Wednesday 31 May 2017

An Epic Battle

I came across this funny story last week while idly surfing the net. At a recent medieval re-enactors event, one helmeted warrior impulsively knocked a photography drone out of the sky with his spear. Maybe he was pissed off because it was a modern anachronism and not historically accurate? Who knows? But here's how it looked from the drone's point of view!

Anyway, the warrior felt bad and offered to pay for the damage to the drone. But the drone's owner was so impressed by the warrior's feat of arms that he suggested organizing a competition next year for spear warriors to compete at bringing down drones disguised as flying dragons. Plans are currently underway.

The original daring act of skill and bravery has now been memorialized in a runestone as well. Who says history is dead?

Let the mead flow as the bards recount this mighty tale across our lands!


anne marie in philly said...

cool! just another piece of bullshit in life we DON'T need!

Anonymous said...

I love that the community embraced it. And now they're going to make dragon drones? Awesome. Well done, Ren-Fair nerds.

Bob said...

What a great story! And I'm surprised the drone's owner was so easy-going about the whole thing.

Marie Smith said...

Love this story! What a great outcome!

DEZMOND said...

any chance they tie Justin Bieber to the flying drone-wannabe-dragon?

Miss Val's Creations said...

That is hysterical!

Snap said...

Dragon drones ... be still my heart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

jaz@octoberfarm said...

i love the runestone!

Fundy Blue said...

Haha! One strike for mankind against the machines! I dread the day when our skies may be filled with drones carrying God knows what! The first part of the story was great, but the second and third parts were awesome too: a runestone commemoration and flying dragon battles, wow! This story gave me a good laugh with my morning coffee!

The Happy Whisk said...

OMG. I love this. Sending it to Tim.

Anonymous said...

This rocks! I love how cool the drone owner was about it and they turned something that could've been ugly into an awesome event.

Elsie Amata

Jono said...

I am thoroughly jealous of that runestone.

The Captain said...

Love this story. I want to fly a dragon drone.

Leanna said...

SO COOL!!! Drone dragons will be awesome. I would love to see that.

Dr. Theda said...

Cool !! Thanks for the Smile, dear Lady Debra... My Friend will enjoy this one... and the "Rune-Stone" was

Janie Junebug said...

That great! What an excellent plan for a future battle.


Anonymous said...

Turning lemons into lemonade. Good for them.

MrsDuncanMahogany said...

This is just so fantastic!!

Onevikinggirl said...

Wonderful! I saw the original story and thank you for posting the follow up. Very fitting indeed!

Willym said...

Surely some Bard will immortalize this mighty feat in suitable verse to be sung in the banqueting halls?????

Martha said...

Just when you think you've heard it all! LOL

Rosemary said...

I remember seeing my first drone in Turkey about 4 years ago, and didn't have a clue what it was at the time - I have never seen another one.

G. B. Miller said...


I Are Writer!

Mark said...

This may be one of the coolest things I've ever heard. It's probably going to get expensive though. Drones aren't cheap.

Sylvie said...

OMG this is so epic! Hahahaha!

bj said...

Mr. Sweet and I have been to several of these events and they are TONS of fun...we watched warriors on horses with long spears race toward ea eaters...court we were walking along, enjoying it all, a young man dressed in period clothing, ran up to me and breathlessly asked "my name is Jack...have you seen Jill ?" SO FUN

e said...

Wow! Well done, Sir Anachronism! This shows how vital our Ren Faire and SCA brethren are in today's world.

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

How cool is that? It must be a riot to see. Drones are a way of the future.

Lynn said...

Ha! Serves it right! Good job, drone!

Rain said...

That's great! :) I hate those is too much these days. It's going to be like the Terminator soon, the machines will start thinking and destroy all of us!

This N That said...

Dragon Drones!!! What next?? Great story...

Guillaume said...

Haven't been to one in ages.

Insomniac's Attic said...

That's hilarious! Especially the carving immortalizing it!! :D

Magic Love Crow said...

LOL! He has good aim!! Love the rock!

The Dancing Crone said...

Now that is awesome! Someways I just love the human spirit!

yellowdoggranny said...

love this story..

Debi said...

Never a dull moment in your world! Now I'll be looking up more often! xDebi

Unknown said...

That´s cool!!! And I really really wonder, how you do always find things like this!