeed.
Who made up stuff like that anyway?

greekwitch said...

These were all awesome! Was the first one true? They really thought that? I am off to Google!

Anonymous said...

I've got two bicycles and a love of sensible shoes, and yet I'm still straight. I guess I'm just doing it wrong.

Miss Val's Creations said...

Brilliant! The bicycle theory is a riot. There is still plenty of that ignorance today but the theories are different.

Ms Misantropia said...

Where the hell is my bike - it's been way too long... ;)

Mark said...

Dammit I want to be a lesbian too. It looks so fun.

Toni said...

You are too funny!

Cperz said...

Very funny cartoons, Debra. Have a great day!!

Lynn said...

Well how about that bicycle thing? Funny.

Empty Nest Insider said...

Now I really regret getting rid of my bicycle! This was fun!


Studio Kaufmann said...

Ha ha! So funny. You really made me laugh.
Happy Friday

Leanna said...

I wonder if there are any really bumpy roads here. hmmm.

DEZMOND said...

what a totally lesbian post! :)

MrsDuncanMahogany said...

Totally enjoyed this!! Gonna ride my bike tonight...just cause I can!

Lois said...

I really needed this chuckle! Have a fantastic weekend! We're going to the 1812 re-enactment in Stoney Creek this weekend! We live so close now we can walk. :)

Janie Junebug said...

Best post I've seen in a long time. I remember when Charlotte on Sex and the City hung out with lesbians and enjoyed their company, but one of them said something to the effect of "If you don't eat pussy, you can't be one of us." The cartoons and photos are all great, and I love your commentary. Sometimes I think I want to be a lesbian, but I don't have it in me.


Guillaume said...


Birdie said...

My bike didn't make me a lesbian. What is wrong with me?

Magic Love Crow said...

I've never road a bike before, maybe I should! LOL! Great post!

Martha said...

The one about the problem 'disappearing'...BAHAHAHAHA! I love it.

The bicycle stuff. Not so much. So stupid.

Sparkless said...

LOL!!! But my bike is a male so um would riding him still make me gay?

Jim said...

Thank you, Debra!
Enjoy the parade!

This N That said...

For real??? The bike thing?? Never did much for me..May need a new seat..Too funny

Magaly Guerrero said...

I wish I could sit in a room where a bunch of men were discussing their bicycles lead to lesbianism. I bet that was a fascinating giggler. The things people believe. Seriously.

klahanie said...

Hey Debra,

How's it goin', gay, um, eh?

Two ladies making love. Yes please, can I observe, for scientific reasons, of course.

Your new bicycle should arrive shortly from "The Gay", oops, "The Bay."

I'd better go now...

Gary :)

e said...

I was so happy when I got my letter! I cried rainbow tears of joy!

baili said...

my sister lives in U.S told me first about such relationships ,world is full of wonders and strange happenings ,i don't feel anything about such stuff jsut know one thing that live and let live ,
personally i am so much in love with women as when i think deeply about their character in this universe i think their part is more then 70 percent ,men utilize their power and brain to shape up the world and women focus their energies to organize recreate and develop the whole set up ,most of the jobs that men do women can also do easily but many of women's jobs men cannot even dare

Debi said...

I love my bike! My Mom took my first bike away from me cause I took off with it! ! I love your posts! clever scissors ✨💜✨

yellowdoggranny said...

made me laugh

Fearsome Beard said...

My bike didn't make me lesbian. Oh wait....

The Happy Whisk said...

love the priest one. That was brilliant.