Monday 27 November 2017

Heartbreak in the Snow

Toronto Argonauts 27
Calgary Stampeders 24

The temperature was -3º in Ottawa and it snowed for practically the entire game. The Stampeders led all the way until late in the 4th quarter when they went for a touchdown and a disastrous fumble occurred on Toronto's 10 yard line. The Argos intercepted the ball and ran all the way back down the field to score a touchdown. Calgary's second misfortune occurred in the dying minutes when they decided not to go for a field goal to tie the game and force overtime, but to go instead for a touchdown which they did not get.


* shakes fist *


* quiet sobbing *



anne marie in philly said...

my baseball team's cry is always "wait til next year!".

such conditions; you think the stadium would have a dome to prevent snow/rain.

Anonymous said...

So sorry for the heartbreak. I felt the same when the Dodgers lost the World Series this year.

Anonymous said...

ahhhh, next time, theres always next time,,

Linda d said...

Ohhhh nooooooooo 😔

Adam said...

My local college team got slaughtered by the rival this previous Sat, I feel ya

jaz@octoberfarm said...

bummer! but perfect weather for a game!

Marie Smith said...

It was a great game. A Canadian classic!

Jeanne said...

Oh so close. Seems like so many teams this year have been so close, only to see the win slip from their grasp.

Susan said...

I'm from Cleveland. I can relate. Pass the hankies.

Anonymous said...

At the end of the game, did stadium ushers have to chisel out the fans who were frozen to their seats, or are they just going to wait until Spring?

e said...

Dammit! I checked periodically on line and the Stamps were holding their own.

Joining you in fist shaking!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

@ brewella deville -- Yes, those are the poor buggers I felt sorry for the most! But everyone in Canada knows you never come underdressed to the Grey Cup game -- layering is the secret to staying warm! That, and much booze.

DEZMOND said...

at least there's snow to cover up your tears :)

This N That said...

Brrr..What a heart breaker..happening all over the placer..Tis the season..;) On to hockey !!

Toni said...

Been there so many times I should have a tattoo!

"Next Year"

Leanna said...

Been there, done that. I live in Texas where football is king. The only problem is, I'm not a Cowboy fan. Dallas sucks. I never liked them. Thier owner is an idiot like Trump. I love Houston Texans. They try so hard but fail. That's what I like about them. I always say wait til next year. said...

Wow, this was painful. And all I did was read your recap.
I'm sorry, Debra, but the photo of the players in snow - that's a beauty.
Next year!

Janie Junebug said...

As a pretend Canadian, I don't know if I can take the disappointment.


Magaly Guerrero said...

Next year, I will shake it with you... Maybe if we add more body parts to the fist-shaking, they'll win.

yellowdoggranny said...

my heart breaks for you...I know the pain..the cowboys have been sucking soo bad...always next year.

Rosemary said...

What a shame

baili said...

It's okay my friend there is always "next time" for players

Lynn said...

I totally understand (Falcons in the super bowl last year - still sad), but next year! So sorry your team was not victorious this time.

Jenn said...

aghhhhhhhh wahhhhhhh! Is about all I can say.

Her Royal Highness said...

Oh, quit whining, you big suck. NO ONE CARES! Especially not me.

Her Royal Highness said...

That comment was directed at Debra She Who Seeks, of course, not the rest of you. If any of the rest of you are upset at Calgary's loss, why, of course I am purring in sympathy with you.

Barbara said...

Sounds like the story of Casey at the Bat!!

Bob Johns said...

Yeah, but it was a great game! Just not the best outcome.

Magic Love Crow said...

Now, you have to admit Debra, it was a good game! I loved it! LOL! Actually, I loved seeing all the snow! I thought it was perfect! Hey did you like Shania? I liked the dog sled! Big Hugs!

The Happy Whisk said...

Here's to next year !!!!

John Going Gently said...

4th photo Jesus is hot!