Tuesday 12 December 2017

Whaddya Mean, It's Spelled HanukKAH?

Hello, everyone, HER ROYAL HIGHNESS THE CAT here once again, selflessly gracing you with my wonderful presence!

But enough about me. I DO have a purpose in being here.

I just popped by to commandeer my human's blog so that I can wish HAPPY HANUKKAT to all my feline friends of the Jewish purr-suasion.

TONIGHT at sundown, the first candle will be lit on the menorah --

And cats everywhere will be having fun playing with their DREIDEL CAT TOYS!

Plus enjoying all the SPECIAL FOODS and YUMMY TREATS of the holiday!

So here's wishing everyone . . .

HA HA, got you going there for a minute, didn't I?

But in all sincerity (or at least as CLOSE to sincerity as I ever get) -- MAZEL TOV and MEOW!


anne marie in philly said...

oy gevalt, HRH! happy hanukkat to all felines!

Anonymous said...


Moving with Mitchell said...

CHANUKAH (filled with flem) when I was a kid. But ChanuCat works for me. Her Royal Highness can have any gefitle fish that I get... although I don't think we'd find any here.

Marie Smith said...

Purr-fect indeed! Happy hanukkat to all good felines!

Bob said...

I like Hanukkat. Of course I'm surrounded by three cats so i was forced to type that!

Anna of Mutton Style and Years said...

My cats thank you and will have your message printed and kept by their cushions to wave at me when they are displeased.

Jeanne said...

Gomez approves of HanuKkat.

Linda d said...

Lordy I need a cat. It’s been too long.

Martha said...

HRH is always so thoughtful! And funny :)

Snap said...

Yee-Haw! Glad HRH isn't leaving out any holiday celebration. Purrfect!

Lady M said...

Those cats in yarmulkes are cracking me up. Hope you enjoy eight crazy nights of Hanukkah fun!

TL said...

Happy Hanukkat, er, Hanukkah, er... either one. ;-)

Birdie said...

Norbert loves the colllar and has ordered it online using my PayPal account. (Not sure how he got the password.) He said he wants to feel fancy.

Adam said...

I wonder how many kids of Jewish and Non Jewish parents got extra parents for the 2 holidays

e said...

What a lovely holiday greeting from HRH! I'm not surprised. I've gotten to know her a little better since she began stalking Pierre. She is a cat of very catholic tastes (lol). I don't have to explain that, do I? :-)

Anonymous said...

Mmm, latkes.

Mistress Maddie said...

Judging from the last picture, she doesn't look thrilled.

Leanna said...

My funny Jewish uncle would approve. Love the latkes. Regardless that my brothers and I were Catholic, my uncle (and Godfather) would always stop by the house and bring Chanukah presents. He had no children of his own so he sort of adopted us. I miss him dearly.
I am so stealing that gefilte fish cat.

DEZMOND said...

I wouldn't trust a cat with latkas in my life..... only a coon....

A Heron's View said...

Blink, blink, blink, blink! (cat kissies)

MrsDuncanMahogany said...

This is purrfect!

baili said...


happy event to you too yourhighness!

enjoyed the all excellent pose of your's hahaha

LL Cool Joe said...

A cat and a candle looks like a dangerous combination. Nice to see your pussy again. ;)

Rain said...

Hee hee hee! I love this! :)

Turn The Page said...

Good one! Have a fine day! Aloha!

Lisa said...

The last picture kind of looks like my gynecologist...Hahaha!

Rawknrobyn.blogspot.com said...

You're purrfectly, adorably meshugenah!
I love you.
Happy Hanukah.

Bill Lisleman said...

from the little I know about Gefilte fish it probably doesn't even make for good cat food.

klahanie said...

Okay and Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar has asked me to kindly pass on her pawfect wishes to you for a most pawesome Hanukkat.

Penny's human dad,


Magic Love Crow said...

LOL! Too funny! My mother's step brother, just found out this year, he is half Jewish!

Magaly Guerrero said...

I never knew how to pronounced, HRH. Thanks so much. I've no idea how Debra can cope when your spirit is not around to take care of things.

Davoh said...

O, OOps ... my canine sort of chases felines, grabs them by the neck .. holds them until i tell the canine to 'LET GO' ...
Can you guarantee Feral felines respond to 'voice' commands - in the wild???

CraveCute said...

LOL ...just made my day, thanks a bunch and happy Hanukkat.

yellowdoggranny said...

the can I haz cracked me up