Wednesday 17 May 2017

On a Scale of . . . .

Sorry if you've seen many/most/all of these memes before around teh interwebs, but I'm clearing out my stash o' stuff so thought I'd just make a quick 'n easy post of them!


anne marie in philly said...

the cat one - 3.

Bob said...

Thta last one! poor Tobey!

The Happy Whisk said...

Does anyone really look good crying? Then there's the ugly cry. The ugly cry is the best. Really gets it all out there.

DEZMOND said...

cats really are a measure for craziness and also for not giving a damn. Did you see Hiddles' photoshoot with a cat?

Marie Smith said...

The crying one...sad face...

Miss Val's Creations said...

Great laughs!

Harry Hamid said...

Love the "very attractive and very wealthy" one.

Crystal Collier said...

Bwahahah! That Russia one totally got me. Thanks for the laugh. Seriously.

Fundy Blue said...

I should post the LOTR chuckle on my bathroom mirror for inspiration!!!
Have a great day, Debra!

Leanna said...

These were funny at best. Toby is an ugly crier, just sayin.

Anonymous said...

The cat one had me laughing. Thanks for the chuckles, Debra!

Elsie Amata

Birdie said...

Fist bump on Canadian healthcare.

Mistress Maddie said...

Would you believe I never saw any of these!?!?! I loved the north Korea one, but they all made me chuckle, sadly.

Anonymous said...

Might be time to recalibrate the 1 to America scale, seeing how we're currently in the middle of a coup. Coup de Twat, if you will.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ brewella deville -- Sweet Jesus but your comment made me laugh out loud!

yellowdoggranny said...

Im with you debra...that was a great comment..

yellowdoggranny said...

although I was more along the line of coupe de douche

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ Jackiesue -- Hahahahahaha and now I'm peeing my pants too!

Martha said...

HAHAHA! Loved these! And the comments from blogging pals are always hilarious :)

Mich said...


Lynn said...

These are hilarious - I haven't seen them at all.

I'm about 10 cats crazy. :)

Guillaume said...

Lots and lots of scales.

Willym said...

And Toby use to be so damned cute.....

Bill Lisleman said...

Only free for the very attractive and wealthy - sad sad

I didn't know this on a scale of thing was a meme. Seems odd since many people avoid scales.

Adam said...

On a scale from Obama to Nixon

how likely is Trump to be impeached? said...

I'm a Tobey Magiddleston with emphasis on the Tobey.

Magaly Guerrero said...

The cats and the last one made laugh like a delightful maniac. The political ones made me want to scream... while shocking certain people.

Magaly Guerrero said...

...and choking them, too. *cough*

Mark said...

The best thing about the immaturity one is that 69 is the best answer, even if it isn't the highest number.

This N That said...

Thanks for the the cat...

SlimExpectations said...

hahaha..good one :)

MrsDuncanMahogany said...

Heh. Cats.

baili said...

glad you brought smiles again.
last one made me laugh ,there are some actors i never want to see crying as their funny look give me laughter and whole intense scene is ruined

e said...

Thanks for the lolz! These were hilarious!

Magic Love Crow said...

I haven't seen any of these Debra!!! LOL!