Wednesday 14 December 2016

Kwitcherbitchin -- Xmas Edition

Christmas is not the wonderful holiday it USED to be back in the day. The world has CHANGED.

Now people just want to BITCH about everything.

Kwitcherbitchin about inclusivity! Sheesh!

Christmas has ALWAYS been inclusive of a whole bunch of other holiday traditions.

People get bent out of shape by EVERY LITTLE THING, it seems.

Just ENJOY the holiday and try not to be SELFISH or GREEDY.

Everyone is so SOUR these days, no wonder THIS is now the best selling candy cane flavour!

Let's do BETTER, people!


anne marie in philly said...

I refuse! but I like the "all holidays matter"!

Marie Smith said...

I'm with cookie monster!

Bob said...

I'm a Happy Holidays guy because it covers all the bases and, really, who does it hurt that I don't say "Merry Christmas"?

Snap said...

All Holidays DO matter ... at least to me and thee..... I love dill pickles ... wonder if the candy canes are dill???!!!!!!!!!!!!

DEZMOND said...

Frosty always looked suspicious to me and so does anyone who'd lick a pickle cane! Throw them to the gallows I say!

Anonymous said...

oh I love cookie monster, I do!

Anonymous said...

Empathy doesn't cost a thing, but so few people are willing to spend even that much to consider someone else's feelings for even a second.

Mistress Maddie said...

Some of these made me laugh out loud, and the sad part is true. Call me old fashioned but I still say Merry Christmas and spike the punch at work parties.

LL Cool Joe said...

The mouse one cracked me up. :D

LL Cool Joe said...

Can I steal it for my sidebar, please?

Susan said...

OOOooooh! Pickle candy canes? Things are looking up! I love Christmas mostly because at least for a little while, people do kind things for total strangers. Just wish it would last, say, FOREVER.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ LL Cool Joe -- Steal away! What's not legally mine in the first place is yours!

Leanna said...

I saw that 3 wise guys with the gift card comic the other day and laughed. These are all so great! I was going to post the same but you got to it first, little stinker.

Sylvie said...

I don't know why people get so uppity over happy holidays or Merry Christmas. Call it whatever you want.

I actually like the fact that in schools, children are learning about Hannukah and other celebrations. There is hope for the future.

Miss Val's Creations said...

I may use the "all holidays matter" line. I wonder if anyone actually eats the pickle candy canes or they just purchases them as a joke!

MrsDuncanMahogany said...

Ahahahaha - the mouse one! I can't stop laughing at that one.....I suspect I shall giggle for days...

The Happy Whisk said...

Ewwww, on the pickle candy canes. So gross. I loved it. Thanks!

Rosemary said...

Despite everything Debra hope that yours is a happy one

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

Happy Holidays is what I say when I don't know the person. Merry Everything is what I say to my friends and around our house it is "don't start that Christmas crap until after Solstice, yo." xoxo Oma Linda

Jono said...

Yeah, All Holidays Matter will be my new mantra.

Janie Junebug said...

My Christmas is quiet. I have time to enjoy it because I don't run around to buy expensive gifts for people who don't need them. I don't have to bake because baked goods can come from the bakery. Meals can be simple. The war on Christmas is a lie, so I ignore the people who scream about it. I just want to live in peace.


Professor Chaos said...

All holidays matter! Ha! I'm totally using that one.

Anne Johnson said...

Pickle flavored candy canes? *anne hacks up a fur ball*

Martha said...

Pickle flavoured candy canes...bahahaha! I know a few people who are perfectly suited for this.

Willym said...

A friend of mine recently wrote on Facebook:

'The "War on Christmas" is the original Fake News.
Unless you mean it in the sense that: "it is Christmas and we are engaged in war", as in "war on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and every other day of the week".
I mean, we had war on Arbor Day, National Donut Day, Earth Day and my birthday, so I don't expect Christmas to be any different.'

And I love the Pilgrims in the stocks - I reminded another friend who started this "war" shit the other day that had she said Merry Christmas in Salem she'd probably be burnt at the stake. (Yes I know that's historically wrong but hell she wouldn't know the difference).

Adam said...

I really doubt Mary and Jesus really even existed. Sounds like a story someone made up in a time where nobody in a conquered nation could say didn't happen because they weren't around to see it.

Even in the modern day, if an unmarried self-proclaimed virgin says she was impregnated by God after a visit with an angel not a sane person would believe her. Why would they in the year "zero"?

To make matters worse, three dudes pop out of nowhere with gifts.

Sounds like a Ho Ho Ho to me.

Kay G. said...

Let's do better. Amen, Debra, Amen.

Birdie said...

Not a creature was stirring... hahhaha!

Holy crap. I had to look up the tree reference to see if it really said that. I obviously don't know the bible like I thought I did.

Unknown said...

It's always fun to take a look here, very great!

Hindustanka said...

Funny quotes...:)) Celebrating any peaceful holidays is better than war... I wish we had less of this suffering next year... let's do some magic.

Lynn said...

Love Cookie Monster's take on Santa. :)

G. B. Miller said...

Pickle flavored?

I say Merry Christmas because I am a child of the 70's & early 80's where we said what we said because to say otherwise was to confuse others.

Father Nature's Corner

Mark said...

I mean, I like pickles but if I was going to eat something pickle flavoured I think I'd rather just eat the pickle. There isn't a lot of holiday cheer going around and, interestingly enough, it's the people who are bitching about the lack of holiday cheer that are spreading the least.

e said...

Thanks for the lolz, Debra! I'll take humor over hypocrisy any day.

Love the stirring mouse! Love the All Holidays Matter!

Merry and Happy Whatever, yo!

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

Surely no one can be offended by a smile or greeting ?
Though if I hear much more Christmas music while shopping , I might bare my fangs .

Cperz said...

I am less concerned with the words that people use to offer me greetings during the holiday than I am with the cheerfulness that it is delivered with. Happy and kind people can say Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays as it's all the same to me.

This N That said...

Love the cookie monster !! Tired of Christmas music already..of course it started at Easter..
Fun post!!

LL Cool Joe said...

Thanks Debra!

Guillaume said...

The War of Christmas is not only a myth it's a pathetic myth.

Magic Love Crow said...

I actually think I would like pickle candy canes! LOL! I'm the type of person who likes to drink milk with salt and vinegar chips! LOL!
Debra, thank you for your comment on my blog! Means the world to me! This transition in my life will affect many people. That's what's affecting me! But, I have to do this for me! Big Hugs!

Magaly Guerrero said...

I'm pro-Happy and pro-Partying. So, if it makes a person or a million people happy, well... Merry all the way. Since all holidays matter. And the Cookie Monster rocks.

miruspeg said...

What a great selection of posters you have shared with us rock my friend.
I'm with you "Just ENJOY the holiday and try not to be SELFISH or GREEDY."
Peggy xxxx

yellowdoggranny said...

you rock..happy yule

The Captain said...

I love the mouse cartoon. Might steal and redraw if I have the time!

Fundy Blue said...

Rolling over laughing, Debra!